[Ord. No. 2003-2744; Ord. No. 2004-2797; Ord. No. 2006-2885 § 2]

Principal and accessory buildings and structures located in the Residence and Office (RO) Zone that are devoted to exclusively nonresidential development at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance may be expanded or new office buildings can be proposed without incorporating a dwelling unit provided the following conditions are satisfied:

A. The property shall comprise frontage along State Highway 35 or County Route 520.

B. The building shall present and maintain a residential facade.

C. No more than one (1) ingress/egress driveway shall be provided via a local roadway.

D. Permitted building coverage may be increased by twenty (20%) percent and lot coverage by five (5%) percent where two (2) or more adjoining lots establish shared parking and/or access arrangements. Each lot participating in the arrangement shall be permitted the increased building coverage.

E. The required rear yard building setback shall be forty (40') feet.

F. A minimum twenty (20') foot wide landscaped buffer shall be required where a property adjoins a Single-Family Residential Zone. A ten (10') foot buffer shall be permitted where a solid, minimum six (6') foot fence is provided.

G. At least one (1) principal operating building entrance shall face a public right-of-way.

H. Compliance with Section 16-917.C.3.

I. No building mounted signs shall be permitted.

J. Internally illuminated signs are prohibited.

K. Signs shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in height and shall have a minimum front setback of eight (8') feet. No more than one (1) sign is permitted.


[Ord. No. 2010-2999 § 3]

Ministorage shall be permitted as a conditional use in the Planned Development Zone provided that the use and/or structures shall adhere to the following:

A. Such facilities shall be situated at a minimum three hundred (300') feet setback from the Highway 35 and/or Kings Highway East right-of-way, and at a minimum sixty-five (65') feet setback from the Kanes Lane right-of-way.

B. Such facilities shall not be permitted within one hundred (100') feet of any single-family residential zone boundary.

C. No building shall exceed two and one-half (2 1/2) stories and/or thirty-five (35') feet in height.

D. Building facades visible from the road shall incorporate design features such as offsets, projections, window reveals, or similar elements to preclude large expenses of uninterrupted building surfaces. Along the face of a building, such features shall occur at a minimum of every fifty (50') feet.

§ 16-825 BILLBOARDS.

[Ord. No. 2011-3029 § 3]

A. The purpose of this section is to limit the location, form and placement of billboards to only specified areas of the Township and to ensure that construction, form and placement is compatible with the need for a desirable visual environment, good civic design and arrangement, the well-being of residential areas, the safety of motorists, and to prevent the location of facilities which may result in blight along transportation routes within the Township.

B. Billboards shall be permitted as a conditional use in the Planned Development (PD) and Residential Townhouse (RTH-9) Zone districts, provided that the billboard and its location and installation shall adhere to the standards of the zone district and to the following conditions:

1. The billboard shall be located only on a lot having frontage on State Highway 35 or State Highway 36.

2. The billboard shall only be constructed as a ground sign.

3. No billboard shall be located on a lot that is developed with any use, building, business, or structure that is not permitted by the zone district.

4. No billboard shall be affixed to any building or mounted on any roof.

5. All parts of a billboard, including any support post or sign face, shall be set back not less than ten (10') feet from the right-of-way line of State Highway 35 or State Highway 36 and fifty (50') feet from any other lot line.

6. Not more than one (1) billboard shall be permitted on the lot.

7. Billboards shall not be permitted on any lot where any other ground sign with an area of fifty (50) square feet or greater has been constructed or approved.

8. No portion of any billboard shall be located within two hundred (200') feet of any residential use.

9. The distance allowed from any billboard to any other billboard, or to any ground sign with an area of fifty (50) square feet or more shall not be less than seven hundred fifty (750') feet as measured along the nearest edge of State Highway 35 or State Highway 36 between points directly opposite the edge of the billboard nearest the right-of-way of State Highway 35 or State Highway 36. The point of measurement for back-to-back signs shall be the midpoint between the nearest edge of the back-to-back sign faces.

10. No light-emitting diode (LED) billboards, digital billboards, video billboards, alternating face billboards, or animated, rotating, or moving billboards shall be permitted.

11. The sign face of the billboard shall not exceed two hundred forty (240) square feet.

12. No billboard shall exceed a height of twenty-five (25') feet.

13. Any lighting illuminating the billboard shall be directed onto the advertising surface of the billboard and shall be adequately shielded to prevent visual impairment of motorists. Billboards shall not be internally illuminated.

14. The billboard shall be in compliance with the Roadway Signs Control and Outdoor Advertising Act (N.J.S.A. 27:5-5 et seq.) and Regulations (N.J.A.C. 16:41C-1.1 et seq.) as well as any other applicable statutes, laws and regulations related to billboards.

15. A billboard sign shall not be erected unless approved by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, and a license shall be secured for an off-premises billboard sign at the specific location being sought for approval as a conditional use.

16. The angle between billboard sign faces shall not exceed forty-five (45) degrees.

17. Any billboard that was a lawful preexisting nonconforming use as of January 1, 2011, and that occupies a location on a lot that fronts on State Highway 35 or State Highway 36, shall be deemed to be a permitted location for the placement of a billboard under these conditional use provisions. The billboard may be replaced at the location so occupied, irrespective of the conditional use requirements regulating the spacing and setback requirements for billboard placement. All other conditional use requirements apply.

18. Any billboard that was a lawful preexisting nonconforming use as of January 1,2011, and that is not adjacent to State Highway 35 or State Highway 36 and is damaged by elements to such an extent that its supporting members are broken shall be deemed to have been destroyed and shall not be reconstructed.


[Ord. No. 2013-3095 § 3]

Electronic Message Center (EMC) signs may be permitted as a conditional use in those zones specified provided that the sign shall adhere to the following:

A. Maximum EMC Sign Area:

1. B-2 and B-3 Zones - EMC signs shall not exceed forty (40%) percent of the permitted sign area as specified at Sections 16-635.L.2 and 16-635.M.2.

2. Fast Food Restaurant - See Section 16-809.C.2.

B. Minimum Lot Area:

1. B-2 and B-3 Zones - EMC signs shall only be permitted on properties that satisfy the minimum required gross lot area for the applicable zone district.

2. Fast Food Restaurant - See Section 16-809.A.2.

C. Minimum Lot Frontage - EMC signs shall only be permitted on properties that satisfy the minimum required lot frontage in the applicable B-2 and B-3 Zone Districts.

D. Maximum EMC Sign Quantity:

1. B-2 and B-3 Zones - The maximum number of permitted signs per property as specified at Sections 16-635.L.2 and 16-635.M.2 shall apply.

2. Fast Food Restaurant - The maximum number of permitted signs per property as specified at Section 16-809.C.2 shall apply.

E. EMC Appearance:

1. EMC signs shall only be monochromatic signs.

2. Text and/or graphics shall be the illuminated foreground focus of the EMC, and the background shall remain dimmer than the displayed message.

3. The displayed message shall remain static for a minimum of fifteen (15) seconds.

4. No motion, flashing, fading, scrolling or video shall be permitted.

5. All Electronic Message Centers shall feature automatic dimming capability controlled by photocell sensors or approved means that make adjustments based on ambient light conditions.

6. The maximum specified brightness during daylight hours shall not exceed 5,000 nits, and the maximum specified brightness during non-daylight hours shall not exceed 250 nits.

7. The transition time between messages and/or message frames is limited to one (1) second; transitions may not employ fading, dissolving, sweeping or other effects.

8. In the event of malfunction, EMC signs should power down or display a static black screen.

F. EMC active hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and a static message shall be displayed from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

G. EMC signs shall not constitute any portion of a facade sign.

H. An EMC sign shall only be used to advertise goods and services sold on the property where it is located; to publicize on-site activities; to display time, date and temperature, and public service announcements. An EMC may not display messages associated with an off-premises business, establishment, activity, product or service. An EMC may be used for public service announcements and public activities with the prior approval of the Administrative Officer.

I. No EMC shall be permitted in a designated historic district.

J. A conditional use permit shall not be required for the electronic display of numerical fuel pricing at facilities dispensing motor vehicle fuel.