A. Roadways and all appurtenances, including subgrade, subbase, base courses and pavements, shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications as modified herein. All subsurface utilities including service connections (terminating at least two (2) feet behind sidewalk) to each lot and all storm drains shall be installed in all roadway areas prior to the construction of final pavement surfaces.

B. All roadways shall be constructed with either a bituminous concrete flexible pavement structure or a Portland cement concrete rigid pavement structure. Only one (1) type of pavement shall be utilized throughout any development.

C. The pavement structure design for each particular development utilizing either a flexible or rigid pavement type shall be the responsibility of the developer or his engineer.

1. The pavement design shall be based upon traffic loading projections and field sampling and laboratory analysis of the subgrade soils to be encountered in roadway areas in the development and shall follow current design recommendations of the Asphalt Institute, the Portland Cement Concrete Association or such other generally recognized standards as may be acceptable to the Township Engineer.

a. As minimum requirements, rigid Portland cement paving shall be expansion joint type paving utilizing joints similar to Type A expansion joints, according to the Standard Construction details of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.

b. Shall be reinforced, constructed with Class B air-entrained concrete and shall have a minimum thickness of six and one-half (6 1/2") inches for local, local collector, and minor collector streets and eight (8") inches for other classifications.

2. Flexible bituminous concrete pavements shall have an equivalent structural depth of at least ten (10") inches for local, local collector, and minor collector streets.

a. Having a minimum wearing surface of not less than one and one-half (1 1/2") inches of pavement, Type FABC-1, and a minimum bituminous stabilized base course of not less than two and one-half (2 1/2") inches and a dense graded aggregate base course to provide the remaining depth.

b. An equivalent structural depth of at least thirteen (13") inches for other street classifications, having a minimum wearing surface of not less than two (2") inches of pavement, Type FABC-1; a minimum bituminous stabilized base course of not less than three (3") inches, and a dense graded aggregate base to provide the remaining depth.

c. Bituminous stabilized base may be substituted for aggregate base on a one to three (1:3) ratio (stabilized base to aggregate base) all in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications.

D. All subgrade shall be prepared in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications for bituminous concrete and reinforced concrete pavements.

1. Prior to the construction of any subbase, base or pavement course, all soft or unyielding portions of the subgrade which do not attain the required stability will be removed and replaced with the suitable material, and the whole surface of the subgrade shall be compacted.

2. The provision of a uniform roadway subgrade meeting the requirements of the Standard Specifications shall be the full responsibility of the developer.

3. In certain cases, special treatment may be required because of the character or nature of the subsoil.

a. Such special treatment may include lime or cement stabilization, wet excavation, or construction of underdrainage fields.

b. Any proposal by the developer to stabilize subgrade shall be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer.

E. Where granular subbase courses are included in the pavement design section proposed by the developer, they shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications.

1. Bituminous concrete pavements (and stabilized bases) may be constructed on subgrade without subbase or aggregate base courses provided that the subgrade can be satisfactorily prepared as hereinbefore described.

2. Dense graded aggregate base courses shall comply with the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Soil Aggregate, Type 5, Class A, or Type 2, Class A or B.

3. Portland cement concrete pavements must be constructed with a minimum of six (6") inches of a granular type subbase meeting the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Soil Aggregate, Type 4, Class E.

4. Any subbase course of aggregate base course to be utilized with any type of pavement shall have a minimum thickness of four (4") inches.

F. Bituminous base course for use with bituminous concrete pavements shall consist of plant-mixed bituminous stabilized base course (stone mix or gravel mix) in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications.

1. Except that the requirements for the construction of the base course shall be amended to allow the laying of the base course with a single lift maximum thickness not exceeding four (4") inches.

2. Prior to placement of any bituminous stabilized base course, the finished surface of any underlying subbase or aggregate base shall receive a prime coat in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications.

G. Bituminous pavements shall consist of a bituminous concrete surface course Type FABC-1, in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications.

1. The bituminous pavement wearing surface should generally not be installed until just prior to the time the streets are prepared for final acceptance.

a. Prior to the installation of a bituminous concrete surface, the bituminous base course shall be inspected by the Township Engineer.

b. Any areas of the base course in need of repair shall be removed and replaced at the direction of the Township Engineer.

2. In the event the Township Engineer does not approve the sample section of pavement, the developer shall remove the same section and replace it with a type of pavement permitted by this Chapter or such other alternate as may be approved by the Municipal Agency.


A. When the effective operation of a building or structure, or equipment within a building or structure, necessitates placing machinery, motors, generators, or similar devices for cooling, heating, or generating purposes, outside or on top of any structure, they shall be screened from public view.

1. This screening shall consist of densely planted evergreen shrubs which shall grow to not less than five (5') feet after one (1) growing season along with a solid screening element.

a. A solid and uniform fence at least five (5') feet in height on four (4) sides of said equipment.

b. A masonry wall at least five (5') feet in height on four (4) sides of said equipment.

2. Extensions of parapet walls or mansard roof lines or structural or ornamental screens or baffles.

3. Any similar type of solid or uniform screening which will prevent exposure of such equipment to public view.

B. The above requirements shall not be construed to prevent an opening in any required screening for maintenance purposes. However, any such opening shall be made as inconspicuous as is possible so as not to present any unsightly display of said equipment to public view.


A. Sanitary sewers and sewage disposal systems may be required by the Municipal Agency on advice by the Township Engineer or other competent authority.

B. The design and construction or approval of all public systems for extensions of existing system(s), either publicly or privately owned, shall be under the jurisdiction of the Township of Middletown Sewerage Authority.

C. Prior to the approval of any final plat, the full approval of any sewage disposal system must have been obtained from the Township of Middletown Sewerage Authority and filed with the Municipal Agency, or the final approval will be conditioned upon full approval of the Township of Middletown Sewerage Authority.

D. Public sewage disposal system shall be installed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities and in accordance with other requirements of law and subject to the approval of the Township of Middletown Sewerage Authority.

E. Individual sewerage disposal systems (septic tanks) shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of law and in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of local, County and State health agencies.


A. Sidewalk construction shall be required on both sides of all streets within a development and entirely around the perimeter of all cul-de-sacs. Where the development abuts only one (1) side of an existing street, the sidewalks shall only be required for that side. Sidewalks shall also be constructed at other places, such as pedestrian walkways, access points to open space or where the sidewalk can connect to another existing sidewalk systems. However, sidewalk construction or contributions shall not be required for subdivisions where no new lots are created or for enlargements or alterations to existing single family residences.

Installation of sidewalks may be waived by the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment. When sidewalk installation is waived, an in lieu contribution to the Township's Special Trust Account for Sidewalk Construction is required. The Board shall make one (1) or more of the following findings when waiving sidewalk installation:

1. The installation of sidewalks along the frontage of the property involved, would have a detrimental impact and be out of character with the area in question.

2. The street upon which the sidewalks would be installed does not provide direct pedestrian access to a public facility such as a school, an actively used park or a public transportation facility.

3. The road upon which the property fronts is unimproved.

4. The application will result in no new construction or the construction of an accessory building(s) only.

When contributions to the Trust Account for Sidewalk Construction are required, the fee shall be paid prior to the release of signed plans, and shall be based upon the fee schedule in Section 16-314.

Exception: The Board may waive entirely the in lieu contribution when it finds that the development which will result from the application is so minor in scope that its impact on the community, relative to existing conditions, will be insignificant.

B. Sidewalks within street right-of-ways shall generally be located with the sidewalk edge farthest from the roadway placed one (1') foot from the property line. Sidewalks not within street rights-of-way shall be located to provide for the most likely routes of pedestrian travel. In cases where the topography dictates or a proposed development provides for the extension of an existing street or abuts an existing street, where sidewalks have already been installed in a location other than as specified above or where such variations in sidewalk locations are needed to preserve trees or natural features, the Municipal Agency may approve alternate sidewalk locations in order to provide for the preservation of physical features or the continuation of the existing sidewalks.

C. Sidewalks shall be four (4') feet wide and four (4") inches thick of concrete according to specifications required for curbing; Section 16-611 of this Chapter.

1. Where sidewalks cross driveways, the thickness shall be increased to six (6") inches for residential uses and all drives to parking areas of less than fifty (50) spaces, and to eight (8") inches for all other uses.

2. Where the Municipal Agency determines that a sidewalk may be subject to unusually heavy pedestrian traffic, it may require that its width be increased (to a maximum of eight (8') feet).

D. All sidewalk construction and curing precautions shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications.

1. Concrete shall be Class B, air-entrained.

a. Preformed bituminous cellular joint fillers one-half (1/2") inch thick shall be placed at intervals not exceeding twenty (20') feet.

b. Dummy (formed) joints shall be cut into the concrete sidewalk between the expansion joints at equal intervals not exceeding the width of the sidewalk.

2. The sidewalk subgrade shall be compacted prior to the placement of any sidewalk. Any unsuitable material encountered in the subgrade shall be removed and replaced with suitable material acceptable to the Engineer.

3. All six (6") inch or eight (8") inch sidewalk areas crossing driveways shall be reinforced at the midpoint or one-third (1/3) points, respectively, of the sidewalk section. Reinforcing shall be welded wire fabric (66-4x4) or an equivalent approved by the Township Engineer.

4. The Engineer may also require that four (4") inch thick sidewalk be similarly reinforced if unsuitable ground conditions are encountered.

E. Reinforced concrete aprons shall be constructed at all driveways between the concrete curb (or combination curb and gutter) and the concrete sidewalk.

1. Such aprons shall be six (6") inches thick for residential uses and all drives to parking areas of less than fifty (50) spaces and to eight (8") inches for all other uses.

a. They shall be reinforced with welded wire fabric (66-4x4), or an equivalent approved by the Township Engineer.

b. Reinforcement shall be located at the midpoint or one-third (1/3) points, respectively of the section.

2. Concrete shall be Class B, air-entrained.

3. The width of the apron at the curbline shall be not less than the width of the driveway plus ten (10') feet or a minimum of twenty (20') feet, whichever is greater.

4. At each driveway without curb return radii, the concrete curb or combination curb and gutter shall be depressed to form a driveway opening. The depression shall be equal in length to the width of the driveway plus ten (10') feet, but not less than twenty (20') feet.

5. At driveways with curb return radii, the curb depression shall accommodate the exterior limits of the radii.

a. The depression shall be smoothly formed to maintain a lowered curb face across the depression of at least one (1") inch, but not more than two (2") inches.

b. The bottom of the curb shall be lowered to maintain full curb depth across the depression.

F. In areas where alternate sidewalk or apron types and/or locations are proposed or desired, either the decorative purposes or because of physical restrictions or existing conditions, a detail of the type and/or location of sidewalk and apron proposed shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and/or final plat.

1. Continuous slip-formed sidewalks may be permitted if such is considered to be desirable by the Township Engineer.

2. The use of continuous slip-formed sidewalks may only be permitted if the applicant submits, for review and approval, details and specifications concerning the equipment, materials, and methods proposed for use; and if the Township Engineer has inspected the installation and tested the approved a suitable sample section of such sidewalk.

3. In the event the Township Engineer does not approve the sample section of continuous slip-formed sidewalk, the developer shall remove the sample section and replace it with a type of sidewalk permitted by this Chapter or such other alternate as may be approved by the Municipal Agency.

G. Curb ramps for the physically handicapped shall be constructed on all curb returns and where appropriate, in parking areas.

1. In general, two (2) curb ramps shall be constructed at each corner.

2. A single ramp at the center of the corner is acceptable when site conditions preclude the use of the two (2) ramp system.

3. Curb ramps shall be provided at all four (4) corners of full intersections.

4. Curb ramps shall be provided at the two (2) corners plus a location across the street from both of the ramps at "T" intersections.

§ 16-635 SIGNS.

[Ord. No. 95-2415; Ord. No. 2011-3046 § 3]

A. General Provisions.

1. Any signs not specifically permitted are hereby prohibited.

2. No signs except window or special event signs shall be placed on private or public property except for the purpose of identifying a use or uses actually conducted upon the premises upon which such signs are erected and for no other purpose.

3. No sign shall be located in such a manner as to materially impede the view of any street or intersection.

4. Except where otherwise provided, no sign or any part thereof shall be located closer than ten (10') feet to any lot line.

5. All height limitations shall be measured from ground level to the highest part of the sign or its supporting structure, whichever is higher.

6. The maximum height for freestanding signs, unless otherwise provided, shall not exceed twelve (12') feet above ground level.

7. Except where specifically prohibited, all signs may be double-faced, and the maximum area shall apply to each side. The areas of the sign shall include each and every part of the sign, including moldings and frames. Where the sign is supported by a post or pylon whose surface is being used for advertising purposes, the areas of this post, pylon or other supporting members shall be considered as part of the total sign area.

8. Wherever the name or advertising message on a sign is divided between a number of panels or parts, the total area of all of the panels or parts shall be considered as one (1) sign, and where a sign consists of individual letters or numbers, the area of the sign shall be considered as the total area of the smallest rectangle or rectangles which can collectively enclose all of the letters or numbers.

9. Signs erected flat against the side of a building shall not extend above the height of the vertical wall or cornice to which they are attached.

10. No permanent marquees or canopies shall extend over a required front yard or over a public walk.

11. Unless specifically prohibited, all signs may be illuminated as provided for in Section 16-635.E.

12. Whenever a parcel is bordered by more than one (1) street, additional signage may be permitted by the Municipal Agency, in accordance with the standards of this section, for each street upon which the parcel fronts.

13. Signs which are an integral part of an awning shall be permitted and must comply with the sign area requirements of the zone.

14. Electronic message center signs shall be conditionally permitted as specified at Section 16-826. [Ord. No. 2013-3095 § 2]

B. Permits.

1. After a sign permit has been obtained, the copy, wording or pictures may be changed without the necessity of obtaining a new permit or paying any additional fees, so long as the new copy, wording, or pictures comply with the provisions of this section, but no change shall be made in the size or shape of a sign nor shall any structural alterations be made without first obtaining a new sign permit. Modifications to existing signs that will add or replace an electronic message center sign are subject to the conditional use standards set forth at Section 16-826. [Ord. No. 2013-3095 § 2]

2. Permits shall be required for all special event signs.

C. Construction.

1. All signs shall conform to the structural requirements of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code.

2. Freestanding signs shall be supported by posts or pylons of durable materials which may include concrete, steel, treated wood, other suitable materials, or any combination of same. Supports for freestanding signs shall be set securely in the ground or concrete so that the sign will be capable of withstanding high winds. No other bracing or guy wire shall be permitted.

3. Any sign attached flat against the surface of a building shall be constructed of durable material and attached securely to the building with nonrusting metal hardware. When a sign is to be installed on a masonry building, holes shall be drilled in the masonry, and proper nonrusting hardware of the expansion type shall be used. The use of wood or fiber plugs is prohibited freestanding signs shall be set securely in the ground or concrete so that the sign will be capable of withstanding high winds. No other bracing or guy wire shall be permitted.

4. Any sign attached flat against the surface of a building shall be constructed of durable material and attached securely to the building with nonrusting metal hardware. When a sign is to be installed on a masonry building, holes shall be drilled in the masonry, and proper nonrusting hardware of the expansion type shall be used. The use of wood or fiber plugs is prohibited.

D. Maintenance.

1. If the Construction Official shall find that any sign is unsafe, insecure or in need of repair, or is not maintained in proper painted condition, the Construction Official shall give written notice to the permittee thereof. If the permittee fails to repair or remove it within fifteen (15) days and where in the opinion of the Construction Official said sign constitutes a public hazard after such notice, the sign may be removed by the Construction Official at the expense of the permittee or owner of property on which it is located.

E. Illumination. [Ord. No. 2013-3095 § 2]

1. Wiring for illuminated signs shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the electrical codes of the Township. Any fee for an electrical inspection shall be in addition to the fee provided for in the sign permit.

2. Where illuminated signs are permitted, illumination may be provided by floodlights, spotlights, ordinary incandescent bulbs, fluorescent tubs, mercury vapor lamps or light emitting diodes. All illuminated signs shall be properly shielded and so located as to prevent glare or blinding effects upon motor vehicle traffic and so as not to cause a nuisance to residents of the area. Electronic message center signs as defined herein are subject to the conditional use standards set forth at Section 16-826.

3. Whenever the Zoning Officer determines that the lighting on any sign now or hereafter erected constitutes a safety hazard to motor vehicle traffic in the vicinity, the Zoning Officer shall serve written notice of his determination upon the property owner and owner of the sign, directing them to correct the condition within fifteen (15) days from the date of the mailing of the notice. Failure to correct the condition or file an appeal within the time specified shall constitute a violation of this section by both the sign owner and property owner.

F. Signs Permitted Without a Permit. The following signs shall be permitted in any zone in the Township without a permit:

1. Nonilluminated directional signs identifying parking areas, loading zones, entrances, exits, and similar locations. The signs may include a business name or professional name but shall not include any advertising message and shall not exceed three (3) square feet.

2. Temporary and permanent traffic signs and signals installed by the Township, County or State for the purpose of directing and regulating the flow of traffic.

3. Signs indicating public transportation stops when installed by the Township or a public transportation utility.

4. Historical tablets, cornerstones, memorial plaques and emblems which do not exceed six (6) square feet in area and which are installed by government agencies or civil or religious organizations.

5. Warning and no-trespassing signs, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area.

6. Flags or emblems of religious, educational, civic, or governmental organizations flown from supports on the buildings or grounds occupied by the organization and the American flag whenever and wherever flown in accordance with the laws and rules promulgated by the Federal government.

7. Name and number plates identifying residents and affixed to a house, apartment or mailbox, not exceeding fifty (50) square inches in area.

8. Lawn signs identifying residents, not exceeding one and one-half (1 1/2) square feet in area for each side. The signs shall not contain any advertising message and shall be nonilluminated except by a light which is an integral part of a lamppost if used as a support.

9. Signs posted by governmental agencies or pursuant to governmental statute, order or regulation.

10. Signs which are an integral part of vending machines, including gasoline pumps and milk machines, provided that they do not exceed two (2) square feet in area.

11. Real estate signs, announcing the sale, rental, or lease of the premises on which the sign is located, such sign not to exceed four (4) square feet in area. If double-faced, the sign shall not exceed eight (8) square feet in area for both sides. The sign shall be nonilluminated. No more than one (1) real estate sign shall be permitted for each street frontage of the property.

12. Temporary signs or other advertising materials attached to a window shall be removed at the expiration of the event sale for which it was erected or posted. Not more than twenty (20%) percent of the square footage of any single window or single window display area shall be devoted to signs or other advertising material attached thereto or otherwise exposed to public view. Such signs may be illuminated per Section 16-635.E, are subject to the prohibitions set forth at Section 16-635.G, and are not subject to the standards set forth at Section 16-826. [Ord. No. 2013-3095 § 2]

13. Temporary signs for advertising public functions or fundraising events for charitable or religious organizations shall be permitted for a period of ninety (90) days prior to and during the event and shall be removed within five (5) days after the event. The sign shall be nonilluminated, not larger than twelve (12) square feet in area, not exceeding eight (8') feet in height and may be erected flat against the building or freestanding.

14. Temporary signs publicizing or promoting a public election, school board election, campaign for public office, or public referendum for a period of sixty (60) days prior to an election and which shall be removed five (5) days after the election. Such signs in residential zones shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area nor the height limitation for that residential zone. In all other zones, such signs shall not exceed the maximum size and height limitation for the zone in which they are placed.

15. Path-marking signs for garage sales, provided that not more than six (6) signs not exceeding two (2) square feet in size are posted no earlier than one (1) week before the beginning of the sale, are removed the day following the sale and are not otherwise prohibited in Section 16-635.G. below.

16. Real estate open house directional signs advertising the location of an open house to facilitate the sale of property only at the following locations:

a. No more than one (1) such sign may be located at intersections where a turn must be made to arrive at the site of the sale of property, and such sign may be located at no more than three (3) such intersections;

b. No more than one (1) such sign shall be located on the sale property;

c. No such sign shall obstruct, in any fashion vehicular or pedestrian access of view, and all such signs shall be at least three (3') feet from curb lines;

d. Such signs may be no larger than two (2') feet by two (2') feet, and the top of each such sign shall be no higher than four (4') feet from ground level; and

e. No more than one (1) such sign shall be located on the sale property. Each sign must be installed and removed on the same day an open house is scheduled and shall include thereon the name of the real estate agency installing the sign.

17. Seasonal farm advertising signs are nonpermanent structures which may include the temporary display of products or goods produced on farms for purchase by the general public subject to the following:

a. No more than one (1) such sign shall be located on any one (1) property or properties used as a single farm.

b. No such sign shall exceed forty (40) square feet in area, ten (10') feet in height or be located within twelve (12') feet of a street right-of-way.

c. No such sign shall be internally or externally illuminated.

d. All seasonal farm advertising signs shall be temporary in nature, and nonpermanent structures.

e. All seasonal farm advertising signs shall be properly maintained and shall not be allowed to fall into disrepair.

G. Prohibited Signs.

The following signs are prohibited in all zones in the Township.

1. Signs using red, yellow and green lights which in the judgment of the Director of Public Safety interferes with the operation of any traffic control signal.

2. Moving or revolving signs, signs displaying video, and signs using fading, scrolling, blinking, flashing, vibrating, flickering, tracer or sequential lighting. [Ord. No. 2013-3095 § 2]

3. Signs using any material which sparkles or glitters, but nothing herein contained is intended to prohibit the use of reflective paint on signs directing traffic or identifying various locations within a lot or parcel.

4. Any sign which, in the judgment of the Director of Public Safety, unreasonably tends to distract drivers or otherwise constitutes a traffic hazard.

5. Roof signs.

6. Signs or advertising matter of an indecent or obscene nature.

7. Signs using words such as "stop," "look," "danger," etc. which are placed in a manner or position which, in the judgment of the Director of Public Safety, constitutes a traffic hazard or otherwise interferes with the free flow of traffic.

8. Signs which attempt to imitate or otherwise cause confusion with existing signs erected by any governmental board, body or agency.

9. Except where specifically permitted, signs advertising a product or service not sold on the premises, signs advertising or directing attention to another premise and any other signs unrelated to the premises on which the sign is erected.

10. Signs causing interference with radio or television reception.

11. Signs obstructing door, fire escapes or stairways or keeping light or air from windows used for living quarters.

12. Flags, banners, strings of banners, pinwheels, A-type signs, sandwich-type signs, sidewalk signs, curb signs, and similar advertising devices.

13. Any sign or banner spanning a public street.

14. Signs placed on trees, fences, utility poles, light poles, signs attached to other signs and signs placed upon motor vehicles which are continuously or repeatedly parked in a conspicuous location to serve as a sign, but nothing herein contained is intended to prohibit the placement of signs directing traffic or identifying various locations within a lot or parcel on light poles and utility poles erected therein.

15. Any series of two (2) or more signs placed along a street or highway carrying an advertising message, part of which is contained on each sign.

16. Signs which advertise that real estate has been sold.

17. A sign on a motor vehicle, truck, trailer, whether or not operational and whether or not self propelled which is used or parked or designated to be parked for advertising purposes. Specifically exempted from this section are those signs, nameplates, or letters affixed to or printed upon commercial vehicles regularly used in the course of business for regular deliveries, pick ups or other such purposes and/or in compliance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-46. Specifically included are signs on vehicles, trailers, and the like which have as their prime purpose the advertising of goods, wares, or services of a business which are maintained in a stationary manner at one or more locations for extended periods of time.

H. Signs Permitted in Residential Zones (R-220, R-130, R-110, R-90, R-45, R-45A, RR, R-30, R-22, R-22A, R-15, R-TF, R-10, R-7, R-5, R-O, RTH, RTH-1, RTH-2, RTH-3, RGA, RGA-1, RGA-2 and RGA-3).

1. Residential name plates, lawn signs, and real estate signs as specified in Section 16-635.F.

2. Signs in connection with each housing or land development, as follows:

a. At the main entrance to the development, two (2) nonilluminated freestanding signs which shall state the name of the development and no other advertising material. Each sign shall not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet in area and eight (8') feet in height.

b. At each entrance other than the main entrance, one (1) nonilluminated freestanding sign not exceeding fifteen (15) square feet in area and not more than eight (8') feet in height.

c. At the rental or sales office of the development, one (1) freestanding illuminated sign advertising the office, not to exceed fifteen (15) square feet in area and not more than five (5') feet in height.

3. Signs in connection with permitted residence/office, business office or professional office in the R-O Zone shall be permitted one (1) externally illuminated freestanding sign which shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area, nor six (6') feet in height and shall contain a minimum front setback of eight (8') feet. [Ord. No. 98-2529]

I. Signs Permitted in the R-1 and R-2 Planned Adult Community Zones.

1. Residential name plates as specified in Section 16-635.F.

2. One (1) freestanding, externally illuminated, or nonilluminated project identification sign for each direction of travel on any public street on which the development has frontage, not to exceed thirty (30) square feet in area nor six (6') feet in height and located not less than twenty (20') feet from any street or adjacent property line. Such signs may bear only the name of the development, the street address, and the presence or lack of vacant units.

3. Real estate signs, the sole purpose of which is to direct the public to the development. Four (4) temporary freestanding nonilluminated signs at key intersections. Each sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet in area and eight (8') feet in height above the ground. The sign permit shall be issued for a period of six (6) months and shall be renewable for additional periods of six (6) months during the period of construction.

4. Such other signs as the approving authority may in its discretion deem appropriate.

J. Signs Permitted in Office-Research (OR, OR-1, OR-2 & OR-3) Zones. [Ord. No. 98-2529]

1. One (1) freestanding entry sign located on each street providing access to the office-research project. Where this zone is not surrounded by or adjacent to residential zones, the applicable freestanding sign standards of the adjacent zone shall apply. Where residential zones abut the office-research zone, one (1) freestanding sign, not exceeding twenty-five (25) square feet in area nor ten (10') feet in height shall be permitted.

2. Each use in the office-research zone may erect one (1) freestanding sign not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in area nor ten (10') feet in height, provided however, where more than one use exists in a building, or where two (2) or more buildings share common site elements or are located on the same lot, as indicated on an approved site plan, only one (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted.

3. One (1) facade sign for each building may be placed or inscribed upon one (1) facia of the building. Said signs shall not exceed an area equal to ten (10%) percent of the facade upon which the sign is to be located.

4. Nonilluminated directional signs, none of which shall exceed twenty-five (25) square feet in area nor eight (8') feet in height, may be permitted by the Municipal Agency so as to facilitate interior traffic flow.

K. Signs Permitted in the B-1 Business Zone.

1. One (1) facade sign may be placed or inscribed upon the front facade of a building for each permitted use or activity. Said signs shall not exceed an area of one (1) square foot for each one (1) foot in width of the front of the building or portion thereof devoted to such use of activity.

2. One (1) freestanding sign shall also be permitted for each business. Said sign shall not exceed the size of the permitted facade sign. In the case of two (2) or more businesses on the same site, only one (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted. Said sign shall not exceed thirty (30) square feet in area or six (6') feet in height.

L. Signs Permitted in the B-2 Business Zone.

1. One (1) facade sign may be placed or inscribed upon the front facade of a building for each permitted use or activity. Said signs shall not exceed an area equal to ten (10%) percent of the front wall area of the building or portion thereof devoted to such use or activity.

2. Each use in the B-2 Zone may erect one freestanding sign not exceeding fifty (50) square feet in area nor ten (10') feet in height, provided however, where more than one (1) use exists in a building, or where two (2) or more buildings share common site elements or are located on the same lot as indicated on an approved site plan, only one (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted. No freestanding sign shall be located in an area within twenty-five (25') feet of any boundary of a residential zone.

3. For standards pertaining to electronic message center signs refer to Section 16-826. [Ord. No. 2013-3095 § 2]

M. Signs Permitted in the B-3 Business Zone.

1. One (1) facade sign may be placed or inscribed upon the front facade of a building for each permitted use or activity. Said sign shall not exceed an area equal to ten (10%) percent of the front wall area of the building, or portion thereof, devoted to such use or activity.

2. Each use in a B-3 Zone may erect one (1) freestanding sign in accordance with the table shown below; provided however, where more than one (1) use exists in a building, or where two (2) or more buildings share common site elements or are located on the same lot as indicated on an approved site plan, only one (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted. The maximum size of the sign shall be determined in accordance with the following table:

3. For standards pertaining to electronic message center signs refer to Section 16-826. [Ord. No. 2013-3095 § 2]

N. Signs Permitted in the B/P - Business Park Zone.

1. One (1) facade sign may be placed or inscribed upon the front facade of a building for each permitted use or activity. Said sign shall not exceed an area equal to ten (10%) percent of front wall area of the building or portion thereof devoted to such use or activity.

2. Each use in a B/P Zone may erect one (1) freestanding sign in accordance with the table shown below. Where more than one (1) use exists in a building, or where two (2) or more buildings share common site elements or are located on the same lot as indicated on an approved site plan, only one (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted. The maximum size of the sign shall be determined in accordance with the following table:

O. Signs Permitted in the M-1 Light Industrial Zone.

1. One (1) freestanding sign not exceeding twenty-eight (28) square feet in area on any one (1) side, set back at least twenty-five (25') feet from the street line.

2. One (1) facade sign which does not exceed ten (10%) percent of the area of the facade on which it is placed.

3. Other directional, instructional or safety signs, subject to approval of the Municipal Agency at the time of site plan approval.

P. Signs Permitted in the M-C Marine Commercial Zone.

1. One (1) facade sign may be placed or inscribed upon the front facade of a building for each permitted use or activity. Said signs shall not exceed an area equal to ten (10%) percent of the front wall area of the building or portion thereof devoted to such use or activity.

2. One (1) freestanding sign which shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet in area nor ten (10') feet in height and shall be no closer than ten (10') feet to the street line. No freestanding sign shall be located within twenty-five (25') feet of any boundary of a residence zone.

Q. Signs Permitted in the Mixed Use Development Zone.

1. One (1) freestanding entry sign located on each street providing access to the mixed use development, the freestanding sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet in area, nor ten (10') feet in height, and shall not be closer than twenty (20') feet to the street line.

2. One (1) facade sign may be placed or inscribed upon the facade of a building for each permitted nonresidential use or activity. Said signs shall consist of individual letters and shall not exceed an area of a building or part thereof devoted to such nonresidential use or activity.

3. Nonilluminated directional and traffic control signs may be permitted by the appropriate Board to facilitate interior traffic flow. The signs may include a business or professional name but shall not include any advertising message.

R. Special Event Signage.

1. All businesses in the Township shall be permitted to conduct up to five (5) special events per year. Such events shall be permitted to last not more than seven (7) consecutive days.

2. Grand opening signs shall be permitted for all new businesses and shall be permitted to last not more than thirty (30) days.

3. Special event signage shall be permitted to include flags, banners, pennants and sandwich signs. However, in no case shall said signs be located within the public right-of-way or placed in a manner which could result in a hazard to the public.

4. A permit shall be required for all special events. A record of all special events shall be kept by the Zoning Officer in order to ensure compliance with these regulations.

S. Gasoline Canopy Signs.

1. Signs shall be permitted on gasoline stations canopies as long as all sign area limitations of the zone district are complied with.

2. Signs attached to a gasoline canopy shall be designed in a manner consistent with the architectural style and colors of the canopy and other structures on site.