§ 16-623 LIGHTING.

A. All parking areas for five (5) or more motor vehicles shall be illuminated with approved exterior lighting standards, with a minimum of one-half (1/2) horizontal foot candles average lighting level at the surface of the lot.

1. The minimum lighting level at any location within the parking area shall be seventy-five (75%) percent of the average level.

2. Freestanding lighting standards or poles shall not exceed by more than ten (10') feet the height of adjacent buildings served by the parking lot.

B. All major pedestrian walkways and sidewalks which are not within a street right-of-way or abutting a private internal street serviced by street lighting and which are used by the public after sunset shall be illuminated with a minimum lighting level of one-half (1/2) horizontal foot candles average at the surface of the walk.


[Ord. No. 2011-3046 § 2]

A. All site plans, subdivision and planned development layouts shall comply with the following requirements:

1. Each development shall identify and map on-site critical areas such mapping shall depict the location of each of two (2) classes of critical area in relation to the proposed development. Each class of area shall be distinguished graphically and the total area of each class within each lot shall be noted.

a. Class I Critical Areas shall include all lands which are within one (1) or more of the following:

(1) Tidal Wetlands.

(2) Nontidal Wetlands.

(3) The area of steep slopes which are twenty-five (25%) percent or greater.

(4) Surface waters and watercourses.

b. Class II Critical Areas shall include all lands which are within one (1) or more of the following:

(1) Steep slope areas where the slopes are fifteen (15%) percent or greater, but less than twenty-five (25%) percent.

(2) Transition areas, insofar as they apply to freshwater wetlands, required pursuant to the New Jersey Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act (N.J.S.A. 13:9B-1 et seq.)

2. Each lot shall contain a contiguous developable area in accordance with the buildable lot area as specified in the Schedule in Section 16-902. Up to twenty-five (25%) percent of the contiguous developable area of any lot can be Class II critical areas. [Ord. No. 2000-2604 § I]

3. Any portion of any site or lot which is both a Class I and Class II Critical Area shall be considered as Class I only.

4. When a development proposal meets the requirements of the F.A.R provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, but the site is substantially constrained with Class I and II critical areas or of unusual size or shape (i.e. nonrectangular), the developer must demonstrate that it can substantially comply with all Zoning Ordinance requirements including, but not limited to, setbacks, buffering, parking, building size and height. Where the Board concludes that such compliance is not met, a reduction in building size or number of lots may be required. [Ord. No. 2000-2604 § II]

5. Each development shall be designed to minimize disturbance of Critical Areas during construction and subsequent use of the property. The following standards shall be adhered to:

a. No fill or principal building shall be located within thirty (30') feet of a tidal wetland.

b. Principal nonresidential buildings and accessory buildings and structures, including open or enclosed parking, shall be set back at least twelve (12') feet from any required freshwater wetland transition area.

c. Where any yard of a residential development is within a freshwater wetlands transition area, the required yard setback shall be maintained between the building or structures and the transition area boundary.

6. Where appropriate, and contingent upon the required approval of any other governmental agency, the Municipal Agency may approve the following where they do not impair the integrity of a Critical Area.

a. Water dependent buildings, structures or accessways.

b. Buildings or structures incidental to the use of a critical area as public or common open space.

c. Pedestrian or vehicular accessways.

d. Structures necessary for shore protection or flood control such as bulkheads, or revetments.

B. Insofar as is practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight streets, and radial to curved streets.

C. Lot Line on Widened Street. Where extra width is to be provided for the widening of existing streets, lot measurements shall begin at the proposed right-of-way line, and all setbacks shall be measured from such lines unless otherwise provided by this Chapter.

D. Unsuitable Lots. All lots created within the Township of Middletown shall be suitable for the purpose for which they are intended to be used. To prevent the use of lots which are not suitable because of adverse conditions, including but not limited to, topography, rock formations, flood conditions, soils, wetlands and wetland transition areas or unusual size, shape or configuration, the Municipal Agency may withhold approval of such lots, or require revisions in a subdivision layout. [Ord. No. 2000-2604 § II; Ord. No. 2000-2604 § III]

1. Residential building lots shall be suitable where there exists adequate lot area for the construction of a principle structure as well as normal accessory residential uses such as, pools, decks, sheds and garages.

E. All lots are to be entirely graded.

F. Minimum of five (5) substantially different front elevations with varied setback as approved by the Municipal Agency shall be used for dwellings in each subdivision.

G. Only those trees shall be removed as shall be necessary to permit construction of streets, driveways, lawns, and dwellings, and other authorized structures.

H. Prior to final plat approval by the Municipal Agency, two (2) copies of the map shall be submitted to the Township Engineer for proper assignment of lot and block numbers and street numbers. One (1) copy of said map shall be returned with the new numbers shown. The other copy will be retained for tax map purposes. Lot and block numbers will be assigned in accordance with the tax map specifications of the State of New Jersey, Department of the Treasury, as amended. Subdivided lots and blocks shall generally bear the original numbers with a number added as a subscript. The use of letter designations should particularly be avoided.

I. Lot Frontage. Each lot shall front on an approved street accepted or to be accepted by the Township.

J. All structures must be accessible by means of an approved driveway. The driveway must be not less than ten (10') feet wide and must have a centerline grade of not less than one-half (0.5%) percent and not greater than ten (10%) percent. For all non-single family uses, driveways must provide turnarounds to eliminate the necessity of any vehicle backing onto any street.

K. Minimum Circle Diameter. [Ord. No. 2007-2900 § 2; Ord. No. 2007-2916 § 3]

1. The building envelope for any lot shall be of such dimensions that it shall be able to contain within it the shape of a circle whose minimum diameter is not less than as prescribed as follows:

2. The minimum required circle diameter may be reduced by forty (40%) percent at lots that predominantly front upon a cul-de-sac bulb.

3. Any existing detached single-family dwelling which is a conforming use but which is on a lot made nonconforming by the provisions of this section, or was established as part of a performance residential or cluster development, may be enlarged or expanded within its building envelope provided that such expansion conforms to all other zone district regulations.

4. The requirements specified in 16-624.K.1 shall not apply to lots created as a result of an approved Performance Residential Development. [Ord. No. 2010-3002 § 1]


Monuments shall be of a size and shape required by N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.N and amendments and supplements thereto and shall be placed in accordance with said statute. In addition to the required monuments after the grading is finished, the developer shall install a solid steel stake three-fourths (3/4") to seven-eighths (7/8") inch in diameter, thirty (30") inches in length, and including a cap identifying the surveyor's name and license number on lot corners, lot line angle points, or other changes in direction not marked by monuments, and at all angle points or discontinuities in easement lines where such easements are not parallel to property lines.


A. For every building, structure, or park thereof having over five thousand (5,000) square feet of gross floor area erected and occupied for commerce, business, hospital, laundry, dry cleaning, places of public and quasi-public assembly, industry and other similar uses involved in the receipt and distribution by vehicles of materials, or merchandise, there shall be provided and permanently maintained adequate spaces for standing, loading, and unloading services in order to avoid undue interference with the public use of streets or alleys.

1. Every building, structure, or addition thereto having a use which complies with the above definition shall be provided with at least one (1) truck standing, loading and unloading space on the premises not less than twelve (12') feet in width, thirty-five (35') feet in length, and fourteen (14') feet in height.

2. Such buildings that contain an excess of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of gross building area will be required to provide additional off-street loading spaces as determined by the Municipal Agency during site plan review.

B. No part of any off-street truck loading or unloading space and backup area shall be located within the right-of-way of the public street, including the sidewalk area. Off-street truck loading and unloading spaces will be located and designed to permit any truck to maneuver from a driveway into and out of such space without encroaching upon any portion of a public street, existing or proposed right-of-way, including the sidewalk.

C. Whenever an off-street loading and unloading area shall be located next to a residential zone, said loading and unloading area shall be suitably screened and buffered subject to approval by the Municipal Agency.

D. Off-street loading and unloading areas shall be surfaced with an adequately designed durable, all weather pavement of either bituminous concrete or Portland cement concrete clearly marked for loading spaces.

E. Access to truck standing, loading, and unloading space shall be provided directly from a public street or alley or from a right-of-way that will not interfere with public convenience, and will permit orderly and safe movement of truck vehicles.

F. Loading spaces as required under this section shall be provided in addition to off-street parking spaces and shall not be considered as supplying off-street parking space.

G. Unless otherwise permitted, fire zones shall not be used as standing, loading or unloading areas.

H. Off-street loading and unloading areas shall conform, as applicable to all design and locational standards set forth for off-street parking; including, but not limited to those set forth in Section 16-627 of this Chapter.


[Ord. No. 2005-2825]

A. In all zones and in connection with every industrial, commercial, institutional, professional, recreational, residential or any other use, there shall be provided off-street parking spaces in accordance with the requirements and parking lot standards as contained in this section.

1. Each dead storage bay of an off-street parking space may be perpendicular with the aisle, parallel with the aisle, or at any angle between sixty (60) degrees and ninety (90) degrees. No angle parking layout shall be permitted with an angle less than sixty (60) degrees.

2. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided as further specified in this Ordinance with necessary passageways and driveways.

3. All such space shall be deemed to be required space on the lot of which it is situated and shall not be encroached upon or reduced in any manner.

4. Parking for Mixed-Use Buildings.[Ord. 2005-2825]

a. A minimum of three and one-half (3.5) parking spaces for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross commercial floor area shall be provided.

b. Parking for residential uses shall comply with Residential Site Improvement Standards.

c. Shared Parking on Adjacent Parcels. When land uses on adjacent parcels create shared parking areas with pedestrian and/or vehicular circulation paths and access points that are under common ownership or controlled by a reciprocal easement agreement, the collective parking requirements for development on those properties may comply with the standards set forth in paragraphs a. and b. above.

d. Shared Parking on Noncontiguous Parcels. Required parking for mixed-use buildings may be supplied at a noncontiguous parcel, provided:

(1) Parking is available within one thousand (1,000') feet of the mixed-use development;

(2) Both the mixed-use development and the parking facility comply with parking lot design standards; and

(3) Off-site parking spaces may not already be designated as required parking for some other use.

e. Documentation confirming the ownership and/or management arrangement for any shared parking arrangement shall be submitted prior to approval by the Approving Authority.

f. Properties with extra parking retain expansion rights equivalent to that number of extra spaces.

g. Provided a mixed-use building(s) complies with off-street parking lot design standards, legal on-street parking along the tract's street frontage may be counted toward the development's minimum parking requirements.

h. The minimum required number of parking spaces may be reduced by twenty-five (25%) percent provided a mixed-use building is within two thousand five hundred (2,500') feet of a designated transit stop.

5. No commercial vehicle with a gross vehicle weight in excess of ten thousand (10,000) pounds shall be parked out-of-doors overnight in a residential zone.

6. See Section 16-919.A.4. for parking requirements applicable to mixed-use development in the B-1 Zone.

B. Parking for all uses in all zones shall not be located in any required front yard area, unless otherwise specified, nor between any existing or proposed building (or the extension of the plans of the exterior surface of any existing or proposed building to the lot boundaries) and any street right-of-way line.

1. Parking for single and two-family dwellings shall not be subject to yard area location restrictions except that such parking shall be set back at least five (5') feet from all property lines.

2. Parking shall only be permitted with access aisles meeting the requirements of Section 16-612.

3. No parked vehicles shall block or obstruct sidewalks or walkways and no parking shall be permitted on lawn or landscaped areas, or other areas not intended, designed and/or approved for such parking.

4. Parking areas for nonresidential uses shall not be located within fifty (50') feet of any residential zone.

5. Parking areas of five (5) or more spaces shall not be located within twenty (20') feet of any street or right-of-way line except for private streets and drives in which case the minimum distance shall be eight (8') feet.

6. Parking facilities in business or industrial zones may be located in any yard space but shall not be closer than twenty (20') feet from any street line.

7. No area shall be used for parking unless it is large enough to provide for at least two (2) contiguous stalls. For single and two-family dwellings, the following shall apply:

a. Garage space may provide for one (1) of the required spaces and the second space may be arranged in tandem.

b. Garage space shall comply with requirements of Section 16-619.B. of this Chapter.

8. All required parking spaces and facilities shall be located on the same lot or parcel as the structure or use it shall serve except, in the case of nonresidential uses, parking facilities may be provided on other lots or parcels within a radius of five hundred (500') feet from the boundary of the lot containing the use to which said parking spaces and facilities are accessory, provided that said lots are in the same ownership as the lot containing the principal use and subject to deed restrictions binding the owner and his or her successors and assigns to maintain the required number of spaces available and required facilities throughout the life of such use.

9. Off-street parking areas shall be designed to prevent the maneuvering of vehicles into or out of parking spaces or the storage of vehicles within any portion of an entrance driveway or driveway lane that is within twenty (20') feet of right-of-way line of a public street.

a. Off-street parking areas shall be so designated to permit all vehicles to turn around on the site in order to prevent the necessity of any vehicles backing onto a public street from such site.

b. No required off-street parking space including adjacent parking access lanes or maneuvering space shall be located within the existing or proposed right-of-way of public streets.

10. Any site that provides temporary stopping space or maneuvering space for vehicles of customers or patrons seeking service at a roadside business establishment, such as a roadside grocery stand, filling station, drive-in bank, and others shall be located so that the stopping, stacking, maneuvering aisles are set back at least ten (10') feet from any existing, or where applicable, future, right-of-way line of a public street.


11. Where parking, other than for single or two-family dwellings, is permitted between the front building line, a safety island or raised median separating the public street from the parking area shall be provided in accordance with the following minimum requirements.

a. The width of the safety island shall be that width between the proposed curbline to a point eight (8') feet inside the property line. When this width is less than eighteen (18') feet, the parking area shall be reduced to provide a minimum width for the safety island of eighteen (18') feet. All required tree and shrub plantings shall be placed on the on-site portion of the safety island.

b. When perpendicular or angled parking spaces abut the safety island, the stall depth shall be measured from a point one (1') foot outside the face of the curb for perpendicular spaces or angled spaces greater than sixty (60) degrees and two (2') feet outside the face of curb for sixty (60) degree angle spaces. Such parking spaces shall be separated from access drives by curbed islands with a minimum width of ten (10') feet.

c. Safety islands shall be landscaped, topsoiled, and seeded, except that they may, as an alternative to seeding, be provided with a cover or mulch of maintenance-free materials which provide a clear and unmistakable distinction between the parking area and the safety island.

d. Notwithstanding the use of maintenance-free materials, there shall be provided at least one (1) deciduous tree three (3") inches in caliper at breast height every forty (40') feet or part thereof, on all safety islands. A greater distance will be allowed for plantings, if necessary, for traffic safety. The area between trees shall be planted with evergreen type shrubs sufficient to provide low-level screening of the vehicles in the parking area from the public street. The portion of the safety island within twenty (25') feet of any access drive or the sight triangle of a street intersection shall be planted with evergreen type shrubs less than (30") inches in height. Alternate or additional plantings may be permitted by the Municipal Agency in accordance with an approved site plan.

e. No commercial signs, light standards or other aboveground obstructions other than plantings shall be permitted within ten (10') feet of the street right-of-way.

C. Each perpendicular or angle off-street parking space shall occupy a rectangular area of not less than nine (9') feet in width and eighteen (18') feet in depth exclusive of access drives and aisles, except that parking spaces for the physically handicapped. Parallel parking spaces shall occupy a rectangular are a nine feet by twenty-one (9' x 21') feet.

1. The depth of perpendicular or angled parking stalls which abut a landscaped dividing strip, shall be measured from a point one (1') foot outside the face of the curb for perpendicular spaces or angled spaces greater than sixty (60) degrees and two (2') feet outside the face of the curb for sixty (60) degree angled spaces.

2. Uses that own, rent or service motor vehicles larger than automobiles which must be parked and/or stored on the site shall indicate in the statement of operations submitted with the site plan, the size of such vehicles and the anticipated largest number of such vehicles to be stored and/or parked on the site at any single time.

a. The site plan shall show a sufficient number of parking and/or storage stalls at any adequate size for the largest number of such vehicles to be parked and/or stored on the site at any one (1) time.

b. Aisles providing for access to such parking and/or storage stalls shall be of adequate width for the vehicles to be served.

c. Failure of an applicant to indicate, where applicable, in the statement of operations that vehicles larger than automobiles are to be parked and/or stored on the site and provide for such parking and/or storage on the site plan shall be a violation of this Chapter, and any building permit or Certificate of Occupancy that has been issued shall not be valid and may be revoked.

d. Any change of use to a use which requires parking and/or storage space for a greater number of vehicles larger than automobiles than the previous use shall be required to make application for site plan approval.

3. When off-street parking is provided in connection with a use which will assign or can control the utilization of parking areas (for example, employee only parking areas or commuter parking lots), the Municipal Agency may approve separate parking areas for subcompact vehicles. Within such areas the Municipal Agency may approve the reduction of stall size to eight (8') feet wide and sixteen (16') feet long subject to the following:

a. Appropriate signing and marking shall be required.

b. The number of parking stalls which may be designed for subcompact vehicles shall be determined by the Municipal Agency based upon documentation submitted by the applicant.

c. If no garage is provided, the parking spaces required by this Chapter may not be located in any required front setback area notwithstanding that parking is permitted in front setback areas by Section 16-627.B.1. of this Chapter.

D. All parking areas, passageways, and driveways shall be surfaced with a properly designed, durable, all weather pavement of either bituminous concrete or Portland cement concrete and clearly marked for parking spaces.

1. Parking areas for less than fifty (50) cars, which the Municipal Agency determines are not likely to be utilized by heavy truck traffic or drive-up window service, may be paved with two (2") inches of pavement, Type FABC-1 over a six (6") inch gravel base, all in accordance with the specifications contained in Section 16-631.

a. Rigid Portland cement concrete pavement may be utilized at the option of the applicant who shall submit pavement details for review.

b. Minimum requirements shall be a thickness not less than five (5") inches with reinforcing at least equivalent to welded wire fabric (66-10x10). Class "C" concrete (air-entrained) and appropriate expansion and/or contraction joints.

2. In parking areas for one hundred (100) or more cars, access drives and aisles, which the Municipal Agency determines are likely to be utilized by heavy trucks or unusually high traffic volumes, shall provide paving in accordance with the requirements for streets other than local streets set forth in Section 16-631 of this Chapter.

E. Sidewalks with a minimum width of four (4') feet and a minimum thickness of four (4") inches shall be provided in all parking areas for five (5) or more vehicles, between parking areas and principal structures, along aisles and driveways and wherever pedestrian traffic shall occur.

1. Sidewalks must be raised and curbed six (6") inches above the parking area except where crossing streets or driveways and wherever pedestrian traffic shall occur.

2. Sidewalks and parking areas must be arranged to prevent cars from overhanging or extending over sidewalk areas.

3. All sidewalk construction shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the standard specifications.

4. Sidewalk areas crossing driveways shall be six (6") inches reinforced with welded wire fabric (66-10x10) or equivalent approved by the Township Engineer.

F. Curbing. The perimeter of all parking areas and internal islands within all parking areas open to the general public shall have continuous cast in place concrete curbing (see Figure No. 3 in Section 16-611) with a six (6") inch face or such alternate curb types as may be approved by the Municipal Agency at the time of site plan approval.

1. Concrete used should be in accordance with Section 16-610 of this Chapter and comply with the Standard Specifications.

2. Curbing should comply with requirements of Section 16-611 of this Chapter.

3. The Municipal Agency may waive the requirement for curb in parking areas open only to employees, service vehicles, or for loading and unloading, provided that drainage, vehicle control and safety can be properly accommodated by alternate means.

G. All portions of every site, not utilized for pedestrian paths, parking, access drives, loading areas or approved outdoor storage and not covered by buildings or other construction shall be landscaped as provided in Section 16-622 of this Chapter.

1. This shall include areas immediately adjacent to the site on public rights-of-way between curb and sidewalk or the property line of the site.

2. Whenever off-street parking areas shall be located next to a residential zone, said parking areas shall be suitably screened and buffered subject to approval by the Planning Board.

3. Every parking lot with more than one hundred (100) spaces shall be divided as nearly as possible into smaller lots of fifty (50) spaces separated by landscaped dividing strips, excepting the area for access aisles.

a. They shall receive topsoil and be seeded. The use of maintenance free material other than seeding and topsoil may be permitted if the same provides a safe and attractive alternative.

b. Unless otherwise approved by the Municipal Agency, said strips shall be planted with deciduous trees of two (2") inch caliber measured at four (4') feet above the ground with a maximum distance between trees at ground level of thirty (30') feet. All trees shall be planted in accordance with the appropriate requirements of Section 16-606. The area between trees shall be planted with a minimum of three (3) evergreen type shrubs.

c. All landscaping for dividing strips shall be shown as part of the detailed landscaping plan submission, where required.

4. The plantings required within the parking areas shall be considered exclusive from any other plantings that may be required for screening or safety island planting.

5. All parking areas shall be buffered in accordance with requirements of Section 16-606 of this Chapter and in compliance with the Standard Specifications.

H. All parking areas, appurtenant passageways and driveways serving commercial and industrial uses shall be illuminated adequately during the hours between sunset and sunrise when the use is in operation. Adequate shielding shall be provided by commercial and industrial users to protect residential zones from the glare of such illumination and from that of automobile headlights.

I. All parking areas shall provide paint striping to delineate parking stalls, barrier lines, lane lines, directional arrows, stop lines, fire lanes and other striping as may be required to insure safe and convenient traffic circulation. Such striping shall be in substantial conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices except that all parking stall marking shall be "hairpin" style with eight (8") inches between parallel stall dividing lines.

J. All parking areas shall provide traffic control signs and devices necessary to ensure safe and convenient traffic circulation. Such devices shall be in substantial conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

K. Parking areas shall be so arranged as to provide adequate access to all buildings in case of fire or other emergencies.

1. No parking shall be allowed within twenty (20') feet of the outer walls of any nonresidential structure or within such other adequate distance as the Municipal Agency in consultation with Township fire officials, may approve.

2. Free access between adjacent parking areas shall be provided.

3. The developer shall post adequate signs and provide pavement markings, approved by the Municipal Agency prohibiting such parking in designating such areas as fire zones.

L. Driveways, aisles, and access roads shall be provided according to requirements of Section 16-612 of this Chapter.

1. No unrestricted vehicular access shall be permitted between adjacent properties. Vehicular access, if agreed upon by the owners of adjacent properties, or if required by the Municipal Agency, shall normally be limited to one (1) opening providing two (2) lanes of traffic and shall be located in such a manner as to offer continuity of a similar access drive on the adjacent property.

2. The opening shall occur at a point having the greatest distance from the street line which would facilitate the joining of properties.

a. Access shall normally be denied across the remainder of the side lines by construction of a landscaped dividing strip, five (5') feet in width on the property being developed. If and when the adjacent property is developed, there shall be a similar dividing strip at least five (5') feet wide.

b. All dividing strips shall be landscaped as provided in this section.

c. The Municipal Agency may also require that provision be made for future connection to adjacent undeveloped properties.

M. In the event that parking is proposed on a lot or site having a slope greater than ten (10%) percent, regardless of size, it shall be terraced, utilizing retaining walls or properly reinforced embankment slopes and providing for adequate safety, stability and drainage.

1. At no time should an embankment slope that is not reinforced, or any other earthen material having a greater elevation than the adjacent parking area, have a slope exceeding a ratio of three (3:1).

2. When retaining walls, terraces, embankment slopes or similar types of earthen retaining devices are necessitated adjacent to or within the parking area, they shall be kept in good repair or otherwise maintained so as to keep the parking area free of debris and dirt.

N. In multi-family residential zones, and performance residential developments, the following standards shall be used.

1. The number of parking spaces required shall be specified in each zone.

2. Parking spaces are not permitted along major interior or internal streets.

a. Limited parking not to exceed fifteen (15%) percent of the total parking requirements, may occur directly on one side of secondary internal streets.

b. No parking or intersections are permitted along an internal street within sixty (60') feet of a major entrance to a development.

3. Parking is permitted only in parking lots, garages, within townhouse lots or front yards, or along secondary interior streets.

4. All parking lots or areas adjacent to the cartway of a major street shall be separated by a landscaped strip at least eight (8') feet wide.

5. All internal private streets along which no parking is permitted shall have a minimum paved roadway between curbs of:

a. Eighteen (18') feet wide for one (1) direction of movement on non-collector roads and internal driveways.

b. Twenty-four (24') feet wide for two (2) directions of movement of non-collector streets and internal driveways.

c. Thirty (30') feet wide for collector roadways and internal roadways, if roll-over curbs are provided.

d. Thirty-six (36') feet wide for collector roadways and internal roadways, if no roll-over curbs are provided. When parking is permitted, the minimum paved width shall be approved by the Township Engineer.

6. No internal street or parking area may be situated closer than thirty (30') feet to any tract or lot line.

7. Interior streets, parking areas, dwelling unit entrance ways and pedestrian walks shall be provided with sufficient illumination or minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles using the same and shall, where necessary, be shielded to avoid disturbing glares to occupants or buildings. Lighting shall be arranged to reflect away from all adjoining residential buildings.

8. Uncovered parking areas shall be lighted in such a manner that all dwelling units, adjacent uses, and public roads are fully shielded from glare. Not more than fifteen (15) uncovered spaces may be placed along an internal street in a continuous line before there is interposed a curbed, landscaped divider at least eight (8') feet wide, and at least eighteen (18') feet long. Islands separating rows of parking shall be at least eight (8') feet wide.

9. In addition to the above requirements for parking spaces, there shall be provided one (1) space for recreational vehicles for each twenty-five (25) dwelling units. Such recreational vehicle spaces shall be at least ten (10') feet wide by thirty (30') feet long and shall have adequate driveway or aisle width for turning, generally shall be located in rear areas of the tract away from the public view, and screened on at least three (3) sides by a six (6') foot high fence, or berm with full landscaping of equal height. Only recreational vehicles and boats on trailers may be parked in recreational vehicle parking spaces. Such vehicles shall not be used or occupied overnight, or inhabited in any other manner when parked in the development. No boats not on trailers, no campers without shells, no non-wheeled vehicles, and no wheeled vehicles shall be permitted supported by blocks or similar devices for longer than one (1) season. No passenger cars at all will be permitted to be parked in this area.

O. Required parking spaces for the physically handicapped should be located to provide convenient access to building entrances by way of depressed curbs and ramps. The design, location, and quantity of parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall be provided in accordance with all applicable State and Federal Regulations.

The minimum number of accessible parking spaces provided shall be determined by the following table, and shall comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

P. Parking lots having fifty (50) or less spaces shall be designed in accordance with the minimum design requirements contained herein.

1. Parking areas shall not be located within twenty (20') feet of any street or right-of-way line.

2. A ten (10') foot unbroken landscaping strip along side and rear property lines. The ten (10') foot landscaping strips shall have the same minimum planting requirements as safety islands, except that:

a. Where screening is required under this Chapter, the screening requirements shall take precedence.

b. Where the property abuts a lot zoned for nonresidential purposes, but utilized for residential purposes, the Planning Board may also require screening.

3. No more than one (1) two-way access drive or two (2) one-way access drives shall be permitted on any street.

4. Where possible, access drives shall not be located closer than one hundred (100') feet from the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street.

5. No parking stall shall be located to require a vehicle to back into any portion of the right-of-way in order to enter or exit the parking stall, except for residential parking where permitted.

6. All parking areas for ten (10) or more vehicles shall have artificial lighting that will provide a minimum lighting level of five-tenths (0.5) horizontal foot candles throughout the parking area and access drives.

a. For multi-family uses, such lights shall be operated from dusk to dawn and for all other uses when the site or structure is occupied. Freestanding light poles shall be no higher than the height of the highest principal building plus five (5') feet.

b. Shielding shall be required where necessary to prevent glare upon adjacent properties or streets.

Q. Parking lots which have a capacity for parking more than fifty (50) vehicles shall be designed in accordance with the minimum design standards contained herein.

1. All the minimum design standards for small parking areas.

2. All entrance drives shall extend a minimum distance of one hundred (100') feet back from the street curb line or to an access aisle.

3. All exit drives shall extend a minimum distance of sixty (60') feet back from the street curb or to a major access aisle.

4. No parking stalls shall utilize the required entrance and exit drives or major circulation drives as access aisles.

5. Wherever feasible, access drives located along one-way streets or divided highways shall be separate one-way drives. Said drives shall be located so that vehicles enter the parking area at the beginning of the property and exit at the far end of the property unless other considerations, such as a median opening, dictate otherwise.

6. Access drives shall not be located closer than one hundred (100') feet from the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street, except that for uses such as shopping centers, which in the opinion of the Municipal Agency will generate large traffic volumes, access drives shall not be located closer than two hundred (200') feet from the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street.

7. No driveway shall be located less than ten (10') feet from the side property line or within thirty (30') feet of an existing drive, whichever is greater.

8. Properties having a frontage in excess of five hundred (500') feet on any one (1) street shall be permitted two-way and one-way access drives providing for not more than two (2) entrance and two (2) exit movements on the street. Properties having a frontage in excess of one thousand (1,000') feet on any one (1) street may be permitted to have additional access drives subject to the approval of the Planning Board.

9. Where the Municipal Agency determines that the total number of off-street parking spaces required by this Chapter may not be immediately required for a particular use, it may permit a staged development plan, which requires that only a portion of the parking area, but not less than seventy-five (75%) percent of the required spaces, be completed initially, subject to the following regulations:

a. The site plan shall clearly indicate both that portion of the parking area to be initially paved and the total parking needed to provide the number of spaces required by this Chapter.

b. The site plan shall provide for adequate drainage of both the partial and total parking areas.

c. The portion of the parking area not to be paved initially shall be landscaped in accordance with Section 16-606 of this Chapter.

d. The applicant shall post separate performance guarantees in addition to the performance guarantees required under Article VII of this Chapter which shall reflect the cost of installing the additional parking facilities necessary to provide the total number of parking spaces required.

e. In lieu of a permanent Certificate of Occupancy, a temporary Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued for a period of two (2) years. Prior to the expiration of the two-year period, the applicant may either:

(1) Install the additional parking shown on the site plan and apply to the Construction Official for issuance of a permanent Certificate of Occupancy or;

(2) Apply to the Municipal Agency after the use has been in operation a minimum of eighteen (18) months for a determination as to whether or not the initial parking area provided is adequate.

(a) If the Municipal Agency determines that the parking facility is adequate as originally constructed, the performance guarantees may be released and a permanent Certificate of Occupancy issued.

(b) If, however, the Municipal Agency determines that the partial off-street parking area is not adequate, the applicant shall be required to install the additional parking facilities in accordance with the terms of the performance guarantees prior to issuance of a permanent Certificate of Occupancy.

f. Any change of use on a site for which the Municipal Agency may have approved a partial paving of off-street parking area, to use which requires more parking spaces than are provided on the site, shall require submission of a new site plan.

R. Minimum Off-Street Parking Spaces Required.

1. Ambulance Service. One (1) parking space for each three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area plus one (1) space for each ambulance.

2. Automotive Repair Garage or Body Shop. One (1) parking space for each four hundred (400) square feet of gross floor area.

3. Automotive Sales and Service. One (1) parking space for each four hundred (400) square feet of gross floor area shall be provided for customer and employee parking. These areas shall be in addition to areas utilized for display and storage of vehicles. Site plans shall specify which parking spaces are designated for customers, employees, display, and storage.

4. Automotive Service Station. Five (5) parking spaces for each service bay, exclusive of vehicle service area. In no instance shall there be less than five (5) off-street parking spaces.

5. Banks, Savings and Loan Associations and Similar Financial Institutions. One (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.

6. Bar, Cocktail Lounge, Nightclub, Family Entertainment Restaurant including Restaurants with Bars. One (1) parking space for each fifty (50) square feet of gross floor area.

7. Barber and Beauty Shop. Three (3) parking spaces for each chair (if known), but not less than one (1) parking space per two hundred (200) square feet of floor area.

8. Bowling Alley. Three (3) parking spaces for each alley. Other commercial uses within the same building will be computed separately in accordance with this section.

9. Business Offices and Mixed Office Uses. One (1) parking space for each two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area.

10. Car Washes. Five (5) parking spaces for employees plus off-street storage (stacking) space equal to at least five (5) times the number of cars that can be in the wash process at one (1) time. For self-wash or self-service car washes, the requirement for employee parking shall be eliminated.

11. Church, Temple or Chapel. One (1) parking space for each four (4) seats in the main congregation seating area. Where no individual seats are provided, twenty (20") inches of bench shall be considered as one (1) seat. Where seats or benches are not provided, or are provided only in a portion of the main congregation seating area, one (1) parking space for each fifty (50) square feet of floor area within the main congregation seating area.

12. Community Center, Library, Museum, Art Gallery. One (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.

13. Dental or Medical Offices. One (1) parking space for each one hundred fifty (150) square feet of gross floor area. [Ord. No. 94-2389]

14. Dinner Theater. One (1) space for each two (2) seats, plus one (1) space per employee.

15. Drive-In Restaurant. One (1) parking space for each thirty-five (35) square feet of gross floor area.

16. Dwellings. Two (2) parking spaces for each single family dwelling. Two (2) parking spaces for each unit in a two-family dwelling.

17. Farmers Market, Auction Market. One (1) parking space for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of land area in the site.

18. Furniture, Appliance Stores, or Similar Types of Uses Requiring Large Amounts of Storage. One (1) parking space for each four hundred (400) square feet up to four thousand (4,000) square feet, plus one (1) parking space for each eight hundred (800) square feet of gross floor area above four thousand (4,000) square feet.

19. Government Office. To be determined by the approving authority, except that governmental offices within privately owned buildings shall provide a minimum of one (1) parking space for each one hundred fifty (150) square feet of gross floor area.

20. Gymnasium. One (1) parking space for each three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area. [Ord. No. 94-2389]

21. Gymnastic School. One (1) parking space for each four hundred fifty (450) square feet of gross floor area. [Ord. No. 94-2389]

22. Hardware, Auto Supply Stores. One (1) parking space for each four hundred (400) square feet of gross floor area.

23. Health Spa or Athletic Club. One (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area. [Ord. No. 94-2389]

24. Hotel, Motel. One (1) parking space for each rental unit. Each commercial use within the building shall be computed separately according to the requirements for such use set forth herein. The approving authority may allow up to fifty (50%) percent of the required parking for commercial uses in the hotel or motel to be satisfied by guest room parking.

25. Laundromats or Similar Coin Operated Cleaning. One (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.

26. Manufacturing or Industrial Establishment, Research or Testing Laboratory, Bottling Plant or Similar Uses. One (1) parking space for each five hundred (500) square feet of gross floor area.

27. Marina, Boat Yard, Boat Sales. One and one-half (1 1/2) parking spaces for each boat slip or mooring. Where no boat slips or moorings exist, one (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area.

28. Meeting Rooms, Assembly, or Exhibition Hall. One (1) parking space for each fifty (50) square feet of gross floor area.

29. Mixed Professional Office Building. One (1) parking space for each two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area. [Ord. No. 94-2389]

30. Mortuary, Funeral Home. One (1) parking space for every one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area.

31. Nursery School, Day Care Centers, Child Care Centers or Similar Uses. Two (2) parking spaces, plus one (1) space for each seven (7) children, based upon the maximum number of students permitted by operators license from the Division of Youth and Family Services or the maximum permitted by the Township, whichever is less.

32. Private Club. One (1) space for each two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area, plus one (1) space for each one hundred (100) square feet of area devoted to bar or restaurant use.

33. Professional Office (Other than Medical). One (1) parking space for each two hundred fifty (250) square feet of gross floor area.

34. Public and Private Utilities, Electrical Substation, Gas Regulator, Water Works, Pumping Station, and Similar Facilities. To be determined by the Planning Board based on the specific need of the use.

35. Restaurant, Caf, Delicatessen, Diner. One (1) parking space for each fifty (50) square feet of gross floor area.

36. Recreation Facilities (Indoor and Outdoor). Those not specifically mentioned herein shall be determined by the approving authority based upon data submitted by the applicant.

37. Retail Stores, Except Otherwise Specified. One (1) parking space for each one hundred fifty (150') feet of gross floor area.

38. Senior Citizen Residential. Four-tenths (0.4) of a parking space for each senior citizen dwelling unit. [Ord. No. 94-2389]

39. Studio. Art, music, dance, gymnastics, and similar for the purpose of giving instruction rather than shows or exhibitions: one (1) parking space for each one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area.

40. Schools.

a. Elementary. One (1) parking space for each eight (8) students based on design capacity.

b. Middle or Junior High School. One (1) space for each five (5) students based on design capacity.

c. High School. One (1) space for each three students based on design capacity.

41. Shopping Centers shall provide parking at the rate of four and five-tenths (4.5) spaces for each one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area. If more than five (5%) percent of the enclosed gross floor area of any shopping center is occupied by malls, lobbies, corridors, heating plants, or other space not utilized for direct commercial purposes, which in the opinion of the Planning Board will not generate a need for parking, the Planning Board shall allow the parking required to be based on the "gross leasable area" of the shopping center at the above rate. The "gross leasable area", for the purposes of this Chapter, shall be defined as the total floor area designed for tenant occupancy and exclusive use, including basements, mezzanines and upper floors.

42. Theater (Movie). One (1) parking space for each two (2) seats plus one (1) space for each employee on the largest shift.

43. Theater (Non-Movie). One (1) parking space for each two (2) seats. [Ord. No. 94-2389]

44. Veterinary Clinics or Hospitals or Animal Care Facilities. One (1) parking space for each four hundred (400) square feet of gross floor area.

45. Warehouse, Wholesale, Machinery, or Large Equipment Sales. One (1) parking space for each one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet of gross floor area, plus one (1) parking space for each vehicle used in connection with the business.

46. Hospitals and Related Uses.

a. Hospital Uses

1 space per 3 beds (Acute)

2 spaces per each 3 employees on largest shift

1 space per 2 doctors on staff

1 space per each 6 student nurses

1 space per 2 student technicians

1 space per each 2 residents, interns, externs

1 space per two visitors to out-patient Department calculated over a nine hour period between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. during a normal, average working day

1 space per 10 beds for visitors (Extended Care)

b. Group Practices Professions, or other Medical Offices

1 space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.

c. Professional/Business or Administrative Offices

1 space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.

d. Nursing, Convalescent or Rest Home

1 space per each three beds plus 1 space each two employees including nurses and staff.

47. Data Center. One (1) space per six hundred (600) square feet of gross floor area. [Ord. No. 2012-3071 § 3]

48. Health Care Facility. One (1) space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area. [Ord. No. 2012-3071 § 3]

S. In computing the number of the above required parking spaces, the criteria contained herein shall apply.

1. Where fractional spaces result, the required number shall be construed to be the nearest whole number.

2. The parking space requirements for a use not specifically mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use of similar nature as determined by the Municipal Agency upon that use mentioned.

a. If there is no use enumerated herein having sufficient similarity to the use proposed to enable the Municipal Agency to establish reasonable parking requirements, the Municipal Agency may, in its discretion, direct the applicant to furnish the Municipal Agency with such data as may be necessary to enable the Municipal Agency to establish reasonable parking requirements.

3. Nothing in the above requirements shall be construed to prevent the joint use of off-street parking facilities by two (2) or more uses on the same site or on an adjacent site provided the total of such spaces shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for various individual uses computed separately by the above requirements unless substantial proof and assurances are presented and it is determined by the Municipal Agency that the use of this parking will not be simultaneous.

a. Nothing herein shall prohibit the establishment of a common lot serving two (2) or more businesses in a given area, which parking shall be in addition to the parking spaces which existed prior to the enactment of this ordinance.