§ 16-605 BLOCKS.

A. The block length, width, and acreage within bounding roads shall be such as to accommodate the size and dimensions of lots required for the zoning district by this Chapter and to provide for convenient access, circulation control, and safety of vehicles and pedestrians.

B. Block lengths may vary between four hundred (400') feet and two thousand (2,000') feet but blocks along other than local collector streets shall not be less than one thousand (1,000') feet along.

C. Interior crosswalks with a right-of-way twenty (20') feet wide containing a sidewalk of four (4') feet or greater in width and fenced on both sides may be required for blocks longer than one thousand (1,000') feet, from the ends of the cul-de-sacs to adjacent streets and elsewhere as required by the public convenience, including the provision of walks giving access to schools, playgrounds and shopping centers without the necessity of crossing traffic thoroughfares.

D. For commercial, group housing or industrial use, block size shall be sufficient to meet all area and yard requirements for such use.


A. Buffers shall be required for residential tracts fronting on arterial and collector streets; on the perimeter of all tracts zoned for multi-family residential development, and industrial zone districts; and on the perimeter of all tracts of nonresidential uses which abut areas zoned residential or abut conforming residential uses.

B. A buffer shall include an area, topsoiled and containing ground cover, seed, and/or sod and appropriate plantings of evergreen, and deciduous trees and shrubs. Where buffers are required, the buffer shall be at least fifty (50') feet wide and located within common open space areas. In no case shall part of the private yard area assigned to an individual dwelling be considered as part of the buffer.

1. A landscaped buffer screen, where required, shall comply with the following minimum standards:

a. Shrubs and trees required as buffer elements shall be comprised of a variety of species approved by the Municipal Agency based on the recommendations of the Shade Tree Advisory Committee and the Township Engineer's Office and shall conform to the current American Standard for Nursery Stock sponsored by the American Association of Nurserymen, Inc.

b. Where a commercial, business, or industrial use abuts an existing residential zone, a landscaped buffer, at least fifty (50') feet wide, shall be required along the perimeter and within the commercial, industrial or business use lot.

c. Preexisting vegetation and trees shall be preserved and incorporated into the landscaped buffer provided that additional plantings will be incorporated to comply with the minimum standards above.

d. A berm may be used as part of the landscaped buffer screen in which case the landscaping requirements may be reduced in minimum height and quantity, provided a suitable and attractive visual screen is maintained. The berm shall not be less than three (3') feet horizontally. The design of the berm shall be reviewed by the Township Engineer.

e. The intensity of the buffer screen may be reduced by the Planning Board if it is found that the proposed use is visually attractive and not detrimental to the appearance of the neighboring uses.

f. Within a buffer area, no use, activity or sign shall be established other than the following:

(1) Driveways which are necessary to provide proper means of ingress and egress for parking areas. Driveways when located in a buffer shall provide direct access from the road or right-of-way line to the nearest non-buffered area. Loop or peripheral roads shall not be located within a buffer area.

(2) Directional signs in conjunction with said driveways which are necessary for the proper guidance and control of vehicular traffic, provided that not more than one (1) such sign is erected in conjunction with each driveway. Project identification signs shall also be permitted.

C. Within buffer areas required by Section 16-606.A. above, there shall be provided screening in accordance with the following regulations:

1. Except as otherwise provided herein, the screening area shall be a minimum of eighteen (18') feet in width and shall be planted with evergreen trees approved by the Municipal Agency based on the recommendations of the Shade Tree Advisory Committee[2] and the Township Engineer's office. Trees shall be planted in two (2) staggered rows ten (10') feet apart and shall be between six (6') and eight (8') feet in height and shall conform to the current standard for nursery stock of the American Association of Nurserymen. Within each row, the trees shall be planted on ten (10') foot centers. (Figure No. 1) The Municipal Agency may vary the spacing of the trees depending upon the species and the size of the specimens.



2. In cases where it is determined to be desirable by the Municipal Agency, evergreen trees planted with a minimum height of four (4') feet may be substituted for the six (6') foot trees required under Section 16-606, provided that the developer shall install a solid six (6') foot high stockade fence along the outside of the required screening strips in accordance with Section 16-616 prior to commencing the construction of improvements on the site. The spacing of the trees may be varied by the Municipal Agency depending upon the size and species of the specimen to be used.

The stockade fence shall be maintained in good condition by the developer as long as it exists or until such time as the evergreen trees have grown to a minimum height of ten (10') feet at which time, the developer may remove the stockade fence in lieu of maintaining it.

3. Where suitable trees exist within a screening area, they should be retained and supplemented with shade tolerant evergreen trees to provide the equivalent of the required screening as determined by the Municipal Agency.

4. Where all proposed buildings, parking areas, and other improvements are located one hundred (100') feet or more from a property line abutting a residential zone or use, the Planning Board may permit a screening area ten (10') feet in width planted with a single row of evergreen trees in a location approved by the Municipal Agency planted on five (5') foot centers with a minimum height of six (6') to eight (8') feet of a type and species to be substituted for the screening area required in Figure 1 (see Figure 2 below). Spacing requirements for the buffer plantings may be varied by the Municipal Agency depending upon the size and species of the specimens to be used.



5. The required height for a screening area shall be measured in relationship to the elevation of the land at the nearest required rear, side or front yard setback line of the abutting residentially zoned properties. Where the average ground elevation of the location at which the screening strip is to be planted is less than the average ground elevation at the nearest required rear, side or front setback line on the abutting residentially zoned property, the Municipal Agency may require the height of trees planted in the required screening strip be increased by an amount equal to the difference in elevation. Where the average ground elevation of the location of which the screening strip is to be planted is greater than the average ground elevation at the nearest required rear, side or front setback line on the abutting residentially zoned property, the Municipal Agency may permit the height of trees planted in the required screening strips to be decreased by an amount equal to one-half (1/2) the difference in elevation, except that in no case, shall the required height be reduced to less than four (4') feet.

6. All trees in a screening area shall be watered weekly through the first growing season. The developer shall construct a six (6") inch deep earth saucer six (6") inches outside the drip line of each tree to hold water and fill with woodchips or other suitable mulch. Trees shall be nursery grown, balled and bagged, sheared and shaped, of the required height and planted according to accepted horticultural standards.

7. At the following locations within required screening areas, evergreen shrubs with a maximum mature height of thirty (30") inches or less, approved by the Municipal Agency as to type, location and spacing, shall be provided in lieu of the evergreen trees specified above.

a. Within sight triangle easements.

b. Within twenty-five (25') feet of intersections where sight triangle easements are not provided.

c. Within twenty-five (25') feet of access drives.

8. Waiver. The Municipal Agency, after examination and review, may waive, fully or partially, provisions of this section in heavily wooded areas, in areas unsuitable for plantings or because of other exceptional conditions, and/or may require supplementary plantings.


A. All development on tidal lagoons, navigable waterways, or other bodies of water, either existing or proposed, shall provide for bulkheading. All development on nontidal bodies of water, either existing or proposed, shall provide for bulkheading or other appropriate permanent bank stabilization, acceptable to the Municipal Agency. In no case shall bank slopes, bulkhead, rip-rap, revetments, or other elements of bank stabilization be located within required minimum yard areas.

B. Bulkheads may be constructed of treated timber, reinforced concrete, marine alloy steel or other material in accordance with approved details (if adopted) and a detailed design to be submitted by the developer in each case for approval by the Township Engineer, and such other approval authorities, including, but not limited to, the United States Army Corps of Engineers, as may be necessary. New or reconstructed lagoons shall have a minimum width of one hundred (100') feet and be provided with suitable turning basins.

C. The Municipal Agency may consider waiver and/or modification of this requirement when necessary to preserve wetlands or other natural features, provided that minimum lot sizes may be maintained and that all development may be made reasonably secure from erosion.

§ 16-608 BULK STORAGE.

A. In zoning districts where bulk storage is a permitted accessory use, the following minimum requirements shall apply:

1. No bulk storage of material or equipment shall be permitted in any required front yard area or within twenty-five (25') feet of any public street.

2. No bulk storage of materials or equipment shall be permitted between any side or rear lot line and the required side or rear setback line.

3. All bulk storage areas shall be screened from public view by means of solid fencing and/or evergreen plantings as required by the Municipal Agency. Where the property is adjacent to a residential zone or use, the screening shall meet the minimum requirements of Section 16-606 of this Chapter and a solid fence shall be provided.

B. No fence used to screen a bulk storage area shall be placed closer to any property line than the distance constituting the required front, side, or rear setbacks and all setback areas shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements of Section 16-606 of this Chapter.

C. All service roads, driveways and bulk storage areas shall be paved with bituminous concrete or other surfacing material, as required by the Municipal Agency, which shall be of sufficient strength to handle the anticipated use.

D. In no instance shall on-site bulk storage of material exceed the height of ten (10') feet.

E. No heavy equipment shall be operated or parked closer to the front property line than the required front setback plus twenty (20') feet, except as same may be in transit to or from the site.


[Ord. No. 2005-2825]

A. All grading, excavation or embankment construction shall be in accordance with the approved final plat and shall provide for the disposal of all stormwater runoff and such groundwater seepage as may be encountered. All clearing, excavation and embankment construction shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Standard Specifications. No excavated material may be removed from the site except in accordance with an approved final plat nor without the prior approval of the Township Engineer. Where borrow excavation materials from off-site sources are required to complete the necessary grading, such material shall meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Borrow Excavation, Zone 3, and shall be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer. All trees to be saved must be have a snow fence erected at the drip line of the tree.

B. Material which the Township Engineer judges unsuitable for use in roadway embankment may be used for grading outside the roadway right-of-way or in building areas with the permission of the Township Engineer and the Construction Official (for building areas). Any unsuitable material which cannot be satisfactorily utilized on the site shall be removed from the site and disposed of at places to be provided by the developer.

C. All construction layout and grading stakes shall be set by a licensed land surveyor or professional engineer employed by the developer or his contractor.

D. All rough grading must be completed prior to the construction of roadway subgrade. All sidewalk areas and slope areas must be fully graded prior to the construction of finished pavements or pavement base courses.

E. To preserve the integrity of pavements, embankments and excavations for streets or roadways shall be provided with slopes no steeper than one (1') foot vertical rise for every three (3') feet of horizontal distance.

F. Such slopes shall be suitably planted with perennial grasses or other ground cover plantings in accordance with the plans approved by the Municipal Agency.

G. In areas where excavations or embankments would extend significantly beyond road rights-of-way, thereby causing disruption to the natural environment of the development, the Municipal Agency may, upon the application of the developer, consider or may, upon its own initiative, direct the use of terraces, retaining walls, crib walls or other means of maintaining roadway slopes.

1. In any event, the entire roadway right-of-way shall be fully graded and any retaining walls, crib walls or terraces shall be located outside of the roadway right-of-way and their maintenance shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property on which they are constructed.

2. The developer shall make suitable provisions in the instruments transferring title to any property containing such terraces, retaining walls or crib walls and shall provide a copy thereof to the Municipal Agency and the Township Clerk.

3. All graded areas within or outside of the roadway right-of-way shall be neatly graded, topsoiled, fertilized and seeded to establish a stand of perennial grasses.

H. Top of slopes in excavations and the toe of slopes in embankment areas shall not extend beyond the right-of-way line or, where provided, the exterior line of the six (6') foot wide shade tree and utility easement required herein.

1. Sidewalk and easement areas shall slope at two (2%) percent to the top of the curb elevation, and sidewalk construction shall conform to this slope.

I. Lot Grading. Lots shall be graded to secure proper drainage and to prevent the collection of stormwater. Said grading shall be performed in a manner which will minimize the damage to or destruction of trees growing on the land. Topsoil shall be provided and/or redistributed on the surface as cover and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting. Grading plans shall have been submitted with the preliminary and final plats, and any departure from these plans must be approved in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter for the modification of improvements. Grading shall be designed to prevent or minimize drainage to structures or improvements when major storms, exceeding the design basis of the storm drainage system, occur.

1. Wherever possible, the land shall be graded so that the stormwater from each lot shall drain directly to the street. If it is impossible to drain directly to the street, it shall be drained to a system of interior yard drainage designed in accordance with the standards for drainage facilities and suitable drainage easements shall be provided.

2. Unless otherwise required by the Standard Specifications, all tree stumps, masonry and other obstructions shall be removed to a depth of two (2') feet below finished grade.

3. The minimum slope for lawns shall be three-fourths of one (3/4%) percent and for smooth hard-finished surfaces, other than roadways, four-tenths of one (4/10%) percent.

4. The maximum grade for lawns within five (5') feet of a building shall be ten (10%) percent and for lawns more than five (5') feet from a building, twenty-five (25%) percent.

5. Retaining walls installed in slope control areas shall be constructed of heavy treated lumber or logs, reinforced masonry or of other material acceptable to the Township Engineer and adequately designed and detailed to carry all earth pressures, including any surcharges. The height of retaining walls that are designed to protect a cut shall not exceed one-third (1/3) of the horizontal distance from the foundation wall of any building to the face of the retaining wall. Where a retaining wall is proposed in order to accommodate the filling and/or leveling of sloped properties shall not exceed six (6') feet in height, except that any such wall designed to accommodate fill or leveling located within a required setback area shall not exceed three (3') feet in height.

6. The developer shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any siltation of streams during construction. Such provisions may include, but are not limited to, construction and maintenance of siltation basins or holding ponds, and division berms through the course of construction.


A. All concrete used in any subdivision or site improvement shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Specifications for the various classes of concrete used, except that the twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength of the concrete used shall not be less than the following:

B. Unless specific written permission is obtained from the Township Engineer to the contrary, only concrete obtained from dry-batched redi-mixed trucks shall be allowed.

C. Concrete shall be cured with a compound in accordance with the following methods of materials:

1. Methods of Application. The compound shall be applied in a continuous uniform film by means of power-operated pressure spraying or distributing equipment at the rate directed by the Engineer but not less than one (1) gallon per two hundred (200) square feet of surface. The equipment for applying the compound shall provide for adequate agitation of the compound during application and must be approved by the Engineer before work is started. If the compound becomes too thick for satisfactory application during cold weather, the material may be warmed in a water bath at a temperature not over one hundred degrees (100 F) Fahrenheit. Thinning with solvents will not be permitted. Should the method of applying the compound produce a nonuniform film, its use shall be discontinued and the curing shall be done by another method approved by the Engineer that will conform to the requirements for curing concrete.

2. Materials for Curing - Liquid Compound, Clear or Translucent. Clear or translucent liquid curing compound shall consist of a blend of resins and other suitable materials held in solution in a volatile solvent. It shall not separate on standing, shall be nontoxic, and shall become dry to touch within four (4) hours after being applied to the concrete under ordinary conditions. Acceptance for continued use also will be based upon satisfactory field performance.

3. Consistency. The consistency of the compound shall be such that it can be applied to the concrete in the amount specified, as a fine spray, by means of an atomizing nozzle.

4. Character of Film. The compound shall adhere to damp, vertical or horizontal concrete surfaces forming a continuous coherent film when applied at the specified rate. When dry, the film shall not be tacky or track off the concrete when walked upon, nor impart a slippery condition to the surface.

5. Color. The compound shall produce no darkening or changing of the color of the concrete which it is applied. It shall, however, be of such a nature or so treated that the film will be distinctively visible for at least four (4) hours after application. Any coloring matter added to the compound shall be a fugitive organic dye of a color approved by the Engineer. All trace of this color shall be indistinct thirty (30) days after application.

6. Reaction with Concrete. The compound shall not react deleteriously with the wet concrete and shall form a superficial layer over the surface thereof.

7. Moisture Retention. When tested in accordance with current A.S.T.M. Designation C 156, the moisture loss shall be not more than 0.055 gram per square centimeter of the mortar specimen surface, based on the amount of water in the mortar at the time the curing material is applied.


A. Curbing shall be constructed on both sides of all new streets shown on all major subdivisions and shall be required on minor subdivisions in accordance with the standards prescribed for the requirements of sidewalks in the case of minor subdivisions.

B. Any existing pavement damaged by curb construction shall be repaired to the standards herein and/or as shown on the final plat.

C. Where one (1) side of the development boundary is along an existing street, the curb and/or curb and gutter shall be constructed only on a development side.

D. The following type of curb shall be constructed:

1. Concrete curb shall be eight (8") inches wide at its base and not less than six (6") inches wide at its top.

2. Its height shall not be less than eighteen (18") inches constructed to show a vertical face above the roadway pavement of six (6") inches.

3. It shall be constructed by use of suitable lumber or metal forms, true to line and grade, and open joints shall be provided at intervals of ten (10') feet and one-half (1/2") inch bituminous expansion joints every twenty (20') feet.

4. Curb and/or combination curb and gutter shall be constructed of Class B concrete, air-entrained, in accordance with the requirements of the standard specifications.

5. Curbing shall be laid in a workmanlike manner as directed and approved by the Township Engineer.

6. At places where a concrete curb abuts Portland cement concrete pavement, joints in the curb shall be placed to match the paving joints and intermediate joints shall be placed so as to create equal curb panels not longer than twenty (20') feet.

7. When concrete combination curb and gutter is required, the gutter shall be eight (8") inches thick and shall be constructed of Class B air-entrained concrete.

a. Joints in the gutter shall be formed simultaneously with joints on the curb.


8. Curb and combination curb and gutter cross-sections shall be as shown in Figure 3.

9. The requirements of the standard specifications regarding curbing precautions must be strictly observed.

E. The curb at all delivery openings shall be depressed at the front of the curb to a point two (2") inches above the finished pavement, and at the back of the curb three (3") inches above the finished pavement.

F. The rear top corner of this curb shall have a radius of one-quarter (1/4") inch and the front top comer shall have a radius of one and one-half (1 1/2") inches.

G. Curb openings shall be in such width as shall be determined by the Township Engineer, but in no case, less than sixteen (16') feet at the edge of the pavement.

H. Use of combination curb and gutter will be allowed in all areas and required in those areas having a bituminous pavement with a profile grade greater than five (5%) percent with the following exceptions:

1. Both sides of a street for the entire block length shall be constructed with one (1) type of curb; that is, where only a portion of a block is required to have combination curb and gutter, the entire block shall be constructed using the combination curb and gutter.

2. Where fifty (50%) percent or more of the curb length of an street would be required to have combination curb and gutter, the entire street shall be constructed with combination curb and gutter.

3. Where fifty (50%) percent or more of any subdivision is required to have a combination curb and gutter, the entire subdivision shall be constructed with combination curb and gutter.

I. Timing of Curb Construction. In areas with bituminous concrete pavements, required curb and/or curb and gutter shall be constructed prior to the construction of the bituminous base courses. Any required repairs to curbs and/or combination curb and gutter which are not suitable for acceptance shall be made prior to construction of the final pavement wearing course. In those areas having Portland cement concrete pavement, the curb shall be constructed after the construction and curing of the Portland cement concrete pavement.

J. Alternate Curb Types May be Necessary or Desirable in Certain Instances. For example, these may be required by the Municipal Agency on the perimeter of channelizing islands or in the areas of unusually heavy gutter drainage flow, or may be desired by the developer for decorative purposes or to preserve vegetation (e.g., granite block curb, rolled concrete curb, etc.). (1) If alternate curb types are to be permitted, an appropriate construction detail shall be submitted for approval with the preliminary and final plats. (2) Continuous slip-formed curb or combination curb and gutter may be permitted if such is considered to be acceptable by the Township Engineer. (3) The use of continuous slip-formed curb or combination curb and gutter may only be permitted if the applicant submits for review and approval details and specifications concerning equipment, materials, and methods proposed for use and if the Township Engineer has inspected the installation and tested and approved a suitable sample section of such curb or combination curb and gutter. (4) In the event the Township Engineer does not approve the sample section of curb or combination curb and gutter, the developer shall remove the sample section and replace it with a type of curb or curb and gutter permitted by this Chapter or such other alternate as may be approved by the Municipal Agency.