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A. As a condition of approval and the continuance of any use, occupancy of any structure, and operation of any process or equipment, the applicant shall supply evidence, satisfactory to the Municipal Agency, or to its designated representative, that the proposed use, structure, process, or equipment will conform fully with all of the applicable performance standards.
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1. As evidence of compliance, the Municipal Agency may require certification of tests by appropriate government agencies or by recognized testing laboratories, any costs thereof to be borne by the applicant.
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2. The Municipal Agency may require that specific types of equipment, machinery, or devices be installed, or that specific operating procedures or methods be followed if the government agencies or testing laboratories examining the proposed operation, shall determine that the use of such specific types of machinery, equipment, devices, procedures or methods are required in order to assure compliance with the applicable performance standards.
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3. Permits and certificates required by other government agencies shall be submitted to the Municipal Agency as proof of compliance with applicable codes.
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4. If appropriate permits, tests and certifications are not or cannot be provided by the applicant, then the Municipal Agency or Administrative Officer (Zoning Officer) may require that instruments and/or other devices, or professional reports or laboratory analysis be used to determine compliance with the following performance standards for an existing or proposed use and the cost thereof shall be borne by the owner, applicant, or specific use in question.
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5. Conditional Permit. In the event a determination cannot be made at the time of application that a proposed use, process or piece of equipment will meet the standards established in this Section, the Municipal Agency may issue or may recommend issuance of a Conditional Permit. The Conditional Permit would be based on submission of evidence that the proposed use, process or equipment will meet the standards established herein after completion or installation and operation.
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Within thirty (30) days after a Conditional Permit is granted, a Certificate of Occupancy shall be applied for and satisfactory evidence submitted that all standards established by this Section have been met. | |||||||
B. Applicability and Enforcement of Performance Standards.
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1. Applicability.
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a. Prior to construction and operation: Any application for Development or Building Permit for a use which shall be subject to performance standards shall be accompanied by submissions, attachments, certifications as required by this Section, and a sworn statement filed by the owner of the subject property or the operator of the proposed use that said use will be operated in accordance with the performance standards set forth herein.
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b. For existing structures: Any existing structure or use which is after the effective date of this Chapter, allowed to deteriorate or is modified so as to reduce its compliance with these standards will be deemed to be in noncompliance and to constitute a violation.
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2. Continued Compliance: Continued compliance with performance standards is required and shall be enforced by the Construction Official or Administrative Officer (Zoning Officer).
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3. Termination of Violation: All violation shall be terminated within thirty (30) days of notice or shall be deemed a separate violation for each day following and subject to fines as set forth herein.
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4. Violation Inspection: Whenever, in the opinion of the Construction Official or Administrative Officer (Zoning Officer), there is a reasonable probability that any use or occupancy violates the regulations of this Article, they are hereby empowered to employ a qualified technician or technicians to perform investigations, measurements and analyses to determine whether or not the regulations of this Section are being violated. In the event that a violation is found to exist, the violator shall be liable for the reasonable fees of the technicians employed to perform such investigations, measurements, and analyses.
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C. Performance Standards Established.
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1. Noise.
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