§ 220-137 Plat design standards for subdivisions and site plans.

A. Plat conformity.

(1) No development application shall be accepted unless submitted in plat form, and no plat shall be accepted for consideration unless it conforms to the following requirements as to form, content and accompanying information and complies with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 46:23-1 et seq., as amended. All plats shall be drawn by a land surveyor as required by law, licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey, and shall bear the signature, seal, license number and address of the land surveyor, except that plats submitted under the informal discussion provisions of § 220-133 and plats for minor site plans are exempt from this requirement. All drawings of improvements, except for minor site plans, shall be signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer of the State of New jersey if they are part of an application requiring formal approval.

(2) All landscaping plans, except for minor site plans, shall be prepared by a professional landscape architect, a professional landscaper or one who commonly prepares landscaping plans. Each such person shall affix his name, title, address and signature to such plans.

(3) All plats shall be submitted on one of the following three standard sheet sizes: 8 1/2 inches by 13 inches, 24 inches by 36 inches or 15 inches by 21 inches.

(4) Wetlands statement. [Added 10-23-1986 by Ord. No. 44-86; amended 12-8-1988 by Ord. No. 59-88]

(a) Every application for development shall include a delineated wetlands line and the floodplains line in conformance with the requirements of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

(b) A statement that wetlands and floodplains shall have been determined as a result of field inspections by a soil scientist or environmental expert in conformance with the published requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection.

(c) No application shall be deemed complete without a wetlands delineation.

(5) All subdivision plats shall contain drainage flow arrows. [Added 9-14-1989 by Ord. No. 44-89]

B. Minor subdivision plat for classification and approval. A minor subdivision plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale of one inch equals 30 feet or less for a tract up to five acres in size, one inch equals 50 feet or less for a tract between five and 40 acres in size, one inch equals 100 feet or less for a tract between 40 and 150 acres in size, or one inch equals 200 feet or less for a tract of 150 acres or more, and shall be titled as a minor subdivision plat or sketch and minor subdivision plat. The plat shall be designed in compliance with the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter and shall, in addition, show the following information:

(1) The entire tract(s) being subdivided, together with the acreage of the entire tract, the acreage of the tract being subdivided, the number of new lots being created and the square footage of each lot.

(2) All existing and proposed property lines within and immediately adjoining the tract and all lot lines to be eliminated.

(3) All buildings and structures and streams, lakes and conservation, drainage and utility right-of-way easements within the limits of the tract(s) being subdivided and any within 200 feet thereof, including the location, size and direction of flow of all streams, brooks, drainage structures and drainage rights-of-way.

(4) The shortest distance from any existing buildings to any proposed and existing lot line.

(5) The existing and proposed right-of-way width of all utility easements and all streets within and adjoining the premises, together with the street names.

(6) The names of the owner and all adjoining property owners as disclosed by the most recent Township tax records.

(7) The Tax Map sheet, block and lot numbers.

(8) Date, meridian and graphic scale.

(9) All proposed lot lines, with the dimensions thereof correct to 0.1 foot, and the areas of all lots shown in square feet, correct to one square foot.

(10) Zoning district(s); if more than one district, the plat should indicate the district lines.

(11) The names, addresses and signatures of the owner and subdivider.

C. Sketch plat of major subdivision submitted for classification. The sketch plat shall be titled as such and shall be based on Tax Map information or some other similarly accurate base, at a scale of not less than 100 feet to the inch to enable the entire tract to be shown on one sheet, and shall show or include the following information:

(1) All the data required under Subsection B above in addition to the location of that portion which is to be subdivided in relation to the entire tract, general existing contour lines, all existing structures and wooded areas within the portion to be subdivided and within 200 feet thereof, a tentative lot and street layout, all streets or roads and streams, watercourses and conservation, drainage and utility right-of-way easements within 500 feet of the subdivision, and all building setback lines in each proposed lot.

(2) A key map showing the entire subdivision and its relation to surrounding areas, at a scale of not less than one inch equals 400 feet.

D. Preliminary subdivision plat. The preliminary plat shall be titled as such and shall be clearly and legibly drawn or reproduced at a scale of one inch equals 30 feet or less for a tract up to five acres in size, one inch equals 50 feet or less for a tract between five and 40 acres in size, one inch equals 100 feet or less for a tract between 40 and 150 acres, and one inch equals 200 feet or less for a tract of 150 acres or more. The plat shall be designed in compliance with the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter and, in addition, shall show the following information:

(1) A key map showing the entire subdivision and its relation to surrounding areas, at a scale of not less than one inch equals 400 feet.

(2) A title containing the tract name; Tax Map sheet, block and lot number; date, meridian, written and graphic scales; the names, addresses and signatures of the owner and subdivider; the names of all property owners within 200 feet of the extreme limits of the subdivision; the name and address of the engineer who prepared the map and his professional seal and signature.

(3) The acreage of the tract to be subdivided to the nearest tenth of an acre and the number of new lots created.

(4) A map showing existing and proposed elevations or contour lines over the entire area of the proposed subdivision at consistent two-foot contour intervals sufficient to determine the slope and natural flow of surface drainage, together with watercourses and an indication of the final disposal of the surface waters. All elevations shall be related to United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum.

(5) The locations and dimensions of existing and proposed railroad rights-of-way, bridges, street signs in accordance with § 220-185, Street signs, and natural features such as wooded areas and any extensive rock formations.

(6) All existing and proposed watercourses, including lakes and ponds, shall be shown and accompanied by the following information or data:

(a) When a brook or stream is proposed for alteration, improvement or relocation or when a structure or fill is proposed over, under, in or along a running stream, evidence of submission of the improvement to the New Jersey Division of Water Policy and Supply shall accompany the subdivision.

(b) Cross sections and profiles of watercourses at an appropriate scale showing extent of floodation if defined, top of bank, normal water level and bottom elevations at the following locations:

[1] At any point where a watercourse crosses a boundary at the subdivision.

[2] At fifty-foot intervals for a distance of 300 feet upstream and downstream of any proposed culvert or bridge within 1,000 feet downstream of subdivision.

[3] Immediately upstream and downstream of any point of juncture of two or more watercourses within and/or within 1,000 feet of the subdivision.

[4] At a maximum of five-hundred-foot intervals along all watercourses which run through or adjacent to the subdivision.

(c) When ditches, streams, brooks or watercourses are to be altered, improved or relocated, the method of stabilizing slopes and measures to control erosion and siltation as well as typical ditch sections and profiles shall be shown on the plan or accompany it. Similar information shall be provided for control of erosion and siltation due to road construction and other site changes and improvements.

(d) The boundaries of the floodplains of all watercourses within or adjacent to the subdivision.

(e) The total acreage in the drainage basin of any watercourse running through or adjacent to a subdivision in the area upstream of the subdivision.

(f) The total acreage in the drainage basin to the nearest downstream drainage structure and the acreage in the subdivision which drains to the structure.

(g) The location and extent of drainage and conservation easements and stream encroachment lines.

(h) The location, extent and water level elevation of all existing or proposed lakes or ponds within or adjacent to the subdivision.

(7) The preliminary plat shall show or be accompanied by plans for any storm drainage systems, including the following:

(a) All existing or proposed storm sewer lines within or adjacent to the subdivision, showing size and profile of the lines and the location of each catch basin, inlet and manhole.

(b) The location and extent of any proposed dry wells, groundwater recharge basins, retention basins or other water conservation devices.

(8) The location species and diameter of all existing trees having a diameter of nine inches or more at a height of 12 inches from the base of planting within the street right-of-way or area of lot clearance shall be shown. [Amended 7-20-1989 by Ord. No. 28-89]

(a) All trees to be saved should be clearly tagged and inspected by a landscape architect, and the clearing limit line should be delineated by a snow fence prior to the issuance of the permit for clearing and grading.

(b) For each tree over nine inches in caliper that is removed, the applicant shall prepare a replanting scheme on other treeless portions of the property to compensate the clearing and grading of the tree area where no trees presently exist on the site.

(c) The Municipal Engineer shall also require that if the site to be cleared does not permit the replanting of the trees that are to be cut down on the site, an off-site tract may be selected for such replanting, and a replanting plan shall be prepared by the applicant. All trees and the type of trees and the method of planting shall be in accordance with § 220-177, Shade trees, of this chapter of the Code of the Township of Marlboro.

(9) The names, locations and dimensions, paved width and width of right-of-way of all streets, both existing and planned, so far as the latter can be ascertained, within a distance of 500 feet from the boundaries of the subdivision, showing any connection from the proposed streets in the subdivision to nearby arterial and collector streets.

(10) The names, locations and widths of existing and proposed easements and other rights-of-way in the subdivision and their purpose(s).

(11) Locations of all existing structures, showing existing and proposed front, rear and side yard setback lines, and an indication of whether the existing structures or uses will be retained or removed. All proposed lot lines, including existing lot lines to remain and those to be eliminated, with the dimensions thereof and the areas of all lots shown in square feet, correct to one square foot, shall be shown. Any lot(s) to be reserved or dedicated to public use shall be identified and the proposed use of lots for other than residential shall be shown.

(12) Cross sections, center-line profiles and tentative grades of all proposed streets and existing streets abutting the subdivision based on the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum, together with full information as to the final disposal of surface drainage. At intersections, sight triangles and the radius of curblines shall be clearly indicated.

(13) Plans of proposed improvements and utility layouts (sewers, storm drains, water, gas, electricity, etc.), showing feasible connections to any existing or proposed utility system. If private utilities are proposed, they shall comply fully with all Township, county and state regulations. If service will be provided by an existing utility company for other than electricity, telephone and gas, a letter from that company will be sufficient stating that service will be available before occupancy and that the service to be supplied will meet applicable Township, county and state requirements. When on-lot water or sewage disposal is proposed, the plan for such system shall be approved by the appropriate Township and state agencies.

(14) Percolation, groundwater depth and soil-boring tests are required on all lots and shall be made in the area of the lot where the septic system absorption field is most likely to be located. The test locations, date of testing, the weather conditions prevailing at the time of testing as well as for the preceding 72 hours and the test results shall be recorded on the plat, and the following certification statement shall be recorded on the plat, signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey: "I hereby certify that the above tests were conducted and reported in accordance with New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 7, Chapter 9A, Standards for Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems, as amended." Upon review of this data, the Planning Board may require further tests on any or all lots. To minimize the need for retesting, it is recommended that the applicant review the proposed testing program with the Monmouth County Board of Health prior to making initial tests. All tests shall be made at developer's expense.

(15) A copy of any existing or proposed covenants or other deed restrictions applying to the land being subdivided.

(16) Zoning district(s). If more than one district, the plat should indicate the district lines.

(17) All pages shall be consecutively numbered, bonded together on the left edge, and the first page shall contain a table showing page number, title and latest issue, all revision dates and a summary of reasons for reissue for each sheet involved in the plot plans. This listing shall be updated each time a sheet is reissued.

(18) In the case of major subdivisions and site plans, there shall be provided, in conjunction with preliminary review and approval, a report on prevailing soil and groundwater conditions. The report shall be generated by a professional engineer who shall be retained for this purpose by the applicant. The report shall conform to the following minimum requirements: [Added 6-13-1986 by Ord. No. 20-86]

(a) The report shall be comprehensive and shall encompass, in suitable format, all the information required herein.

(b) Test borings or test pits shall be required for the purpose of soil classification, and a soils log shall be prepared for each one.

(c) Observation wells shall be required for water table depth determination.

(d) Information from soils maps, such as maps entitled "Classes of Land According to Use Capability," by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, may be incorporated in the engineer's report but shall be deemed supplementary and shall not, by itself, constitute sufficient information or a substitute for test pits or borings.

(e) The number of required borings, or test pits, and observation wells shall be determined as follows:

(f) All borings and observation pits shall be at locations as approved by the Planning Board.

(g) Borings or test pits shall be at least 12 feet deep, with the last sample taken at the twelve-foot depth. An appropriate sampling technique, approved by the Planning Board, shall be used. Wash samples shall not be allowed, and suitable sampling techniques shall be required (such as split spoon) to yield a proper disturbed or undisturbed sample. Samples shall constitute at least 50% of the total running depth of the boring or pit. Separate samples shall be taken if the soil characteristics change. Samples shall be properly marked and stored, by the applicant's engineer, for possible future inspection for a period of at least three years.

(h) Either test borings or test pits may be used; however, minimum sampling criteria, as specified herein, shall remain in effect in either case.

(i) Water table in observation wells shall be observed at least four separate times in each well; each observation shall note the then-depth of the water table below existing ground elevation. These four reported observations shall be made at least four weeks apart between observations, thus spanning a total period of at least 12 weeks but not more than 36 weeks.

(j) Observation wells shall be constructed in accordance with acceptable standards, with a suitable filter, perforated pipe (at least two inches inner diameter) and a cap. Cap shall be lockable to discourage vandalism. Observation wells shall be approved by the Planning Board as to their typical configuration.

(k) Observation wells must be perforated, hollow and capable of providing water-table-level readings to a minimum depth of 11 1/2 feet below ground level.

(l) In the case of subdivisions or site plans in which seepage pits or similar water-retention installations are proposed, the applicant shall furnish, in addition to the requirements of this section, off-tract soil and groundwater profiles, using additional off-tract borings, or test pits, and observation wells, all as approved by the Planning Board.

(m) Nothing in this section shall act to reduce the requirements associated with on-site sewage disposal systems; similarly, providing the required test (e.g., percolation tests) required for on-site sewage disposal shall not act to reduce the requirements of this section.

(n) Groundwater table impact assessments on off-tract properties shall be required by the Planning Board.

E. Final subdivision plat. The final plat, titled as such, shall be drawn in ink on tracing cloth at a scale of one inch equals 30 feet or less for a tract up to five acres in size, one inch equals 50 feet or less for a tract between five and 40 acres in size, one inch equals 100 feet or less for a tract between 40 and 150 acres, or one inch equals 200 feet or less for a tract of 150 acres or more, and in compliance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.10 to 23-9.12 inclusive, as amended. The final plat shall show the same information as required for preliminary approval in addition to the following:

(1) Tract boundary lines, exterior lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-way; street names; land reserved or dedicated to public use; all lot lines and other site lines with accurate dimensions, bearing or deflection angles and radii, arcs and central angles of all curves, based on an actual survey by a licensed New Jersey engineer or land surveyor. All dimensions, both linear and angular, of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision shall balance and close within a limit of error of one to 10,000, and of all lot lines, within one to 20,000.

(2) Block and lot numbers in accordance with established standards and in conformity with the Township Tax Map. Services of the Township Tax Assessor will be made available to the developer, upon request, to assist in the assignment of lot and block numbers.

(3) Cross section, profiles and established grades of all streets as approved by the Township Engineer.

(4) Plans and profiles of all storm and sanitary sewers and water mains as approved by the Township Engineer.

(5) Location and description of all monuments as required under § 220-166, Monuments.

(6) All changes required as conditions of preliminary approval.

§ 220-138 Site plan plats.

A. Plat conformity.

(1) No development application shall be accepted unless submitted in plat form, and no plat shall be accepted for consideration unless it conforms to the following requirements as to form, content and accompanying information. All plats shall be drawn by a land surveyor as required by law, licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey, and shall bear the signature, seal, license number and address of the land surveyor, except that plats submitted under the informal discussion provisions of § 220-133 and minor site plans are exempt from this requirement. All drawings of improvements, except for minor site plans, shall be signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer of the State of New Jersey if they are part of an application requiring formal approval. The plat shall be designed in compliance with the provisions of Article VIII of this chapter and, in addition, shall meet the requirements of this section.

(2) All plats shall be submitted on one of the following three standard sizes: 8 1/2 inches by 13 inches, 24 inches by 36 inches or 15 inches by 21 inches.

(3) All site plan plats shall show drainage flow arrows. [Added 9-14-1989 by Ord. No. 44-89]

B. Minor site plan for classification and approval shall be so titled and shall include the same data as required for a minor subdivision plat for classification and approval in § 220-137B, except that the graphic scale shall be one inch equals 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet or 50 feet. This submission shall also show location of proposed structure, drainage plans and landscaping plans and, for recreation courts, the data called for in § 220-43.

C. A sketch plat of a major site plan shall be so titled and shall show, to scale, the lot lines, proposed building(s) and structure(s), proposed use(s), parking, loading, areas to be landscaped, on-site circulation, driveways, wooded areas, streams, approximate flood hazard area, contours based on United States Geological Survey or similarly available datum, approximate on-site or on-tract improvements, stormwater detention facilities and water and sewer service.

D. Preliminary site plan plat.

(1) Each site plan submitted shall be so titled and shall be at a scale of one inch equals 30 feet or less for a tract up to five acres in size, one inch equals 50 feet or less for a tract between five and 40 acres in size, one inch equals 100 feet or less for a tract between 40 and 150 acres, or one inch equals 200 feet or less for a tract of 150 acres or more. All plans shall be certified by a licensed architect or engineer, including accurate lot lines certified by a licensed engineer or land surveyor and including the following data; boundaries of the tract, North arrow; date, scale, zone district(s) in which the lot(s) are located; existing and proposed streets and street names; existing and proposed contour lines at two-foot intervals in and within 50 feet of the tract, with arrows indicating the direction of surface water runoff; title of plans; existing and proposed streams and easements; total building coverage in acres and percent of lot; total number of parking spaces; all dimensions needed to confirm conformity to the zoning provisions of this chapter, such as but not limited to buildings, lot lines, parking spaces, setbacks and yards; a small key map at a scale of not less than one inch equals 400 feet giving the general location of the parcel in relation to an area within 1,500 feet of the periphery of the entire property; and the site in relation to all remaining contiguous lands in the applicant's ownership. If one sheet is not sufficient to contain the entire territory, the map may be divided into sections to be shown on separate sheets of equal sizes, with references on each sheet to the adjoining sheets.

(2) Each site plan submitted to the approving authority for approval shall have the following information shown thereon or annexed thereto:

(a) Size, height, location and arrangement of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and signs in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, including an architect's rendering of each building and sign showing front, side and rear elevations and the proposed use of all structures.

(b) Proposed circulation plans, including access streets, curbs, aisles and lanes, easements, fire lanes, driveways, parking spaces, loading areas, loading berths or docks, pedestrian walks and all related facilities for the movement and storage of goods, vehicles and persons on the site, and including the location of lights, lighting standards, signs and driveways within the tract and within 100 feet of the tract. Sidewalks shall be provided from each building entrance and exit along expected paths of pedestrian travel, such as but not limited to access to parking lot, driveways, other buildings on the site and across common yard spaces between buildings where pedestrian traffic can be expected to be concentrated. Plans shall be accompanied by cross sections of streets, aisles, lanes and driveways, which shall adhere to applicable requirements in this chapter.

(c) Existing and proposed wooded areas, buffer areas and landscaping shall be shown on a plan. The landscaping plan shall include seeded and/or sodded areas, grading, retaining walls, fencing, signs, recreation areas, shrubbery, trees and buffer areas. The preservation of all natural wooded areas, rock outcroppings or topographic features shall be an integral part of all site plans regardless of their proximity to required buffer areas. A minimum area of the lot equivalent to 1/2 of the gross floor area of the building shall be landscaped and said landscaping shall be reasonably distributed around the buildings. This requirement is in addition to other landscaped area requirements. These plans shall show the location and type of any man-made improvement and the location, species and caliber of plant material for all planted or landscaped areas. All landscaped areas and landscaping material shown on site plans shall be maintained in good condition by the owner. Any dead plants shall be replaced by the owner within one year. [Amended 7-20-1989 by Ord. No. 28-89]

[1] Any tree over nine inches' caliper, as measured at a height of 12 inches from the base of planting, that is to be removed shall be located on said site plan.

[2] All trees to be saved should be clearly tagged and inspected by a landscape architect, and the clearing limit line should be delineated by a snow fence prior to the issuance of the permit for clearing and grading.

[3] For each tree over nine inches in caliper that is removed, the applicant shall prepare a replanting scheme on other treeless portions of the property to compensate the clearing and grading of the tree area where that was necessitated by the site plan.

[4] The Municipal Engineer shall also require that if the site to be cleared does not permit the replanting of the trees that are to be cut down on the site, an off-site tract may be selected for such replanting, and a replanting plan shall be prepared by the applicant.

[5] All trees and the types of trees and the method of planting shall be in accordance with § 220-177, Shade trees, of this chapter of the Code of the Township of Marlboro.

(d) The proposed location of all drainage, sewer and water facilities with proposed grades, sizes, capacities and the types of materials to be used, including any drainage easements acquired or required across adjoining properties. The method of sewage and waste disposal and waste incineration, if any, shall be shown, and percolation tests from sufficient locations on the site to allow a determination of adequacy by the Township Engineer or Board of Health, where septic tanks and leaching fields are proposed, shall be included. Percolation tests shall be noted and certified in the same manner as for major subdivision plats. Proposed lighting facilities shall be included showing the direction of the lighting.

(e) A written description of the proposed operations of the building(s), including the number of employees; the proposed number of shifts to be worked and the maximum number of employees on each shift; expected truck and tractor-trailer traffic; emission of noise, glare, air and water pollution; safety hazards; and anticipated expansion plans incorporated in the building design.

(3) Such plans shall be reviewed by the Township Engineer for conformance to all chapter provisions and to protect against harmful effects to other properties and he shall make recommendations to the approving authority. The application shall be accompanied by a letter, in triplicate, of a form prescribed by the Township Attorney, saving the Township and its officers and Engineer harmless for any loss due to damage resulting from the grading, drainage or development of the property.

(4) All pages shall be consecutively numbered, bonded together on the left edge, and the first page shall contain a table showing page number, title and latest issue, all revision dates and a summary of reasons for reissue for each sheet involved in the site plan. This listing shall be updated each time a sheet is reissued.

E. Final site plan plat. The final plat shall include all data required on the preliminary site plan plat, drawn to incorporate all changes required as a condition of preliminary approval and drawn by persons and to specifications as required for a preliminary plat.