§ 220-111 Motels.

Motels, which may include restaurants, cocktail lounges and swimming pools, may be permitted, provided that:

A. The site has a minimum of 350 feet of frontage.

B. All minimum requirements of lot area, lot depth, lot width, front, rear and side yards and building height conform to those established for the zone.

C. Not more than 25% of the land shall be covered by buildings.

D. Every building shall have a minimum setback of 10 feet from all interior development roads, driveways and parking areas.

E. Interior roads and vehicular passageways in parking areas shall have a minimum width of 20 feet.

F. The minimum open space shall be 25% of the lot area.

G. All paved areas other than driveways shall be located no closer than 40 feet to the street line.

H. A ten-foot-wide buffer strip, suitably landscaped, shall be provided between curb cuts and along all other property lines. The buffer screen shall adhere to the standards set forth in § 220-100.

I. Each motel shall contain a minimum of 50 units of accommodations.

J. Any refuse disposal facilities shall be enclosed and removed from sight. Dumpster service may be requested by the Township at the owner's expense.

K. Only one central heating system shall be permitted for any building.

L. Where buildings are at right angles to one another, there shall be a minimum of 10 feet distance between them.

M. Where the buildings are parallel to one another, there shall be a minimum distance between them equal to the height of the taller building but in no event less than 25 feet.

N. Parking spaces shall be required for each motel unit, and additional parking shall be required for restaurant or cocktail lounges in accordance with § 220-97F of this chapter. No additional parking shall be required for swimming pools, provided that the pools are not open for use by the general public but are primarily for the use of guests at the motel. [Amended 2-27-1997 by Ord. No. 3-97]

O. Swimming pools shall be subject to the provisions of § 220-96 of this chapter.

§ 220-112 Quasi-public buildings and recreation areas.

Quasi-public buildings and recreation areas and facilities, including clubhouses, parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, tennis courts and other such activities, operated by nonprofit membership organizations may be permitted, provided that:

A. It is ascertained by the approving agency that the proposed use is operated by a bona fide nonprofit organization solely for the recreation and enjoyment of the members of said organization. [Amended 5-25-1995 by Ord. No. 22-95]

B. Any parcel upon which such use is proposed contains at least two acres of land; no structure will be erected nearer than 75 feet to any street line nor nearer than 30 feet to any property line; buildings will not occupy more than 25% of the lot area; all other requirements as set forth in this chapter for the zone in which it is to be located are observed; such use will in no way be detrimental to the surrounding property values; and the structure or use proposed will serve a useful purpose to the general welfare of the Township.

C. Front, rear and side yards shall be increased one foot for each foot by which such building exceeds the height limit herein established for the zone in which it is to be located, but in no case shall any building exceed a height greater than 50 feet.

D. Signs may be illuminated but nonflashing and limited in area to not more than 15 square feet on any one side. The number and location of signs shall be determined by the approving agency. [Amended 5-25-1995 by Ord. No. 22-95]

E. A ten-foot-wide buffer strip, suitably landscaped, shall be provided along the side and rear property lines and shall adhere to the standards set forth in § 220-100.

§ 220-113 Commercial swimming pools and swimming clubs.

Commercial swimming pools and swimming clubs may be permitted, provided that:

A. They shall adhere to the minimum standards specified in § 220-96 of this chapter.

B. The standards for health and safety as specified in the municipal ordinance regulating swimming pools and swimming clubs shall be met.

C. Signs for swimming clubs shall be limited to one nonflashing sign having an area not to exceed 30 square feet on any one side.

D. The minimum land area for swimming clubs shall be five acres with a minimum frontage and depth of 400 feet.

§ 220-114 Pet shops.

[Added 11-29-1990 by Ord. No. 56-90]

Pet shops located in the OPT-2 Zone shall meet the following requirements:

A. Minimum lot area: 60,000 square feet.

B. Sale of all animals legal to sell in pet shops, as regulated by State of New Jersey Department of Wildlife, Fish and Game.

C. No kennels are permitted as part of the operations.

D. Proper buffer to adjacent properties must be provided, including board-on-board fence when required by the approving agencies.

E. No maintenance work related to animals or cages shall be permitted outside the building.

F. The premises and storage of animals shall conform to all applicable state and county health laws or any other laws relating to the treatment and care of animals.

§ 220-115 Nursing homes.

[Added 12-13-1990 by Ord. No. 63-90]

Whereas it has been determined that there is a public demand and need for nursing homes, convalescent homes and rehabilitation homes designed to meet the special needs of the aged, the ill and those persons in need of rehabilitation and whereas such homes may be detrimental to the surrounding area, may create traffic problems, may create undue burdens upon municipal services, such as fire, police, hospital, sanitation and other services, and must be peculiarly constructed to meet the needs of the community and for the best protection of the health, safety and welfare of the occupants thereof, it is hereby determined that it is essential that the Township safeguard the community at large and the residents of the homes in particular by permitting the erection of the homes as a conditional use only as hereinafter set forth.

A. The term "nursing home" is used in this section to designate a premises as defined in § 220-4.

B. No nursing home shall be erected in the Township constructed and furnished so as to provide facilities, lodging and care for fewer than 50 nor more than 150 patients, and no nursing home shall be erected having more than 150 patient rooms nor fewer than 50 patient rooms. A "patient room" is defined to be a room housing one or more patients of the nursing home.

C. No nursing home shall be constructed or erected in the Township for the housing or care of the mentally ill, persons addicted to drugs or alcohol or persons suffering from communicable diseases.

D. All nursing homes must be constructed in such manner as to meet the complete approval of the State of New Jersey Department of Institutions and Agencies and in full compliance with all of the Township regulations governing construction, health and sanitation of buildings.

E. No nursing home shall be permitted or constructed in the Township except in the RSCS Residential Senior Citizen Zone. In addition, no nursing home shall be situated on a site not serviced by water and sewer facilities maintained and operated by a public entity or the municipality.

F. No nursing home shall be constructed on any lot or tract of land in the RSCS Zone unless the lot or tract of land is under one and the same ownership as the nursing home and each lot or tract on which a nursing home is situated must meet all of the following site requirements:

(1) Minimum land area shall be three acres for a fifty-bed nursing home; for one-hundred-bed nursing homes, four acres; and for one-hundred-fifty-bed nursing homes, five acres.

(2) Front lot width: minimum 200 feet.

(3) Building setback: minimum 100 feet.

(4) Side yards: minimum 25 feet each side.

(5) Percent lot coverage by building: 15%.

(6) Off-street parking, 1/2 space per bed and one space per employee, including doctors, nurses, orderlies and management personnel and in no event less than 10 spaces for employees and management personnel.

(7) Rear yard: minimum 50 feet.

(8) Each site plan must show an adequate driveway for unobstructed ambulance entrance to an exit in the building and the driveway shall be such that the ambulance can enter and leave the premises without danger of being blocked by other traffic or parked vehicles with sufficient room provided at the exit for turnaround and loading and unloading of the ambulance. Each nursing home shall have a covered ambulance entrance with an awning or canopy sufficient to fully protect the patient from adverse weather conditions, such as rain or snow, erected in such manner as to permit loading and unloading of the patient without exposure of the patient or the ambulance crew to the elements.

(9) No nursing home shall be erected in the Township in excess of two stories in height exclusive of basement. The basement may be used for utilities, storage and service facilities, excepting kitchen, and the basement under no circumstances may be used for the housing of patients or for recreation area or in any other manner necessitating the keeping of patients therein. The basement, however, may house laboratories, X-rays or other facilities used merely for the purpose of examination of patients not requiring their being in the basement area for more than casual examination or testing.

G. No nursing home shall be permitted to operate as a business in the Township, unless merely for the purpose of examination of patients not requiring their being in the basement area for more than casual examination or testing.

H. Additional standards and regulations.

(1) A safe and convenient system of drives, walkways, access areas and parking facilities must be provided to meet the needs of the employees, doctors, management, visitors, ambulances, delivery vehicles and fire, police or other emergency vehicles.

(2) There shall be adequate lighting to ensure the safety of all persons at all times at the nursing homes.

(3) All nursing homes shall be built of fireproof construction. Such structures shall consist of walls, partitions, stairways, floors, ceilings, roofs and exitways constructed wholly of fireproof materials for fire resistance as specified in Table 5 of the BOCA Code. All such fireproof buildings shall be classified as Type 1A and 1B (as per BOCA Section 215.0 Type 1, Fireproof construction). Structures shall include all exterior and interior walls, floors, ceilings, beams, porches, stairs, doors, windows and main structural features of the building, as well as elevator shafts.

(4) Architectural plans showing a rendering in sufficient detail to indicate floor plan, exits in relation to sidewalk, driveways and service areas, overall dimensions of building or buildings, height, outward appearance, number of rooms, their location and size, elevator locations and fire escape locations shall be submitted with the application for special permit. However, detailed structural drawings and material lists shall be submitted to the Building Inspector after the special permit is granted and prior to any issuance of a building permit by the Building Inspector. At such time, the Building Inspector shall ascertain whether or not the building plans and specifications meet with all the requirements of this chapter as well as other applicable ordinances.

(5) The nursing homes design shall be functional and adequately provide for the health, welfare and safety of the patients, employees, visitors and general public.

(6) Landscaping should be such as may be easily maintained and contribute to the overall appearance and use of the site.

(7) In that kitchens constitute a hazardous area, they shall be isolated insofar as possible from other quarters. No residential or patient rooms shall be permitted from the second floor immediately over the kitchen area.

(8) Kitchen exhaust fans, hoods and metal ducts shall be equipped with Underwriters Laboratories Inc. approved automatic CO2 extinguishers.

(9) Elevators, dumbwaiters, laundry chutes and other service shafts shall be fireproof and all doors in such shafts shall be metal or equivalent as may be approved in writing by the Fire Inspector of the Township.

(10) All nursing homes shall be equipped with an Underwriters Laboratories Inc. approved smoke and fire detector alarm system.

(11) All fire escapes shall be as approved by the Fire Commissions as to location and shall be constructed wholly of steel.

(12) All two-story nursing homes shall have an elevator. The elevator shall be of sufficient size to accommodate a standard wheel-type patient stretcher, together with not fewer than two additional persons and shall be so located as to permit free and easy access to and from the elevator for stretcher borne patients.

(13) The exterior construction and finish of all two-story nursing homes shall be such as to conform to a residential appearance rather than factory or institutional appearance, so as to conform to the residential zone in which they are located. The site plan shall be accompanied by architectural renderings indicating the architectural appearances of the building.

(14) No patients shall be housed on the second floor of a two-story nursing home who are in such bedridden and helpless condition as to be unable to walk from their bed to the farthest fire exit on the floor. All such patients must be housed on the first floor only.

§ 220-116 Amusement arcades.

[Added 7-15-1993 by Ord. No. 9-93]

Amusement arcades may be permitted as conditional uses in the C-2, C-3, C-4, CIR and IOR Zone Districts, provided that:

A. The use shall comply with the licensing requirements of Chapter 88.

B. Amusement arcades shall be located within one building or attached buildings which are not less than 25,000 square feet in gross floor area.

C. Amusement arcade uses shall not exceed 25% of the overall building gross floor area.

D. Off-street parking shall be provided at a ratio of one parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area devoted to amusement arcade uses.

E. Hours of operation of any such facility shall be as set forth in § 88-8B of the Code.

§ 220-117 Corporate headquarters facilities and executive offices.

[Added 5-25-1995 by Ord. No. 22-95]

Corporate headquarters facilities and executive offices may be permitted, provided that:

A. The lot upon which the use is proposed shall conform to the following standards and requirements:

(1) Minimum lot area: 50 acres.

(2) Minimum lot frontage: 500 feet.

(3) Minimum lot width: 500 feet.

(4) Minimum lot depth: 500 feet.

(5) Minimum front yard setback: 150 feet.

(6) Minimum side yard setback: 100 feet.

(7) Minimum rear yard setback: 150 feet.

(8) Maximum lot coverage for buildings only: 25%.

(9) Maximum percentage impervious lot coverage: 50%.

(10) Maximum floor area ratio (FAR): 0.30.

(11) Maximum building height: 50 feet.

B. Parking shall be provided at the rate of 3.5 spaces per every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.

C. Signs may be illuminated but nonflashing and are limited to the following:

(1) Wall signs. No more than two exterior wall signs shall be permitted for each use. The area of each such sign shall not exceed the lesser of 25 square feet or 2% of the area of the wall to which it is affixed.

(2) Ground signs. Ground signs shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet from any street line or lot line. No more than one identification ground sign is permitted per use. No ground sign shall exceed 10 feet in height or 30 square feet in area except that the area of a ground sign can be increased one additional square foot for each additional foot of setback exceeding 10 feet, provided that no sign shall exceed 100 square feet in area. Vehicular direction signs are permissible as long as such signs do not exceed two square feet in area, four feet in height and are located a minimum of five feet from any property line.