§ 220-96 Commercial or private club swimming pool.

A. Location of clubhouse or bathhouse. The clubhouse or bathhouse for an outdoor commercial or private club swimming pool shall be set back not less than 150 feet from the front property line and not closer than 100 feet to the side and rear property lines. However, no clubhouse or bathhouse shall be required for a hotel or motel.

B. Pool location. An outdoor commercial or private club swimming pool shall be located not less than 35 feet from the side or rear of the clubhouse, bathhouse, motel or hotel on the building lot and not less than 200 feet from the front property line and not less than 100 feet from the side or rear property line.

C. Off-street parking. Ample parking space shall be provided in an area or areas located not less than 100 feet from the front property line and not less than 60 feet from side or rear property line and providing a total area equal to 350 square feet for each car space. [Amended 2-27-1997 by Ord. No. 3-97]

D. Size of pool.

(1) A swimming pool for a private club limited to a maximum of 100 members shall have a minimum size of 1,800 square feet, and for each additional 25 members or fraction thereof, the pool shall be enlarged by 450 square feet.

(2) For a commercial swimming pool limited to a total of 100 lockers or baskets for bathers' clothing, the minimum size of the pool shall be 2,000 square feet, and for every additional 25 lockers or baskets or fraction thereof, the pool shall be enlarged by 500 square feet.

E. Swimming section. The diving section shall be greater than 5.5 feet in depth; the nondiving sections shall be less than 5.5 feet in depth. The area reserved around each diving board or platform provided for diving purposes shall be not less than 300 square feet.

F. Pump location. The pump of a filtration or pumping system of a commercial swimming pool or private club pool shall be located not less than 75 feet from any side or rear property line.

G. Lounging and spectator area. In addition to the decks or walks surrounding the swimming pool, an area shall be provided for lounging or spectator use.

H. Clubhouse and bathhouse facilities. The clubhouse or bathhouse shall be equipped with separate facilities for men and women. These facilities shall include adequate dressing rooms, lockers, showers and toilets.

I. Wading pool. A swimming pool for private club or commercial use shall provide a separate wading pool.

J. Pool enclosure. To provide safety and a degree of privacy, an outdoor swimming pool for private club or commercial use shall be surrounded entirely by a suitable, strong, tight fence capable of holding a live load of 250 pounds between posts located not more than eight feet apart; however, one or more sides of the clubhouse or bathhouse may serve as a part of the enclosure. The fence shall be located not less than 15 feet from the closest edge of the pool. The fence shall be from eight feet to 10 feet high, having no opening larger than a two-inch square. All supports shall be inside of the fence and the top of such support shall be at least one inch lower than the top of the fence.

K. Gate. Any opening or openings in the fence to afford entry to the pool shall be equipped with a substantial gate similar to the fence and extending from no less than two inches above the ground to the height of the fence. The gate shall be of a self-closing type, open outwardly only and be equipped with a lock and key or chain and padlock and shall be kept locked except when the pool is in use.

L. Lighting. A complete system of artificial lighting shall be provided for a swimming pool, including lounging and parking areas, which is operated by a private club or for commercial use. Arrangement and design of lights shall be such that all parts of the pool and its appurtenances shall be clearly visible to attendants. All lighting fixtures shall be shielded so as to prevent any direct beam from falling upon any adjoining property. Overhead wires shall not be carried across the swimming pool and wading pool proper, decks and lounging areas. Underwater lighting shall be designed, installed and grounded so as not to create a hazard to bathers.

M. Noise. No sound-amplifying system shall be operated or other activities permitted at any swimming pool for commercial or private club use which shall cause undue noise or constitute a nuisance to the surrounding neighbors. Closing time shall be at 10:30 p.m.

N. Maintenance and inspection.

(1) Swimming pools for commercial or private club use shall be maintained in good working order and in a safe and sanitary condition at all times as specified by the swimming pool standards of the Township's Board of Health. The area surrounding the pool, its enclosures, parking area and lounging areas shall be kept neat, in good order and attractive so as to be in conformity with the surrounding properties. No rubbish, debris or litter of any kind shall be permitted at any time.

(2) Any swimming and wading pool for commercial or private club use, including bath- or clubhouse, bathing, wading, lounging and parking areas and all enclosures, shall be subject to inspection at any time by the Health Officer or Police Department of the Township of Marlboro.

§ 220-97 Off-street parking regulations.

A. General provisions.

(1) Off-street parking space shall be provided as further specified in this chapter and shall be furnished with necessary passageways and driveways. All such space shall be deemed to be required space on the lot on which it is situated, and no such space shall be encroached upon or reduced in any manner. All parking areas, passageways and driveways shall be constructed in accordance with the design specifications of the subdivision provisions of this chapter. Landscaping consisting of attractive trees, shrubs, plants and grass lawns shall be required and planted in accordance with the site plans. Special buffer planting shall be provided along the side and rear property lines so as to provide protection to adjacent properties when such lot lines abut residential zones or uses.

(2) None of the off-street parking facilities that are required in this chapter shall be required for any existing building or use unless said building or use shall be enlarged, in which case the provisions of this chapter, at the discretion of the Planning Board, shall apply only to the enlarged portions of the building or use.

(3) The collective provision of off-street parking area by two or more buildings or uses located on adjacent lots is permitted, provided that the total of such facilities shall not be less than the sum required of the various buildings or uses computed separately, and further provided that the land upon which the collective facilities are located is owned or leased by one or more of the collective users.

(4) All parking areas and appurtenant passageways and driveways serving commercial and industrial uses shall be illuminated adequately during the hours between sunset and sunrise when the use is in operation upon the premises. Adequate shielding shall be provided by commercial and industrial users to protect adjacent residential zones from the glare of such illumination and from that of automobile headlights. The operator of any commercial or industrial premises may reduce the amount of lighting after 12:00 midnight by not more than 50% of the total lighting required during the period between sunset and sunrise.

(5) Parking areas may be located in any rear or side yard, but may not be located in any required front yard area except where specifically permitted elsewhere in this chapter.

(6) Parking spaces, driveways and aisles shall be clearly marked and delineated. For safety and fire-fighting purposes, free access between adjacent parking areas shall be provided.

(7) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property to maintain all off-street parking, loading and unloading areas, driveways, aisles and accessways in good condition, free of sagging condition, potholes, cracked pavement, etc. All lighting, bumpers, markings, signs, drainage and landscaping shall be similarly kept in workable, safe and good condition. Parking space striping shall be inspected periodically by the Township Engineer every three years. If the condition of the striping has deteriorated to a condition deemed by the Township Engineer to warrant renewal, the owner shall repair the markings to the satisfaction of the Township Engineer. Irrespective of the above-described inspection period, if the Township Engineer or the Division of Highway Safety of the Township Police Department determines that the layout of the parking space lines, curbs, islands or other traffic guidance features is such as to adversely affect safety, the Township Engineer can require the owner to redesign and install such traffic guidance and parking features. Where such redesign is ordered by the Township Engineer, the revised design must be reviewed and approved by the Township Planning Board prior to the start of repairs, construction and/or repainting. If the owner fails to undertake repairs after proper notification by the Township Engineer, the governing body may authorize repairs to be made at the owner's expense if, in the governing body's opinion, conditions constitute a hazard to the safety and welfare of the Township residents and visitors or may revoke the owner's certificate of occupancy and require the property to be vacated. [Amended 12-11-1986 by Ord. No. 54-86; 12-10-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-35]

B. Each off-street parking space shall measure not less than 10 feet by 20 feet, exclusive of access drives and aisles, except that parallel curb parking spaces shall be nine feet by 23 feet. Angle parking dimensions shall be as per § 220-169H. [Amended 12-11-1986 by Ord. No. 54-86]

C. Access aisles and driveways.

(1) No access drive, driveways, pathways or any other means of egress or ingress shall be located in any residential zone to provide access to uses other than those permitted in any such residential zone.

(2) All driveways shall cross sidewalk areas at grade.

(3) No driveway to or from a parking area shall be located closer than 100 feet to the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street. However, no driveway to or from a parking area of any major use (such as a shopping center or industrial use) which in the opinion of the Planning Board will generate large traffic volumes shall be located closer than 200 feet to the nearest right-of-way line of an intersecting street.

(4) Driveways shall have a minimum width of 12 feet for one-way traffic and 25 feet for two-way traffic for single-family residences, and a minimum width of 20 feet for one-way traffic and 25 feet for two-way traffic for all other uses.

(5) Aisles from which cars directly enter or leave parking spaces shall be as per § 220-169H. [Amended 12-11-1986 by Ord. No. 54-86]

(6) Parking areas shall be so arranged as to provide adequate access to all buildings in case of fire or other emergency. No parking shall be allowed within 30 feet of the outer walls of any structure or within such other adequate distance as the Planning Board, in consultation with Township fire officials, may approve. The developer shall post adequate signs and provide pavement markings, approved by the Planning Board, prohibiting such parking and designating such areas as fire zones.

D. Sidewalks and curbing. Sidewalks with a minimum width of four feet shall be provided in all parking areas for five or more vehicles, between parking areas and principal structures, along aisles and driveways and wherever pedestrian traffic shall occur. Sidewalks must be raised six inches above the parking area except where crossing streets or driveways, and curbed as a protection to pedestrians using the walks. Sidewalks and parking areas must be arranged to prevent cars from overhanging or extending over sidewalk areas.

E. Parking areas in commercial and industrial districts.

(1) Off-street parking areas which abut a residential or institutional use on any side shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the lot line and adequately buffered and screened from such use with planting or fencing, subject to the approval of the Planning Board and in accordance with the provisions of § 220-100 of this chapter.

(2) Not more than two driveways used as a means of ingress or egress for nonresidential off-street parking areas shall be permitted for each 600 feet of frontage on a public street, nor shall any driveway be located closer than 100 feet to the intersection of two public streets.

(3) All parking areas for 10 or more vehicles shall be landscaped with hedges and shade trees of a type and quantity approved by the Planning Board.

(4) All parking areas for 20 or more vehicles shall contain grassed or landscaped island areas of at least six feet in width separating rows of parking spaces in accordance with the provisions of § 220-169H. Such island areas shall be spread throughout the parking area in accordance with a site plan approved by the Planning Board and shall occupy a minimum of 10% of the area formed by the outer perimeter of the paved parking area. The island areas shall contain a minimum of one shade tree for each 10 parking spaces in the parking area and shall be landscaped in accordance with a landscaping plan approved by the Planning Board. [Amended 12-11-1986 by Ord. No. 54-86; 9-27-1990 by Ord. No. 43-90]

(5) For commercial and all nonresidential uses in business districts, required parking shall be provided within 150 feet of such use, measured from the nearest point of the parking facility to the nearest point of the building that such facility is required to serve.

(6) All parking areas for 10 or more motor vehicles shall have artificial lighting that will provide an average lighting level of 0.5 horizontal footcandle throughout the parking area. The minimum lighting level at any location within the parking area shall be 75% of the average level. Freestanding light poles shall be no higher than the height of the highest principal building served by the parking area, plus five feet. [Amended 6-13-1985 by Ord. No. 16-85]

F. Required off-street parking spaces. [Amended 7-18-1985 by Ord. No. 24-85; 2-13-1986 by Ord. No. 43-85; 6-11-1987 by Ord. No. 26-87; 11-19-1987 by Ord. No. 58-87; 9-27-1990 by Ord. No. 43-90; 5-25-1995 by Ord. No. 22-95; 2-27-1997 by Ord. No. 3-97; 12-17-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-42]

(1) One-family dwelling units, including townhouses: two parking spaces per dwelling unit.

(2) Garden apartments and townhouses in a multifamily district: 2.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit. Garages, where provided, may be considered as the equivalent of one parking space for the purpose of this provision.

(3) Trailer parks: two parking spaces per trailer lot.

(4) Shopping centers of 200,000 square feet in gross floor area or greater shall require 4.5 parking spaces per 1,000 square foot gross floor area, except that only 5% of the required parking can be located behind the building to meet the requirement. This parking space criteria supersedes the individual parking space criteria required for each of the individual uses found in the center, due to the shared use aspect of the combined shopping center.

(5) Parks and other outdoor recreation sites: five parking spaces for each gross acre of land up to 50 acres, and one parking space per gross acre of land above 50 acres.

(6) Private and parochial schools. The off-street parking requirements are provided for under § 220-104D of this chapter.

(7) Public utilities. The off-street parking requirements are provided for under § 220-106F of this chapter.

(8) Philanthropic and eleemosynary uses. The off-street parking requirements are provided for under § 220-107E of this chapter.

(9) Motels. See the requirements contained in § 220-111N of this chapter, as well as those specified in § 220-97F(11) below.

(10) Nursing homes. The off-street parking requirements are provided for under § 220-115 of this chapter.

(11) Other uses:

(12) Mixed uses. In the case of mixed uses on one site (i.e., office/retail manufacturing/warehouse, etc.), the total number of spaces shall be calculated based on the spaces required independently for each use.

§ 220-98 Off-street loading regulations.

A. For every building, structure or part thereof having over 5,000 square feet of building area erected and occupied for commerce, hospital, laundry, dry cleaning, places of public and quasi-public assembly, industry and other similar uses involved in the receipt and distribution by vehicles of materials or merchandise, there shall be provided and permanently maintained adequate space for standing, loading and unloading services, in order to avoid undue interference with the public use of streets or alleys. Every building, structure or addition thereto having a use which complies with the above definition shall be provided with at least one truck standing, loading and unloading space on the premises not less than 12 feet in width, 35 feet in length and 14 feet in height. Such buildings as contain in excess of 25,000 square feet of gross building area will be required to provide additional off-street loading spaces as determined by the Planning Board during site plan review.

B. Access to truck standing, loading and unloading space shall be provided directly from a public street or alley or from any right-of-way that will not interfere with public convenience and will permit orderly and safe movement of truck vehicles.

C. Loading space as required under this section shall be provided in addition to off-street parking space and shall not be considered as supplying off-street parking space.

D. Off-street loading and unloading areas shall be surfaced with an adequately designed durable, all-weather pavement of either bituminous concrete or portland cement concrete and clearly marked for loading spaces and shall be adequately drained, all subject to the regulations.

E. Whenever an off-street loading and unloading area shall be located next to a residential zone, said loading and unloading area shall be suitably screened and buffered, subject to approval by the Planning Board and in accordance with § 220-100 of this chapter.

F. No off-street loading and unloading area shall be permitted in any required front yard area.

§ 220-99 Signs and outdoor advertising regulations.

[Amended 9-20-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-11; 4-24-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-9]

The following regulations shall apply to all signs and outdoor advertising and shall be in addition to other regulations for specific uses elsewhere in this chapter:

A. Purpose; legislative intent. The purpose of this section is promulgate and enforce regulations to uphold the Township's aesthetic and safety interests by minimizing clutter, obstructed views and various traffic hazards, while upholding the right to express free speech and to exchange of ideas.

B. General provisions.

(1) Unless otherwise provided for, all signs shall relate to the premises on which they are erected.

(2) No part of any sign shall be located closer to any lot line than 10 feet or a distance equal to the height of the sign, whichever is greater, except for traffic signs and other signs installed by governmental agencies.

(3) Signs may be double-faced, in which case the maximum sign area will apply to only one side.

(4) The area of a sign shall include every part of the sign, including moldings, frames, posts, pylons or other supporting sections.

(5) Where the face of a sign has openings or is of an irregular shape, the area of the sign, exclusive of supporting sections, shall be considered as the total area of the smallest four-sided (straight sides) geometric shape which most closely outlines the sign.

(6) Freestanding signs shall be supported by posts or pylons of durable materials, which may include concrete, steel, treated wood or other suitable material, and shall be set securely in the ground or concrete so that the sign will be capable of withstanding high winds. No other bracing or guy wire shall be permitted.

(7) Any sign attached flat against the surface of a building shall be constructed of durable material and attached securely to the building with nonrusting hardware. The use of wood or fiber plugs is prohibited.

(8) Advertising or identification of an establishment painted on the surface of a building shall be considered part of the total allowable sign area and shall be subject to the regulations of this chapter.

(9) Signs attached to the side of a building shall not extend more than 12 inches from the face of the building.

(10) A permit shall be secured from the Construction Official for the erection, alteration or reconstruction of any signs other than nameplate, identification, temporary, sales or rental signs.

(11) Whenever a sign becomes structurally unsafe or endangers the safety of the building or the public, the Construction Official shall order such sign to be made safe or removed. Such order shall be complied with within 10 days of the date of the notice, emergencies excepted.

(12) Signs shall not be painted on or affixed to water towers, storage tanks, smokestacks or similar structures.

(13) The area surrounding ground signs shall be kept neat, clean and landscaped. The owner of the property upon which the sign is located shall be responsible for maintaining the condition of the area.

(14) Billboards. [Added 5-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-8]

(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to limit the location, form and placement of billboards to only specified areas of the Township and to ensure construction and placement is compatible with the need for a desirable visual environment, good civic design and arrangement, the well-being of residential areas, the safety of motorists and to prevent the location of facilities which may result in blight along transportation routes within the Township.

(b) Conditional use. Billboards shall be permitted as a conditional use in the C-3, C-4 and C-5 Zones, but only on those lots with frontage on New Jersey State Highway 9, provided that the billboard and its location and installation adhere to the standards of this chapter and in accordance with the following conditions: [Amended 2-2-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-1]

[1] Billboards shall be located only on a lot with lot frontages on N.J.S.H. 9 in the C-3, C-4 and C-5 Zones.

[2] The billboard shall only be constructed as a ground sign and may exist as an additional conditional use or structure, concurrent with any other principal, accessory or other uses or structures on a lot, or a leased portion of a lot.

[3] No billboard shall be located on a lot that is developed with any use, building, business or structure that is not permitted by this chapter, unless the use is a certified preexisting nonconforming use, or structure, or the use of the structure has been previously approved by the appropriate Land Use Board. However, the location of a billboard on a lot that is developed with any use, building, business or structure that is a preexisting nonconforming use, or that has been previously approved by the appropriate Land Use Board, shall not be considered the expansion or intensification of said use or uses; provided that the placement and operation of the billboard does not substantially interfere with the operation of said existing use(s), building(s), business(es) or structure(s). For example, the location of the billboard shall not substantially interfere with internal vehicle circulation on the lot, nor substantially interfere with the delivery of any existing utilities, nor encroach into any designated environmentally sensitive areas. However, no billboard shall be permitted on any lot with a residential use.

[4] No billboard shall be affixed to any building or mounted on any roof.

[5] All parts of the billboard, including any support post or sign face, shall be set back not less than 20 feet from the right-of-way line of N.J.S.H. 9 and/or 79 and not less than 15 feet from any other lot line.

[6] Not more than one billboard shall be permitted on the lot.

[7] Billboards shall not be permitted on any lot where any other ground sign with an area of 60 square feet or greater, as measured by the actual sign message area, exclusive of any decorative trim band, has been constructed or approved on the subject lot or any adjacent lot. No billboard sign shall block the roadway view of another sign located on the same property or in the same retail center. [Amended 2-2-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-1; 9-6-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-21]

[8] No portion of any billboard shall be located within 500 feet of any residential zone district or residential use, as measured to the lot line of said district or residential use. [Amended 2-2-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-1]

[9] The distance allowed from any billboard to any other billboard shall not be less than 2,000 feet as measured in any and all directions, including, but not limited to, the northbound and southbound corridors of Route 9. The measurement of one billboard sign to another billboard sign (not less than 2,000 feet) shall be measured from the outside of each sign. [Amended 2-2-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-1; 9-6-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-21]

[10] No light-emitting-diode (LED) billboards, video billboards, blinking, pulsating, animated or moving billboards shall be permitted.

[11] The sign face of the billboard shall not exceed 675 square feet. Every billboard shall be required to have no more than one message per side of each billboard sign and no more than two sides can be used for messages. [Amended 9-6-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-21]

[12] No billboard shall exceed a height of 45 feet as measured from the top of the sign to the average grade of the footing location.

[13] Any lighting illuminating the billboard shall be directed onto the advertising surface of the billboard and shall be adequately shielded to prevent visual impairment of motorists.

[14] An applicant for a billboard shall comply with the Roadway Signs Outdoor Advertising Act (N.J.S.A. 27:1A-5, 27:1A-6, 27:5-5 et seq.) as well as any other applicable statute, laws and regulations related to billboards. The applicant shall provide proof of receipt of all other approvals and permits required to legally erect and operate the billboard to the Code Enforcement Officer prior to obtaining the sign permit from the Township.

[15] The billboard sign shall not be erected unless approved by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, and the applicant shall secure a permit for an off-premises billboard sign at the specific location being sought for approval.

[16] Back-to-back and V-configuration billboards are permissible.

[17] Billboards shall not contain pornographic or obscene material nor advertise tobacco products or any other advertisements deemed illegal by state and/or federal law.

[18] Billboards as defined herein shall only be permitted as a conditional use within the Township of Marlboro in accordance with this chapter. Billboards existing prior to adoption of this subsection may be repaired and maintained as required but may not be enlarged or moved from their foundation or support footings. No replacement of a billboard shall be permitted upon removal or demolition of an existing billboard except along those lots with frontage on N.J.S.H. 9 and N.J.S.H. 79 in the C-3, C-4 and C-5 Zones.

C. Prohibited signs. The following signs are prohibited in all zones in the Township:

(1) Moving or revolving signs and signs using waving, blinking, flashing, vibrating, flickering, tracer or sequential lights.

(2) Signs using red, green or yellow lights placed within 100 feet of any traffic signal.

(3) Signs using words such as "stop," "look," "danger" or any other sign which in the judgment of the Police Chief of the Township or his designee constitutes a traffic hazard or otherwise interferes with the free flow of traffic.

(4) Roof signs.

(5) Signs advertising a product or service not sold on the premises, signs advertising or directing attention to another premises and any other sign not related to the premises upon which the sign is erected.

(6) Signs causing interference with radio or television reception and telecommunications signals.

(7) Signs obstructing doors, fire escapes or stairways or keeping light or air from windows used for living quarters.

(8) Signs placed on awnings, trees, fences, utility poles, light poles or signs attached to other signs.

D. Permitted signs. The following signs and outdoor advertising are permitted:

(1) Nonilluminated directional signs identifying parking area, entrances, loading zones, exits and similar locations and not exceeding three square feet in area.

(2) Name and number plates identifying residences and affixed to a house, apartment or mailbox and not exceeding 50 square inches in area.

(3) Lawn signs identifying residences and not exceeding 1.5 square feet in area.

(4) Nonilluminated real estate signs announcing the sale, lease or rental of the premises upon which the sign is located. Such signs shall not exceed three square feet in area in a residential zone; 20 square feet in area in a commercial zone; or 50 square feet in area in an industrial zone.

(5) Temporary and permanent traffic signs and signals or other signs installed by a government agency.

(6) Religious institutions, hospitals, nursing homes, private schools and service organizations may have one freestanding or wall sign not exceeding 20 square feet in area.

(7) Home occupations or home professional offices may have one freestanding sign not exceeding three square feet in area or five feet in height or one wall sign not exceeding three square feet in area.

(8) Housing developments may place one temporary sign at each entrance to the project and at the rental or sales office during the course of development. One sign shall not exceed 20 square feet in area or six feet in height. Other signs shall not exceed 15 square feet in area or five feet in height.

(9) Each office or commercial use or industry located in a commercial or industrial zone may have one or more wall signs not exceeding 10% of the area of each side of the building fronting on a public street.

(10) Each office or commercial use or industry located in a commercial or industrial zone, having a street frontage of at least 200 feet and minimum lot size of one acre may erect one freestanding sign; provided, however, where more than one use is conducted in a building or attached buildings on the same lot, only one freestanding sign shall be permitted. The size of the sign shall be determined in accordance with the following table:

(11) Commercial uses or industries with street frontage in excess of 400 feet may erect one additional freestanding sign; provided, however, that the total sign area of the additional sign shall not exceed one square foot for each linear foot of street frontage in excess of 400 feet; but in no event shall the total sign area of both signs be in excess of 280 feet square feet.

(12) One nonflashing sign identifying farms, public and private parks and recreation areas and not exceeding 30 square feet in area on any one side, provided that such sign shall not protrude upon any street or property line.

(13) Temporary signs and political signs pursuant to regulations set forth in § 200-99E and F hereinbelow.

E. Temporary signs shall be permitted under this section subject to the following regulations:

(1) Temporary signs are defined as signs advertising public functions, fund-raising events (other than a building fund for charitable, nonprofit or religious organizations), and temporary signs placed by a contractor, such as a builder, painter or roofer;

(2) A temporary sign, that is, signs advertising public functions, fund-raising events (other than a building fund for charitable, nonprofit or religious organizations), may be placed not more than 45 days prior to the function or event to which it applies;

(3) A temporary sign must be removed not more than seven days after the function or event to which it applies;

(4) In the case of a temporary sign placed by a contractor, such as a builder, painter or roofer, no more than one such temporary sign may be placed on a given property and may not exceed six square feet in size. Such signs may only be placed on a given property during the duration of the contracted work and must be removed within seven days after the completion of such contracted work. In no case shall any such sign be chained to a tree, fence or other structure;

(5) If a temporary sign is placed on residential property, consent of the property owner must be obtained;

(6) If the temporary sign is to be placed in the public right-of-way, then approval of such placement must be obtained from the Bureau of Traffic Safety;

(7) The combined total area of all signs shall not exceed a total of 32 square feet on any one premises where such temporary signs are placed in the public right-of-way;

(8) On or in the rights-of-way on Routes 9, 18, 34, 79 and County Routes 520 and 3, and on Robertsville Road, Wyncrest Road, Tennent Road, Ryan Road, and Gordon's Corner Road, temporary signs shall not be located or placed closer than within 100 linear feet of any other temporary sign on any one premises;

(9) The owner of the property on which a temporary sign is placed shall be responsible for its removal;

(10) The temporary sign must comply with all other regulations related to signs; and

(11) Any temporary sign advertising fund-raising for a building fund for a charitable, nonprofit or religious organization may only be placed on the property which is the subject of such fund-raising and may not exceed 12 square feet in area.

F. Temporary political signs shall be permitted under this section, pursuant to the regulations set forth herein. "Temporary political signs" shall be defined as signs pertaining to federal, state, county or local candidates or questions to be voted upon by the residents of the Township at an upcoming election and shall be subject to the following conditions: [Amended 8-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-21; 7-17-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-11]

(1) Temporary political signs shall not be placed within public rights-of-way or other public property except as provided for in Subsection F(8) below;

(2) Temporary political signs shall be placed not more than 45 days prior to the function, event or election to which they apply;

(3) Temporary political signs must be removed not more than seven days after the function, event, or election to which they apply;

(4) If any temporary political signs are placed on residential properties, consent of the property owners must be obtained;

(5) The combined total area of all such temporary political signs shall not exceed a total of 16 square feet on any one tax lot where such temporary signs are placed in the public right-of-way;

(6) No temporary political sign on private property shall be located or placed closer than within 50 linear feet of any other sign of the same candidate or campaign on any one tax lot;

(7) Placement on or in rights-of-way:

(a) No sign shall be placed within or suspended over a public right-of-way, public property or publicly owned open-space property, except that temporary political signs as permitted by this section shall be permitted in the non-travel portion of any Township right-of-way in the front of an occupied residential property with the permission of the owner of the residential property abutting said right-of-way and provided that such signs are not placed within the right-of-way abutting lands owned by the Township, county or state, public open-space lands and lands owned by the school district.

(b) No temporary political signs shall be permitted on Township property.

(8) The candidate, committee chairman, campaign treasurer and owner of the tax lots on which a temporary political sign is placed shall be responsible for its removal. In addition, for any temporary political sign placed in the right-of-way pursuant to Subsection F(7) above, the owner of the adjacent property shall also be responsible for its removal; and

(9) The temporary political sign must comply with all other regulations related to signs.

G. Enforcement; removal of prohibited signs. Enforcement of the terms of this section shall be under the authority of the Director of the Department of Public Works, or his/her designee. In addition to the Director of the Department of Public Works, the Director of the Department of Community Development, or his or her designees, which may include, but not be limited to, the Code Enforcement Officer and the Zoning Officer and/or their respective designees, shall have concurrent authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter. Whenever the Director of the Department of Public Works or the Director of the Department of Community Development or their respective designees shall determine that a sign has been erected in violation of the provisions of this section, including by reason of its being placed on public or municipal property without proper authority or in the public right-of-way or on utility poles, such sign may be removed at the sole discretion of the Director of Public Works and/or the Director of the Department of Community Development, or his or her respective designees. The Director of Public Works and/or the Director of Community Development or his or her respective designee shall notify the responsible party that the sign has been removed and so further advise them that the removal constitutes a first warning and that any subsequent violation shall result in a fine in accordance with Subsection H below. Each sign in violation of this section may constitute a separate violation.

H. Violations and penalties. Any violation of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of not less than $100 and not to exceed $1,250 for each violation committed hereunder. Every day that a violation continues after service of written notice by ordinary mail on the owner of the subject property or the sign registrant or a posting of a copy of said notice on the subject property shall be deemed a separate offense hereunder.