§ 220-89 IOR Industrial-Office-Research District.

[Added 11-29-1990 by Ord. No. 56-90]

The following regulations shall apply in the IOR Industrial-Office Research District:

A. Permitted uses.

(1) Light manufacturing, processing or fabricating operations which meet the performance standards contained in § 220-37.

(2) Educational services.

(3) Publication of newspapers and periodicals.

(4) Assembly halls, theaters, bowling alleys and other similar commercial recreational activity, provided that it is carried on within a building, and further provided that such use meets the parking recommendations of the ITE Parking Generation Manual, third or most current edition. [Amended 12-17-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-40]

(5) Experimental, research or testing laboratories, provided that no operation shall be conducted or equipment used which would create hazardous, noxious or offensive conditions beyond the boundaries of the property involved.

(6) Administrative office buildings limited to executive or administrative purposes and professional offices.

(7) Industrial research laboratories limited to experimental, research and testing laboratories at which products or goods are not produced for sale.

(8) Warehouse for the storage of materials and products.

(9) Corporate headquarters.

(10) Hotels and conference center.

(11) Restaurants as part of an industrial park or corporate office center except for drive-through or fast-food restaurant facilities.

(12) Corporate or industrial parks subject to the following regulations:

(a) Minimum site requirement: 40 acres.

(b) Internal lot size and setbacks: as per the following schedule:


*Not more than 10% of the lots may be one-acre lots.

(13) Retail facilities incidental to the primary use and limited to 15% of the gross floor area.

(14) Off-site catering services. [Added 5-9-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-13]

B. Permitted accessory uses.

(1) Customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.

C. Conditional uses. Uses requiring a conditional use permit are subject to the provisions of Article IV of this chapter.

(1) Public utilities.

(2) Amusement arcades. [Added 7-15-1993 by Ord. No. 8-93]

(3) Churches and places of worship. [Added 5-27-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-17]

(4) Quasi-public buildings and recreational uses. [Added 5-27-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-17]

(5) Wireless communications facilities.

D. Area, yard and building requirements are as specified for this zone in the schedule of requirements in § 220-34D of this chapter.

E. Signs are subject to the provisions of § 220-99 of this chapter.

F. Fences are subject to the provisions of § 220-95 of this chapter.

G. Off-street parking is subject to the provisions of § 220-97 of this chapter.

H. Off-street loading is subject to the provisions of § 220-98 of this chapter.

I. Other provisions.

(1) Front yard areas may be utilized for parking, provided that no such parking shall be closer than 80 feet to the street line.

(2) Storage of flammable liquids or gases shall be in accordance with the Township's Fire Prevention Code.

(3) The outdoor storage of material, equipment or refuse shall only be permitted if such storage is fenced and/or screened from public view in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Board.

J. Relationship to residential lots.

(1) No building, structure or railroad tracks shall be erected within 150 feet of any front, side or rear lot line that abuts or is the near street line opposite a residential zone.

(2) No parking area or driveway shall be located within 150 feet of any front, side or rear lot line that abuts or is near the street line opposite a residential zone.

(3) No tree having a caliber of more than three inches and located within 100 feet of any front, side or rear lot line that abuts or is the near street line opposite a residential zone or lot utilized for residential purposes in a commercial or industrial zone shall be removed unless such removal is in accordance with an approved site plan.

(4) Prior to commencing construction of any building, structure, railroad tracks, driveway or parking areas, a permanent fence shall be constructed along the entire length of any front, side or rear lot line that abuts a residential zone or use. Such fence shall be at least six feet in height and shall be of a type and material approved by the Planning Board as part of site plan approval and be subject to § 220-95 of this chapter.

(5) A buffer area 50 feet in width shall be provided along any front, side or rear lot line that abuts a residential zone or use. Such buffer area shall be suitably landscaped with trees, shrubs and/or ground cover in accordance with a landscaping plan approved by the Planning Board as part of site plan approval.

§ 220-90 LI Light Industrial Zone District.

The following regulations shall apply in the LI Light Industrial Zone District:

A. Permitted uses.

(1) Light manufacturing, proceeding, producing or fabricating operations which meet the performance standards contained in § 220-37.

(2) Administrative offices solely related to the primary industrial function being performed, except as permitted by Subsection A(3) below.

(3) Administrative office buildings limited to executive or administrative or business service offices of industrial or business concerns.

(4) Industrial research laboratories limited to experimental research and testing laboratories, at which products or goods are not produced for sale, provided that no operation shall be conducted or equipment used which would create hazardous, noxious or offensive conditions beyond the boundaries of the property involved.

(5) Warehouse for the storage of material and products.

(6) Railroad rights-of-way and terminal facilities.

(7) Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work, provided that such buildings are removed upon completion or abandonment of the construction work.

(8) Off-site catering services. [Added 5-9-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-13]

(9) Landscaping businesses including the storage of equipment and materials. [Added 12-6-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-22]

(10) Assembly halls, theaters, bowling alleys, and other similar commercial recreational activities, provided that such use is carried out within a building, and that the use meets the parking recommendations of the ITE Parking Generation Manual third or most current edition. [Added 12-17-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-39]

B. Permitted accessory uses.

(1) All customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.

C. Area, yard and building requirements are as specified for this zone in the schedule of requirements in § 220-34D of this chapter.

D. Conditional uses. Uses requiring a conditional use permit are subject to the provisions of Article IV of this chapter.

(1) Public utilities.

(2) Churches and places of worship. [Added 5-27-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-17]

(3) Quasi-public buildings and recreational uses. [Added 5-27-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-17]

E. Other provisions.

(1) Front yard areas may be utilized for parking, provided that no such parking shall be closer than 80 feet to the street line.

(2) Storage of flammable liquids or gases shall be in accordance with the Township's Fire Prevention Code.

(3) The outdoor storage of material, equipment or refuse shall only be permitted if such storage is fenced and/or screened from public view in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Board.

F. Relationship to residential lots.

(1) No building, structure or railroad tracks shall be erected within 150 feet of any front, side or rear lot line that abuts or is the near street line opposite a residential zone.

(2) No parking area or driveway shall be located within 150 feet of any front, side or rear lot line that abuts or is the near street line opposite a residential zone.

(3) No tree having a caliber of more than three inches and located within 100 feet of any front, side or rear lot line that abuts or is the near street line opposite a residential zone or lot utilized for residential purposes in a commercial or industrial zone shall be removed unless such removal is in accordance with an approved site plan.

(4) Prior to commencing construction of any building, structure, railroad tracks, driveway or parking areas, a permanent fence shall be constructed along the entire length of any front, side or rear lot line that abuts a residential zone or use. Such fence shall be at least six feet in height and shall be of a type and material approved by the Planning Board as part of site plan approval.

(5) A buffer area 50 feet in width shall be provided along any front, side or rear lot line that abuts a residential zone or use. Such buffer area shall be suitably landscaped with trees, shrubs and/or ground cover in accordance with a landscaping plan approved by the Planning Board as part of site plan approval and as per § 220-100 of this chapter.

G. Signs are subject to the provisions of § 220-99 of this chapter.

H. Fences are subject to the provisions of § 220-95 of this chapter.

I. Off-street parking is subject to the provisions of § 220-97 of this chapter.

J. Off-street loading is subject to the provisions of § 220-98 of this chapter.

§ 220-91 CS Commercial Service District.

[Added 11-29-1990 by Ord. No. 56-90]

The following regulations shall apply in the CS District:

A. All industrial uses in existence at the time of passage of this section.

B. All residential uses in existence at the time of passage of this section.

C. Permitted uses consisting of services used as follows, with sales permitted incidental to the service use:

(1) Finance, insurance and real estate services.

(2) Personal services.

(3) Repair services, including motor vehicles.

(4) Professional services.

(5) Lawn equipment sales and services.

(6) Pool equipment sales and services.

(7) Electrical and plumbing repair services.

(8) Computer services.

(9) Appliance repair.

D. Permitted accessory uses.

(1) Customary accessory uses and buildings which are clearly incidental to the principal use and building.

E. Area, yard and building requirements are as specified for this zone in the schedule of requirements in § 220-34D of this chapter.

F. Conditional uses. Uses requiring a conditional use permit are subject to the provisions of Article IV of this chapter.

(1) Public utilities.

G. Signs are regulated as per § 220-99 of this chapter.

H. Fences are subject to the provisions of § 220-95 of this chapter.

I. Parking is regulated as per § 220-97 of this chapter.

J. Off-street loading is subject to the provisions of § 220-98 of this chapter.

K. Other provisions.

(1) The storage of flammable liquids and gases shall not be permitted above ground, except that where such liquids and gases are used as a heating fuel, they may be stored within the building in accordance with the Township's Fire Prevention Code.

(2) All rubbish and garbage and waste materials shall be stored in metal or plastic containers securely closed with metal or plastic covers and shall be in compliance with all Township recycling provisions. Containers may be stored in a building, in the rear yard or in the side yard if properly screened from view.

(3) Where the property line of a proposed commercial service lot abuts a residential zone or use, a buffer area shall be established, which shall include an area of land 30 feet in width as measured from said property line. For the purpose of establishing a building setback line along the buffer area, all side and rear yard lines shall be increased by a depth of 30 feet. The buffer screen shall meet the standards set forth in § 220-100 of this chapter.