§ 220-71 MFD-II Multifamily District.

[Added 11-24-1992 by Ord. No. 40-92]

The following regulations shall apply in the MFD-II Multifamily District:

A. Project requirements. For any parcel to be developed in the MFD-II District, the same regulations and provisions as set forth in § 220-70A shall apply, except that the provisions of § 220-70A(9) above shall not apply. The following provisions shall apply:

(1) Buffer and landscaping. All areas of a development not used for the construction of buildings, roads, accessways, parking areas or sidewalks shall be fully landscaped. Where a development boundary line abuts a lot in another zone, which lot is not owned by the developer, there shall not be cut, uprooted, destroyed or taken away any existing trees, shrubbery or other planting within the area of 30 feet inside the boundary line of the development abutting a lot in another zone. If no adequate trees, shrubs or planting exists in the thirty-foot area in the natural state of the premise before the development, the area shall be provided with an adequate approved planting plan to provide a belt of screening within the thirty-foot area in accordance with § 220-100.

B. Permitted uses. Permitted uses shall be as follows:

(1) Detached single-family homes.

(2) Attached single-family duplex units.

(3) Single-family zero lot line homes.

C. Lot, bulk and setback requirements. Lot, bulk and setback requirements shall be as follows:

(1) For detached single-family homes.

(a) Density. No more than six units shall be permitted per gross acre.

(b) Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size shall be 6,000 square feet.

(c) Setbacks.

[1] Front yard. The minimum front yard setback shall be 20 feet.

[2] Side yard. The minimum side yard setback shall be five feet; the minimum total for two side yards is 15 feet. (By example, a lot may have a five-foot and ten-foot side yard or a seven-foot and eight-foot side yard totaling 15 feet.]

[3] Rear yard. The minimum rear yard setback shall be 20 feet.

(d) Lot width. The minimum lot width shall be 40 feet which shall be measured from the front setback line of the home.

(e) Lot depth. The minimum lot depth shall be 90 feet.

(f) Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 32%. Driveways shall be excluded from the calculating of lot coverage.

(g) Height. The maximum height shall be 2 1/2 stories and in no event shall the height exceed 35 feet. [Amended 3-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-4]

(2) For attached single-family duplex units and single-family zero lot line homes.

(a) Density. No more than six units shall be permitted per gross acre.

(b) Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size shall be 4,000 square feet.

(c) Setbacks.

[1] Front yard. The minimum front yard setback shall be 20 feet.

[2] Side yard. The minimum side yard setback shall be zero feet; the minimum total for two side yards is 10 feet.

[3] Rear yard. The minimum rear yard setback shall be 20 feet.

(d) Lot width. The minimum lot width shall be 30 feet which shall be measured from the front setback line of the home.

(e) Lot depth. The minimum lot depth shall be 90 feet.

(f) Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 32%. Driveways shall be excluded from the calculating of lot coverage.

(g) Height. The maximum height shall be 35 feet or 2 1/2 stories.

D. Affirmative devices requirements. All the requirements contained in § 220-69A of this chapter shall apply in the MFD-II Zone, except that the set-aside for affordable units shall be provided as follows:

(1) Development of the MFD-II Zone must presumptively provide for 84 units of housing affordable to low- and moderate-income households as defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

(2) The only circumstance in which the set-aside of affordable housing need be higher than 84 units is if 22% of the total units approved for the lots within the MFD-II Zone exceeds 84 units; in such event the set-aside shall be equal to 22% of the total units approved for development.

(3) The only circumstance in which the set-aside of affordable housing may be lower than 84 units is if 28% of the total units approved for the lots within the MFD-II Zone is less than 84 units; in such event the set-aside shall be equal to 28% of the total units approved for development.

E. Permitted accessory uses. All those uses contained in § 220-69C of this chapter shall apply in the MFD-II Zone.

§ 220-71.1 MFD-III Multifamily District.

[Added 10-19-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-30; amended 12-17-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-18]

The following regulations shall apply in the MFD-III Multifamily District:

A. Project requirements. For any parcel to be developed in the MFD-III District, the same regulations and provisions as set forth in § 220-71 (MFD-II Multifamily District) shall apply except as same are modified by the provisions herein.

B. Buffer and landscaping. All areas of a development not used for the construction of buildings, roads, and access ways, parking areas or sidewalks shall be fully landscaped. Where a development's boundary line abuts a lot which lies in another zone and the abutting lot is not owned by the developer, the lot being developed shall contain a natural buffer within the area of 15 feet inside the boundary line of the development that abuts the lot lying in another zone such that there shall not be cut, uprooted, destroyed or taken away any existing trees, shrubbery or other plantings, except that weeds, poison ivy and the like shall be excepted. If no adequate trees, shrubs or plantings exist in the said fifteen-foot area in the natural state of the premises before the development, the area shall be provided within an adequate, approved planting plan with the goal of providing a belt of screening within the fifteen-foot area in accordance with § 220-100.

C. Permitted uses. Permitted uses shall be as follows:

(1) Attached townhouse residential units.

(2) Multifamily residential tenanted buildings.

D. Lot, bulk and setback requirements. Lots, bulk and setback requirements shall be as follows:

(1) For multifamily tenanted buildings and attached townhouse residential units.

(a) Density. No more than 15 units shall be permitted per gross acre.

(b) Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size shall be two acres.

(c) Occupancy. No more than 25 families shall occupy each building.

(d) Setbacks.

[1] Front yard. The minimum front yard setback shall be 10 feet.

[2] Side yard. The minimum side yard setback shall be 10 feet; the minimum for two sides is 30 feet.

[3] Rear yard. The minimum rear yard setback shall be 10 feet.

(e) Lot width. The minimum lot width shall be 125 feet.

(f) Lot depth. The minimum lot depth shall be 125 feet.

(g) Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage shall be 80%.

(h) Height. The maximum building height for multifamily tenanted buildings shall be four stories or 50 feet; the maximum building height for attached townhouse buildings shall be 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet.

E. Affirmative devices requirements. All the requirements contained in § 220-71D of this chapter shall apply in the MFD-III Zone, except that the set-aside for affordable units shall be provided as follows:

(1) Development of the MFD-III Zone must presumptively provide for 50 rental units of housing for affordable to low- and moderate-income households as defined by the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing and/or the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, as may be applicable under prevailing law.

F. Permitted accessory uses. Permitted accessory uses shall be all those contained in § 220-71E (MFD-II Multifamily District) of this chapter and shall apply in the MFD-III Multifamily District Zone, as well as any uses which are incidental to the principal use or structure on the lot, such as, but not limited to, signage, parking, fences, noncommercial swimming pools, tennis courts, clubhouse, and other recreational facilities for the exclusive use of residents and guests.

§ 220-72 SCMFD-I Senior Citizen Multifamily District I.

[Added 4-4-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-7]

The Senior Citizen Multifamily District I, hereinafter referred to as "SCMFD-I," is defined as a community having one or more adjacent parcels of land with a total acreage of at least 26 acres to be dedicated to the use of a senior citizen multifamily community. For purposes of this section, parcels of land separated only by public streets or other rights-of-way are considered adjacent. Said land shall be restricted by bylaws, rules, regulations and restrictions of record to use by permanent residents 55 years of age or older, as further defined under the United States Fair Housing Act, as amended.

A. Affordable housing provisions. There shall be an obligation to contribute $176,000 to the Township's Affordable Housing Trust Fund,

B. Permitted principal uses.

(1) Attached single-family duplex units.

(2) Townhouses.

(3) Multiple-family condominium dwellings.

C. Permitted accessory uses. Necessary accessory buildings and uses, including facilities for maintenance. Permanent entrance or project signs if approved by the Planning Board. Noncommercial swimming pools, tennis courts and other recreational facilities for the exclusive use of residents and their guests. Off-street parking facilities and, in association with units, noncommercial parking garages for the exclusive use of site residents only. Fences, as regulated in this chapter.

D. The minimum lot, bulk and setback requirements shall be:

(1) Density. No more than 8.8 units shall be permitted per gross acre of the entire tract, with a maximum of 225 units permitted on the entire tract.

(2) Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage of all buildings shall be 20% of the entire tract.

(3) For attached single-family duplex units:

(a) Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size shall be 4,000 square feet.

(b) Setbacks.

[1] Front yard. The minimum front yard setback shall be 20 feet.

[2] Side yard. The minimum side yard setback shall be zero feet; the minimum total for two side yards is 10 feet.

[3] Rear yard. The minimum rear yard setback shall be 20 feet.

[4] From exterior tract boundary. The minimum setback shall be 60 feet.

(c) Lot width. The minimum lot width shall be 30 feet which shall be measured from the front setback line of the home.

(d) Lot depth. The minimum lot depth shall be 90 feet.

(e) Maximum lot coverage by buildings and structures; 40%. An additional 15% lot coverage allowance will be provided for driveways, sidewalks, patios and decks and similar appurtenances.

(f) Height. The maximum building height shall be 2 1/2 stories and in no event shall the height exceed 35 feet. [Amended 3-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-4]

(4) For clustered townhouses:

(a) No building shall be designed for or occupied by more than eight families.

(b) No building shall exceed 160 feet in length in its longest dimension; provided, however, that buildings may exceed the foregoing length so long as they do not contain more than six units.

(c) There shall be no fewer than two exterior exposures for each unit, each of which shall be properly placed so as to provide thorough ventilation for each unit.

(d) With respect to clustered townhouses, the distance between two adjacent buildings side to side shall not be less than 30 feet. The distance between two adjacent buildings rear to rear shall not be less than 50 feet and side to rear shall not be less than 30 feet.

(e) Setbacks. There shall be a front yard setback of at least 50 feet and side and rear yard minimum setbacks of 40 feet from streets and exterior tract boundaries. The minimum setbacks from private roads and interior parking areas (curbline) shall be 25 feet.

(f) Height. The maximum building height shall be 2 1/2 stories and in no event shall the height exceed 35 feet. [Amended 3-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-4]

(5) For multiple-family condominium buildings:

(a) Dwelling units may be contained in a building with a maximum length of 260 feet, provided that there are no more than two consecutive units without at least a two-foot offset in the building line.

(b) Distance between buildings shall be a minimum of 50 feet.

(c) No more than 20 dwelling units shall be contained in a single building.

(d) Setbacks. There shall be a front yard setback of at least 50 feet and side and rear yard minimum setbacks of 40 feet from streets and exterior tract boundaries. The minimum setbacks from private roads and interior parking areas (curbline) shall be 25 feet.

(e) Height. The maximum building height shall be three stories and in no event shall the height exceed 35 feet. [Amended 3-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-4]

(6) Setbacks for accessory structures.

(a) Front yard and side yard. The minimum front yard and side yard setbacks shall be the same as that required for principal structures in this zone.

(b) The minimum rear yard setback shall be 10 feet for accessory structures, including but not limited to gazebos, sheds and docks. Where a rear yard is adjacent to a wetland buffer area not owned by the residential lot owner, a park or common area, the rear yard setback shall be five feet.