§ 190-210 Electrical cogeneration facilities.

Electrical cogeneration facilities are facilities which generate electricity, steam or heat for industrial operation purposes and transmit electricity to the public utility electrical system. Electrical cogenerating facilities shall be permitted in accordance with an approved site plan and only upon receipt of a conditional use permit where the following conditions are met:

A. A cogeneration facility shall be permitted only as an ancillary facility for purposes of generating steam, heat and/or electricity a portion of which shall be for a use or uses permitted within the M-1 and M-2 Zones.

B. The location of the electrical generating facility is to be wholly within the M-1 and/or M-2 Industrial District with no structure to be located within 500 feet of any residential zone.

C. The fuel for said facility is to be limited to piped natural gas as the primary fuel and Number 2 fuel oil and kerosene as backup fuels.

D. On-site storage of fuel is to be limited to fuel oil tanks with a total capacity not exceeding 25,000 barrels and separated from public streets and adjoining properties in accordance with the criteria established pursuant to 24 CFR Part 51, Safe Separation Standards for Hazardous and Flammable Material.

E. Refueling trucks are to be restricted to a route which does not utilize local residential streets.

F. A water supply source capable of meeting the worst case supply/demand situation is to be secured prior to preliminary approval.

G. Cooling towers are to be located so as to minimize icing conditions on or adjacent to public streets.

H. Exhaust stacks shall be designed to comply with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Good Engineering Practice (GEP) regulations to ensure that ambient air quality standards are maintained but in any event shall not exceed 2 1/2 times the maximum height of the tallest building developed as part of the cogeneration facility.

I. Off-site electrical transmission lines situated within or adjoining public street rights-of-way are to be mounted on structures not exceeding 75 feet in height except at crossings of intersections and where required by the Board of Public Utility Commissioners or other regulatory agencies where the maximum height shall not exceed 100 feet. Alternatives are to be routed and designed to minimize any adverse impact on public safety, property value or utilization, street widenings or realignments, and aesthetic character.

J. Building height shall not exceed 75 feet.

§ 190-211 Funeral homes.

Funeral homes shall be permitted in the Professional Office P-1 Zoning District only upon receipt of a conditional use permit and provided that the following standards are met, together with any other requirements deemed necessary by the Planning Board and any other applicable requirements of this chapter:

A. The building and site design shall be compatible with and complement the adjoining land uses.

B. A funeral home shall not be located within 3,500 feet of an existing or proposed residential health care facility or hospital. Measurement shall be from the proposed front door of the funeral home, along the shortest route able to be traveled along a public street or roadway and terminating at the existing or proposed front door of the residential health care facility or hospital.

C. The structure shall be designed so that transporting of human bodies or remains into the facility shall be totally enclosed within the structure.

D. No other principal use shall be allowed on the property that is not related to the direct operation of the funeral home business, except that of a caretaker's residence, so long as it is part of the main funeral home structure and the resident thereof is an owner or employee of the funeral home business conducted on the premises.

E. One loading space shall be provided adjacent to the structure for receipt and delivery of supplies and materials utilized within the funeral home other than for transport of human bodies or remains.

F. No parking shall be allowed in the front yard area of the premises.

G. The front yard setback shall not be less than 50 feet from the public right-of-way line.

H. The buffer to surrounding residential zones or uses shall not be less than 30 feet and shall be landscaped so that motor vehicle and pedestrian activity on the site is screened year round.

I. The minimum parking required on site shall be computed as the greater of the following:

(1) One parking space for each three seats in the chapel area(s); or

(2) One parking space for each 100 square feet of gross ground floor plus one parking space for each 100 square foot devoted to chapel, waiting and seating areas located on the second floor; or

(3) One space for each four persons legally admitted by the Fire Code for the structure; or

(4) A minimum of 50 exterior visitor's parking spaces on site; and

J. In addition to the parking required by Subsection I above, the following shall be required:

(1) If a caretaker's residence is included, two additional spaces shall be provided for the caretaker's use; and

(2) If provision is not made for garaging of the funeral home vehicles within the building or by a separate enclosed garage as an accessory building, two additional exterior parking spaces shall be provided.

K. Site lighting shall be provided by a combination of pole mounted lights which are compatible with residential uses, not exceeding 12 feet in height from ground level. Ground-level lighting shall be provided for unlighted sidewalk and/or pedestrian areas.

(1) The principal structure shall not exceed 2 1/2, with a maximum building height of 35 feet.

§190-212 Restaurants in Corporate Multiuse Development Zones CMX-10, CMX- 4, CMX-3, CMX-3A and CMX-2.

[Amended 11-28-2006 by Ord. No. O-06-41; 8-28-2012 by Ord. No. O-12-18]

Restaurants shall be permitted as conditional uses within CMX Zones as freestanding facilities and as facilities within mixed-use, planned developments. Restaurants shall be designed in accordance with the architectural requirements of § 190-114 and the following:

A. Full service restaurants; restaurants with liquor licenses.

(1) Minimum floor area devoted to each restaurant use: 5,000 square feet.

(2) Minimum number of seats is 225.

(3) No separate take out service area is permitted.

(4) No drive-up windows are permitted.

B. Family-style restaurants; restaurants without liquor licenses.

(1) Minimum floor area devoted to an individual restaurant use: 2,500 square feet.

(2) Minimum floor area for each restaurant where two or more family restaurants are located in the same building: 2,500 square feet.

(3) Minimum number of seats is 125.

(4) No separate take out service area is permitted.

(5) No drive-up windows are permitted.

(6) Video interactive devices, video games, and children entertainment uses in conformance with Chapter 75, Article II, § 75-19, provided that the area used for such uses shall not reduce the minimum required restaurant floor area and shall not exceed 25% or 1,000 square feet of the total floor area, whichever is less.

C. In order to encourage restaurant use in conjunction with a planned development of 10 or more acres, submitted to the Board as one application, the following requirements shall apply to that application:

(1) Minimum required parking spaces for the restaurant use shall be calculated as one for every eight customer seats and one for every four employees.

(2) The calculation for floor area ratio and for lot coverage shall not include atriums and other hallway areas connecting the restaurant with the remainder of the planned development.

§ 190-213 (Reserved)

§ 190-214 Bulk document storage.

Bulk document storage facilities are hereby permitted within the M-1 Industrial Zone, provided that the use meets the following conditions:

A. Minimum lot area. Minimum lot areas shall be the same as the minimum lot area within the M-1 Industrial Zone.

B. Minimum yard requirements. Minimum yard areas shall be the same as the minimum required yard areas within the M-1 Industrial Zone.

C. Maximum building height: 75 feet.

D. Floor area ratio. The maximum floor area ratio shall be as follows:

(1) Office, administrative, processing area and other nonbulk storage floor area: maximum floor area ratio (FAR) 0.10.

(2) For bulk document storage area. Maximum FAR: 0.30; provided, however, that if the office, administrative and processing area is less than FAR 0.10, the bulk storage area FAR may be increased so that the combination of total FAR shall not exceed 0.40.

E. Parking. Parking for employees and visitors shall be determined upon the following: 1 1/4 parking spaces per employee on the principal shift.

F. Loading spaces. The number of loading spaces shall be the same as required in the district in which the facility is located.

G. Maximum lot coverage for all buildings: 40%.

§ 190-215 Self-storage warehousing.

Self-storage or mini-warehousing as defined by the North American Industrial Classification System and classified as NAICS 531130 may be permitted in the CMX-3 Zone District only upon receipt of a conditional use permit, provided that the following conditions are met together with any other applicable requirements of this chapter and other chapters of the Code of Freehold Township.

A. Planned self-storage warehousing facility complex. A self-storage and/or mini-warehouse facility that is designed exclusively for such use.

(1) Minimum lot area shall be 15 acres.

(2) The rental storage area shall be a minimum of 80,000 square feet.

(3) No storage shall be permitted out of doors except for a designated storage area for boats on trailers and recreational vehicles which area shall not exceed 10% of the developable area of the site (area not including steep slopes, freshwater wetlands, floodplains and areas containing heritage trees).

(4) Mini-warehouses and self-storage facilities shall provide for the dead storage of customer's goods and materials only. No business activity other than the rental of storage space and the sale of packing materials associated with moving and/or storage of goods and materials shall be permitted.

(5) One operational manager's office and one resident manager's dwelling shall be permitted as an accessory use to the principal use of the mini-storage or self-storage warehousing use.

(6) The lot shall be located on and accessed from a street other than a collector or arterial roadway.

(7) The minimum front yard shall be 100 feet. The minimum rear and side yards shall be 75 feet; provided, however, that the minimum rear and side yards may be 50 feet when the facility is located adjacent to a nonresidential building in a nonresidential zone. All other requirements for the CMX-3 Zone including floor area ratio, maximum impervious surface, and minimum buffer requirements shall apply.

(8) All yards shall be landscaped to provide appropriate visual screening and/or buffering from residential developments within 500 feet of the facility. The visual screening may include masonry walls, decorative fencing and/or planted screening. Planted screening shall consist of a twenty-foot wide staggered row of evergreen trees 10 feet on center and other plant materials to provide a visual screen. Where existing heritage trees or other mature vegetation serves as a planted screen, supplemental plant materials can be provided as needed to effect a visual screen in lieu of the twenty-foot wide evergreen screen.

(9) Facades of all structures facing public streets or visible from public streets and residential uses, within 500 feet, shall be constructed of materials which are of brick, decorative masonry, finished wood of a combination of materials which will be compatible with the uses in the area and shall be designed with a Colonial motif where visible from a public street including any controlled access arterial highway.

(10) No structures shall exceed 2 1/2 or 35 feet. All storage buildings of more than one story shall provide elevators for goods and materials to be stored. Buildings greater than one story shall provide one loading space for every 20,000 square feet of gross floor area of such building.

(11) Internal driveway aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet with parking permitted on both sides of the driveway. A driveway aisle where access is only on one side may be a minimum of 20 feet in width.

(12) All outdoor lighting shall be shielded to direct light and glare only onto the premises and shall be only of sufficient intensity to discourage vandalism and theft.

(13) No mini-warehouse or self-storage unit doors shall be constructed to open to a public street or to a residential zone district.

(14) No outdoor storage of goods or materials shall be permitted except for a designated storage area for boats, recreational vehicles and other motorized vehicles, provided that such storage area does not exceed 10% of the developed self-storage area, is fenced and is screened from public roadways and residential uses within 500 feet of the boat, recreational and other motorized vehicle storage area. No repair or servicing of motorized vehicles shall be permitted except for minor repairs in order to make a stored vehicle mobile such as repair of flat tires, changing of batteries or repair of required safety devices such as taillights, headlights and turning signals. The use of boats, recreational vehicles, or other vehicles as a residence or for any habitation purposes shall be prohibited while the boat or vehicle is stored at the storage facility premises.

(15) Off-street parking shall include a minimum of two spaces for the resident manager, one space for the operational manager's office, four visitor parking spaces at the operational manager's office, one parking space for each employee other than the operational manager during peak periods plus one parking space per 2,000 square feet gross self-storage or mini-warehousing facility floor area. One loading space shall be provided for every 20,000 square feet of gross floor area of the storage facility.

(16) Trash receptacles and dumpsters shall be screened from public streets and adjacent residential uses utilizing masonry material similar to the facade of the building. Screening walls shall be of a masonry material that is compatible in character with the building material facade.

(17) All signs and advertising shall be in accordance with § 190-146F.

B. Mixed office and self-storage planned development. A mixed office and self-storage planned development consisting of uses permitted in the CMX-3 zoning district and self-storage, mini-warehousing and document storage facilities constructed as masonry building(s) that are designed of the same or similar facade material as other buildings within the planned development and with internal access only of individual self-storage/mini-warehouse rental units.

(1) Minimum lot area for the planned development shall be seven acres. The minimum lot area for subdivided parcels within the planned development shall be three acres.

(2) The self-storage/mini-warehousing area shall not exceed 75% of the total planned development tract area and shall not exceed a maximum of 100,000 square feet of gross rental floor area.

(3) No outdoor storage of goods or materials shall be permitted except for a designated storage area for boats, recreational vehicles and other motorized vehicles provided that such storage area does not exceed 10% of the developed self-storage area, is fenced and is screened from public roadways and residential uses within 500 feet of the boat, recreational and other motorized vehicle storage area. No repair or servicing of motorized vehicles shall be permitted except for minor repairs in order to make a stored vehicle mobile such as repair of flat tires, changing of batteries or repair of required safety devices such as taillights, headlights and turning signals. The use of boats, recreational vehicles, or other vehicles as a residence or for any habitation purposes shall be prohibited while the boat or vehicle is stored at the storage facility premises.

(4) Mini-warehouses and self-storage facilities shall provide for the dead storage of customer's goods, documents and materials only. No business activity other than the rental of storage space and the sale of packing materials associated with moving and/or storage of goods and materials shall be permitted.

(5) One operational manager's office and one resident manager's dwelling shall be permitted as an accessory use to the principal use of the mini-storage or self-storage warehousing use.

(6) The self-storage facility structures shall not be located within 200 feet of a public street or road and the minimum rear and side yards shall be the same as the CMX-3 Zone.

(7) All yards shall be landscaped to provide appropriate visual screening and/or buffering from residential developments within 500 feet of the facility. The visual screening may include masonry walls, decorative fencing and/or planted screening. A planted buffer of 25 feet shall be provided. The planted buffer for the self-storage/mini-warehousing facilities shall include a twenty-foot wide staggered row of evergreen trees 10 feet on center and other plant materials and decorative fencing to provide a visual screen from residential properties and public streets and roads. Where existing heritage trees or other mature vegetation occurs, such existing plants shall be retained within the required buffer area and supplemented with suitable plant materials as needed to effect a visual screen in lieu of the required twenty-foot wide evergreen screen.

(8) Facades of all structures facing public streets or visible from public streets and residential uses, within 500 feet, shall be constructed of materials which are of brick, decorative masonry, finished wood or a combination of materials which will be compatible with the uses in the area and shall be designed with a Colonial motif where visible from a public street including any controlled access arterial highway.

(9) No structures shall exceed three stories or 35 feet in height. All structures of more than one story shall provide elevators for patrons and goods and materials to be stored.

(10) All outdoor lighting shall be shielded to direct light and glare only onto the premises and shall be only of sufficient intensity to discourage vandalism and theft.

(11) No mini-warehouse or self-storage unit doors shall be constructed to open to a public street or to a residential zone district.

(12) A storage area for boats may be permitted on the site provided that the boat storage area does not exceed 10% of the developed storage area, is fenced and is screened from public roadways and residential uses within 500 feet of the boat storage area.

(13) Off-street parking shall include a minimum of two spaces for the resident manager, one space for the operational manager's office, four visitor parking spaces at the operational manager's office, one parking space for each employee other than the operational manager during peak periods plus one parking space per 2,000 square feet gross self-storage or mini-warehousing facility floor area.

(14) Trash receptacles and dumpsters shall be screened from public streets and adjacent residential uses utilizing masonry material similar to the facade of the building. Screening walls shall be a masonry material that is compatible in character with the building material facade.

(15) All signs and advertising shall be in accordance with § 190-146F.

(16) The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) for the planned development shall be 0.15 for all uses permitted in the CMX-3 Zone. The maximum floor area ratio for self-storage/mini-warehousing facilities shall be 0.20 for one-story structures and 0.40 for two-story or three-story structures.