§ 190-198 Veteran and service organization facilities.

Veteran and service organization facilities are permitted upon issuance of a conditional use permit and compliance with the following standards, together with any other requirement deemed necessary by the Planning Board:

A. Minimum area: three acres.

B. Planted buffer: 20 feet.

C. Front setback: 75 feet.

D. Rear setback: 50 feet.

E. Side yard: 50 feet.

§ 190-199 Campgrounds.

A. Campgrounds may be permitted in specified zones only upon receipt of a conditional use permit and provided that the following standards are met, together with any other requirements deemed necessary by the Planning Board and any other applicable requirements of this chapter:

B. The minimum site area for a campground shall be 25 acres.

C. No campsite within a campground shall be closer than 50 feet from a property line.

D. Each campsite (including the parking space) within a campground shall provide a minimum of 2,500 square feet of space.

E. Interior roads shall be built to design specifications approved by the Planning Board depending on specific site characteristics; one-way interior roads shall have a minimum graded width of 15 feet.

F. An adequate supply of potable water, capable of supplying a total capacity of at least 100 gallons per campsite per day; water closets shall be provided at one or more locations in every campground.

G. The water points shall be convenient of access and shall be located not farther than 300 feet from any campsite upon which any tent is established therein; water shall be located on each and every site whereupon a camping vehicle is established, and electrical service shall be provided within 50 feet of any campsite wherein a camping vehicle is established.

H. No ingress or egress drives shall be located closer than 50 feet to any street intersection nor closer than 30 feet to any other drive on the same site or any other property. Such ingress and egress drives shall have a width of at least 20 feet, but not more than 30 feet.

I. No paved area other than an ingress or egress drive may be located within 10 feet of any property line.

J. No building shall be erected nearer than 65 feet to any street line or side or rear property line.

K. The site shall have direct access to a road classified as a secondary arterial or major collector road by the Township Master Plan, as amended.

L. No campground shall be located nearer than 2,000 feet from any other campground property line to property line.

M. No campground shall be permitted which is not, or cannot be, adequately screened from adjacent properties by vegetation and or terrain.

N. At least two public telephones shall be provided in the campground.

O. Issuance of a grant of approval is required for all facilities by the State Department of Health.

§ 190-200 Adult uses.

[Amended 9-25-2007 by Ord. No. O-07-25; 3-27-2012 by Ord. No. O-12-4; 12-22-2015 by Ord. No. O-15-26]

Adult bookstores, adult motion-picture theaters, body painting studios, exotic dance or strip clubs, modeling shops and tattoo shops may be permitted in the specified zones only upon receipt of a conditional use permit and provided that the following standards are met, together with any other requirement deemed necessary by the Planning Board and any other applicable requirements of this chapter:

A. No establishment or business with a use encompassing those encaptioned above shall be located closer than 3,000 feet to any school, hospital, house of worship, library, or public building.

B. No establishment or business with a use encompassing those encaptioned above shall be located closer than 3,000 feet to any adult bookstore, adult motion-picture theater, body painting studio, exotic dance or strip club, modeling studio or tattoo shop.

C. No establishment or business with a use encompassing those encaptioned above shall be located closer than 2,000 feet to an area zoned for residential use or business commercial use.

D. When any existing building is converted from any use to one of those listed above under the general term "adult uses," then, in that event, a full and complete site plan shall be submitted and reviewed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

§ 190-201 Cemeteries.

A. Cemeteries may be permitted in specified zones only upon receipt of a conditional use permit, provided that the following standards are met together with any other requirements deemed necessary by the Planning Board and any other applicable requirements of this chapter:

(1) Applicant shall possess a current certificate of authority issued pursuant to N.J.S.A. 45:27-1 et seq., New Jersey Cemetery Act of 2003, and shall be in full compliance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 3:40-1.5 et seq.

(2) Grave sites shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from any street line and 50 feet from all other property lines.

(3) Principal and/or accessory structures, including mausoleums, shall be set back a minimum of 200 feet from all property lines.

(4) Parking requirements shall be determined by the Planning Board and no parking shall be located closer than 100 feet to any street line.

B. The location and operation of existing cemeteries are hereby recognized and ratified. Any additions thereto, however, are subject to the provisions of this chapter.

§ 190-202 Cluster development.

[Amended 12-27-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-48]

Cluster residential development shall be permitted in the R-R and R-E Zones only upon receipt of a conditional use permit and provided that the following standards are met, together with any other requirements deemed necessary by the Planning Board to achieve the purposes of the RR Rural Residential and R-E Rural-Environmental Zones:

A. The minimum lot area shall be 50 acres.

B. A lot yield map shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the RR or R-E Zone to determine the number of lots permitted under the applicable zone regulations.

C. Permitted single-family residences may be developed in accordance with the following standards:

(1) Minimum lot area: R-E Zone, three acres; RR Zone, three acres.

(2) Minimum lot width and frontage: R-E Zone, 300 feet; RR Zone, 250 feet.

(3) Minimum lot depth: R-E Zone, 500 feet; RR Zone, 250 feet.

(4) Maximum lot coverage RR and R-E Zones:

(a) All buildings: 5%.

(b) Accessory buildings: 3%.

(c) All impervious surfaces: 7%.

(5) Floor area ratio: 0.05.

(6) Maximum building height: 35 feet and 2 1/2 stories.

(7) Minimum yard depths, principal and accessory buildings:

(a) Front yard: 150 feet.

(b) Side yard: 50 feet.

(c) Rear yard: 100 feet.

(8) Minimum developable area. All buildings and on-site septic systems shall be located within a developable lot area of not less than two acres in the R-E Zone and two acres in the RR Zone and shall be located within an area that can be circumscribed by a circle not less than 150 feet in diameter. Developable lot area shall not include land that is within an existing one-hundred-year floodplain, land that is located within an area designated as freshwater wetlands by the NJDEP or U.S. Army Corps or Engineers, land designated as a wetlands transition area by the NJDEP, land which has slopes of 12% or greater, or land which has a seasonable depth to seasonal high-water table of 48 inches or less.

D. All cluster developments shall provide a minimum of 40% of the total tract area for permanent open space through permanent conservation easements, dedication to Freehold Township, the County of Monmouth and/or the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

E. The proposed dedicated open space area must be contiguous to open space owned by Freehold Township, the County of Monmouth and/or the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and/or will be accepted by one or more of these agencies.

§ 190-202.1 R-40 cluster development.

[Added 2-26-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-5]

Cluster residential development shall be permitted in the R-40 Zone only upon receipt of a conditional use permit and provided that the following standards are met:

A. The minimum lot area shall be 50 acres.

B. A lot yield map shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the R-40 Zone to determine the number of lots permitted under the applicable zone regulations.

C. Permitted single-family residences may be developed in accordance with the following standards:

(1) Minimum lot area: 30,000 square feet.

(2) Maximum gross density (du/ac): 0.9.

(3) Minimum lot width and frontage: 125 feet.

(4) Minimum lot depth: 150 feet.

(5) Maximum lot coverage:

(a) All buildings: 25%.

(b) Accessory buildings: 5%.

(c) All impervious surfaces: 30%.

(6) Floor area ratio: 0.12.

(7) Maximum building height: 35 feet and 2 1/2 stories.

(8) Scenic corridor buffer: 35 feet.

(9) Minimum yard depths, principal and accessory buildings:

(a) Front yard: 50 feet.

(b) Side yard: 30 feet.

(c) Rear yard: 50 feet.

(10) Developable lot area shall not include land that is within an existing one-hundred-year floodplain, land that is located within an area designated as freshwater wetlands by the NJDEP, land designated as a wetlands transition area by the NJDEP, land which has slopes of 12% or greater, and land which has a seasonable depth to seasonal high-water table of 48 inches or less.

D. All cluster developments shall provide a minimum of 40% of the total tract area for permanent open space through permanent conservation easements and/or dedication to Freehold Township or the County of Monmouth.

§ 190-203 Planned commercial development.

[Added 8-28-2012 by Ord. No. O-12-18; amended 2-26-2013 by Ord. No. O-13-5]

Planned commercial development is permitted upon issuance of a conditional use permit, in compliance with the following standards:

A. Minimum lot area: four acres.

B. Minimum frontage on a minor arterial roadway: 350 feet.

C. Planted buffer adjacent to residential development: 35 feet.

D. Planted buffer adjacent to nonresidential development: 15 feet.

E. Front setback: 75 feet.

F. Rear setback: 35 feet.

G. Side yard: 50 feet.

H. Minimum floor area per commercial use: 3,000 square feet; provided, however, that the minimum floor area per commercial use may be reduced to 1,500 square feet, provided that the facade of the building includes articulated setbacks of a minimum of five feet for every 100 feet of facade and the architectural features of the front facade shall give the appearance of separate buildings for every 200 feet of building facade frontage.

I. Permitted uses: permitted uses in § 190-144, Commercial Zone B-2.

§ 190-204 Motels and hotels.

[Amended 6-22-2004 by Ord. No. O-04-23]

Motels and hotels, motor hotels, and similar commercial establishments providing transient lodging or lodging and meals for the general public may be permitted by this chapter in specified districts only upon receipt of a conditional use permit and provided that the following special design standards and conditions established herein are met:

A. Purpose. Hotels and motels require special location and design standards to ensure compatibility of this type of use with its immediate surrounding uses.

B. Special design standard and conditions. The following special design standards and conditions shall be provided:

(1) A motel, hotel or motor lodge shall provide a minimum of 100 guest sleeping bedrooms.

(2) The minimum site area shall be four acres.

(3) The minimum street frontage shall be 300 feet.

(4) A minimum planted buffer of 25 feet shall be provided between the hotel/motel use and rear and side yard lines of nonresidential zones and 50 feet adjacent to residential uses within residential zones. Such buffers shall be planted of conifers and other plant materials so as to create a visual barrier to hotel and motel rooms, pools and exterior patios, and other meeting or public congregation areas.

(5) A fire safety plan for evacuation of motel/hotel guests shall be submitted to the Planning Board and Fire Prevention Bureau for review and approval.

(6) A security plan shall be submitted to the Planning Board and Chief of Police for review and approval.

(7) Architectural plans shall be provided incorporating sound, light and visual protection plans for lodging areas. Elevations and architectural details shall show the type of structure(s), facade design and exterior fabric material and design compatibility with area structures.

(8) Access to all guest rooms shall be from interior hallways. No guest rooms shall access directly to the outside of the building. [Added 8-23-2005 by Ord. No. O-05-26]

C. A motel or hotel site that has a minimum of four or more acres may include one freestanding building that may include one or more restaurant, coffee shop, bagel shop or other prepared food establishment, provided that the freestanding restaurant and/or food service facility shall have a minimum combined floor area of 5,000 square feet but not more than 10,000 square feet, and further provided that there shall be not less than 1,500 square feet for each food service vendor and that no drive-through service shall be permitted. Any freestanding building shall be located at or near the frontage on the arterial or major collector street, shall provide parking that does not impair the parking required for the hotel or motel, and its exterior facade shall be designed with the same or compatible building facade materials as the hotel or motel in accordance with the architectural standards for commercial uses within this chapter.

D. Motels and hotels within the CMX-3 Zone shall have a floor area ratio (FAR) that shall not exceed 0.20. Motel and hotel buildings shall not exceed 45 feet and three stories in height, provided that any three-story structure or three-story portion of any structure shall have a minimum setback of 100 feet from any rear or side yard line that abuts a residential zone.

E. Upon preliminary and final site plan approval for a hotel or motel use that includes other permitted or conditional uses on the same property, a subdivision of the property may be approved in conjunction with final site plan approval conditioned upon the approved hotel or motel use obtaining building permits and initiation of construction on the property, provided that the hotel or motel lot shall be not less than four acres in area, and further provided that any lots subdivided for any other permitted or conditional uses shall not be less than three acres in area.