Article XIV: Off-Street Parking, Loading and Unloading Requirements
§ 190-162 Off-street parking requirements.

A. At the time of construction, enlargement, alteration or increase of capacity, or change in the use of any building, structure or property in the Township, there shall be provided improved and usable off-street parking spaces in accordance with the requirements specified in this subsection as well as Chapter 177, Handicap Parking, of the Code of the Township of Freehold, which is incorporated herein by reference.

B. None of the off-street parking facilities shall be required for any existing building or use unless such building or use is enlarged or expanded in which case the provisions of this chapter shall apply only to the enlarged portion of the building or use.

C. Parking facilities may be located in any yard area in all zones unless otherwise provided for in this chapter. In single-family residential zones, any parking facilities with a capacity of more than four vehicles shall be permitted only in a side or rear yard.

D. No required off-street parking area shall be encroached upon by any buildings, open storage, or any other uses than the parking of motor vehicles.

E. No parking spaces, access drive or aisle shall be located closer than 10 feet to any street line, or closer than five feet to any side or rear property line, or within any required buffer area.

F. All off-street parking spaces, aisles, and access drives shall be graded, paved in accordance with pavement and drainage standards established in the land subdivision sections.

G. The surface of pavement in any parking area with a capacity of more than four vehicles shall be marked with solid white or yellow painted lines in such a manner as to indicate each individual parking stall and the direction of traffic flow in each access drive and aisle.

H. No ingress or egress drive shall enter upon a public road or highway at a point closer than 50 feet to any street intersection or closer than 30 feet to any other access drive on the same property or any other property. These distances shall be measured between the curbline or the pavement edge nearest to the other drive or road in question.

I. In multiple-family residential zones, ingress and egress drives shall have a width of at least 12 feet for one-way drives, and at least 20 feet for two-way drives. No ingress or egress drive shall have a width greater than 30 feet.

J. Aisles providing direct access to parking stalls shall have minimum widths as specified herein:

(1) For sixty-one-degree parking up to and including ninety-degree parking: 24 feet.

(2) For forty-six-degree parking to sixty-one-degree parking: 16 feet.

(3) Only one-way traffic shall be permitted in aisles providing access to other than ninety-degree parking stalls, except that two-way traffic may be permitted in aisles serving parallel parking spaces, provided the aisles have a minimum width of 18 feet.

K. In the case of mixed or multiple uses on a single property, the total requirements of off-street parking spaces shall be in the sum of the requirements of all the various uses computed separately.

L. The parking areas of adjacent properties may be interconnected by not more than two driveways having a width of not less than 20 feet nor more than 30 feet.

M. In all multiple-family residential zones, all parking areas and related access drives shall be adequately illuminated during the hours between sunset and sunrise when the use is in operation. All such illumination shall be adequately shielded in such a manner as to protect any residential properties from glare generated from the illumination.

N. No lawn area, buffer strip or other unpaved area shall be used for the parking of motor vehicles except on an emergency basis. If the minimum required parking areas do not prove sufficient to accommodate all vehicles parking the property, such additional parking spaces shall be provided as to permit all vehicles to park on a paved area in accordance with the standards established in this section.

O. Parking spaces shall be a minimum of 9.5 feet by 19 feet and shall be striped with four-inch striping; provided, however, that parking lots with 1,000 or more spaces approved prior to January 1, 2000, with nine feet by 18 feet spaces with a twenty-five-foot aisle and marked with hairpin striping may be continued and, if expanded or modified, shall be permitted to maintain the nine-by-eighteen space dimension with a twenty-five-foot aisle and hairpin striping consistent with the previously approved parking lot design. Parking spaces for handicapped vehicles shall comply with the design and user access requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Parking spaces at the ends of parking aisles which abut grassed or landscaped islands shall provide for an additional width of one foot or provide for decorative access surface at the level of the grassed or landscaped island (such as pavers, grass-crete) for vehicular passengers. [Amended 3-9-2004 by Ord. No. O-04-9]

P. Parking spaces within parking garages shall be a minimum of nine feet by 18 feet with twenty-five-foot aisles. Parking garages shall conform with the New Jersey State Fire Code. [Added 3-9-2004 by Ord. No. O-04-9]

§ 190-163 Minimum parking spaces.

[Amended 3-25-2003 by Ord. No. O-03-6; 9-25-2007 by Ord. No. O-07-25; 3-17-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-4]

NOTE: When and wherever any of the uses above are so combined or commingled in such a manner so as to constitute a shopping center, shopping plaza or other combination of commercial, office, industrial or other facilities, the following parking requirements shall apply, in lieu of those stated heretofore:


(1) A parking management plan (PMP) shall be submitted and approved by the reviewing board which details peak day parking requirements and plans for employee off-site, remote or peripheral area parking; shuttle bus service for employees and/or customers; valet parking for customers; shared parking with non-shopping-center facilities, including commuter parking facilities; and other planned programs for reducing peak-period parking requirements at the designated customer parking areas.

§ 190-164 Off-street loading requirements.

A. Every building erected for commercial or industrial purposes or any other use involved in the receipt or distribution of merchandise, materials, or supplies, shall provide and permanently maintain off-street loading and unloading space in accordance with the requirements. These do not apply to such activities as personal service establishments, professional offices, business offices and similar uses, provided that these activities and uses can demonstrate that they do not normally send or receive any materials or supplies by means of large trucks or by tractor-trailer.

B. Every use requiring off-street loading space shall provide such spaces at the side or rear of the principal building in accordance with the following schedule: [Amended 3-17-2009 by Ord. No. O-09-4]

C. Each truck loading space shall measure at least 12 feet in width and 45 feet in length, and shall have a vertical clearance of at least 14 feet in height.

D. In shopping centers, commercial uses may utilize common loading spaces and nonpublic driveways, other than fire zones, during out of normal business hours of operation for loading and off-loading. The number of spaces to be provided will be in accordance with the above schedule based on gross leasable floor area rather than total floor area.

E. Required off-street loading spaces and access drives shall be paved, drained, and located in accordance with requirements established in this chapter.

F. Wherever possible access to truck loading spaces shall be separated from access automobile parking areas, particularly for any uses which require large volumes of trucking traffic.