(a) For lots served by individual on-site septic systems, required minimum lot areas shall include at least one contiguous acre of noncritical lands. Noncritical lands are lands free of wetlands, floodplains, water bodies, stream corridors, easements and topographic slope of 15% or greater.

(b) This standard shall apply to the area of the lot after first reducing the total area by portions of land subject to certain constraints as provided in the following schedule.

*If more than one constraint applies to a given area, the constraint with the greater reduction shall apply.

(1) Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), DEP or other equally reliable source.

(2) Verification by the NJDEP.

(3) Calculated within two-foot contour intervals from aerial topography or survey by a New Jersey licensed land surveyor.

(4) In accordance with the definition in § 165-4.

(5) Including existing drainage and conservation easements.

(c) Additional yard requirements: Notwithstanding minimum yard requirements, the yard depth shall be increased by one foot for every 200 square feet or part thereof of building wall surface area in excess of 20,000 square feet, provided that the yard depth need not exceed 400 feet.

(1) For buildings that are not parallel to a street or property line as described above, the additional setback shall be measured at the midpoint of the length of the building wall.

(2) For buildings having staggered walls facing on a street property line as described above, the additional setback shall apply individually to each building wall, the area of said wall being the area of a plan extending through the entire building at that point.

(d) Minimum rear yard requirement applies to the side yard if the side yard adjoins a residence district.

(e) If off-street parking is provided under a building, the maximum permitted height of that portion of the building under which parking is located may be increased to 60 feet.

(f) Side yards shall be increased to 100 feet where lot line abuts a residential zone.

(g) For hotels the height limit will be 55 feet.

(h) If application is made pursuant to a master development plan pursuant to § 165-60 of the Clinton Township Code, the maximum impervious surface coverage shall be calculated on the basis of the effective land area of the entire tract prior to the subdivision or dedication. Any resulting lot shall not have more than 80% impervious surface coverage.

(i) Fifteen feet exclusive of open porches, 20 feet to any garage door.

(j) Dwelling may be located on rear lot line for zero lot line units, provided no unit is attached to another unit.

(k) Dwelling may be located on rear lot line when attached to another unit.

(l) Dwelling may be located on side lot line for zero lot line units, provided no unit is attached to another unit.

(m) Fifteen feet minimum between buildings.

(n) Commercial uses are only permitted on tracts containing 50 acres or more of effective land area.