Article I Purpose And Scope
§30-101 PURPOSE

It is the purpose of the Borough of Roseland in adopting the Land Development Regulations to exercise to the fullest the powers granted to the Borough by the State of New Jersey to manage land development through zoning, and through the use of subdivision, site plan, and planned unit development controls and through the exercise of police power generally. It is the further purpose of the Borough in adopting this chapter to organize and codify all powers pertaining to land use regulation into one (1) comprehensive and cohesive system which will facilitate administration and minimize procedural difficulties and technical conflicts inherent in separate ordinances while providing reasonable and necessary protection of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.

§30-102 REPEALER,

Ordinance No. 8-1979, the Municipal Land Use Ordinance of the Borough of Roseland, as amended, is hereby repealed.


If any article, section, subsection or paragraph of this chapter shall be declared to be unconstitutional, invalid or inoperative, in whole or in part, by a court of competent jurisdiction, such article, section, subsection or paragraph shall, to the extent that it is not unconstitutional, invalid or inoperative, remain in full force and effect, and no such determination shall be deemed to invalidate the remaining articles, sections, subsections or paragraphs of this chapter.


This chapter shall take effect immediately upon adoption and publication according to law.