§30-403.11 Outdoor Storage.

a. Outdoor storage of any kind or nature, except storage of those items customarily used in conjunction with a residential occupancy, is prohibited in all residential zones.

b. Material stored outdoors shall be located within the minimum required accessory building setback lines.

c. In all nonresidential zones, where not specifically prohibited, outdoor storage is only permitted in the side and rear yard as herein regulated. No article, equipment, vehicles, supplies or materials or other matter shall be kept, stored or displayed outside the confines of any building unless and until the same is screened by special planting or fencing, as approved by the Board, and maintained in good condition, so that it shall not be visible from any adjacent property or public street.

d. Where otherwise permitted by this chapter, the display of new and used motor vehicles as a permitted accessory use in a nonresidential zone district shall not be required to be screened by a planting or fence, so that said use is not visible from any abutting public street.

§30-403.12 Trailers, Mobile Homes, Recreational Vehicles.

Trailers, mobile homes and recreational vehicles as defined in Article II herein shall be stored in accordance with subsection 30-403.12a. below, except that with respect to a trailer set up for use in connection with a construction project in any zone, the following shall apply:

A.trailer may be set up for use in connection with a construction project in any zone for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days, provided an occupancy permit therefor has been obtained from or reissued by the Construction Official, who is hereby authorized to issue such permits. Any violation of any provisions in this chapter, or the provisions of any ordinance, shall void said permit and a trailer may be subject to immediate removal from the Borough and such other actions the governing body may consider necessary.

a. Parking or Storage of Mobile Homes, Trailers, Recreational Vehicles.

1. Parking or storage restricted; use as dwelling prohibited.

No person shall park or store a mobile home, trailer or recreational vehicle as defined herein in Article II in the open on any street, highway or other public place within the Borough of Roseland, or on any lot or tract of land therein, whether occupied or unoccupied except that any such structure or vehicle may be parked in a garage or parked or stored by the owner thereof as hereinafter set forth. No such structure or vehicle, while stored or parked as permitted in this subsection, shall be occupied or used for dwelling purposes.

2. Under no circumstances shall any such structure or vehicle, other than any construction trailer actually used in conjunction with construction upon construction sites, be used for dwelling purposes, human habitation or occupancy of any kind or nature; nor shall the same be connected to any water main, sewer, gas, electric or other utility. Trailers used in connection with construction shall receive a trailer permit to park from the Construction Official who shall have reasonable discretion to regulate the place of parking, use, location and length of stay.

3. No mobile home, trailer or recreational vehicle shall be parked in the front yard of any residential dwelling. Whenever possible, all such vehicles shall be parked and stored by the owner thereof in that half of the rear yard closest to such primary structure dwelling, but shall not extend beyond a distance of twenty-eight (28) feet or one-half () of the length of the rear of the dwelling, whichever is less, and then only in such fashion that no part of such structure or vehicle shall project beyond the outside walls of the dwelling or above the highest point of the lowest roof thereof. The Construction Official or Zoning Official shall have authority to determine when it is not possible to park said vehicle or structure in the rear yard or whether, because of topography, property layout or other aesthetic considerations, it is more feasible to park as otherwise provided herein. In such cases, the structure or vehicle may be parked or stored in the other half of the rear yard or in the side yard, but no such structure or vehicle shall be parked or stored in such manner as to violate the side yard requirements for the zone district in which dwelling is located.

4. All mobile homes, trailers and recreational vehicles not stored in an enclosed garage shall be reasonably screened. Screening may consist of trellis, latticework, decorative block, basket-weave fencing, open artistic block or other similar material at least four (4) feet in height approved by the Construction or Zoning Official, or may be shrubbery at least four (4) feet in height. All screening shall be maintained as originally approved. If the screening is not so maintained, any permit granted is subject to revocation by the Construction or Zoning Official. All screening shall also conform to any other Borough ordinance, including those concerning fences. The requirements of this section shall not apply to a construction trailer.

5. No motor home, trailer or recreational vehicle shall be parked, placed, kept or maintained on any lot or tract other than the lot upon which the principal residence of the actual owner of the same is located.

6. Any motor home, trailer or recreational vehicle parked or stored in accordance with the terms of this chapter must:

(a) Be currently licensed for use upon the highways of this State in accordance with the laws of this State, if such licensing is required.

(b) comply with any and all provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:1-1. et seq. relating to trailers, if applicable.

(c) Be kept and maintained in current repair and kept painted and free from rust.

(d) Collapsible trailers shall be stored or parked in collapsed condition.

7. Temporary Parking.

Any provision of this subsection notwithstanding, a trailer may be parked, placed or located off the street for a period not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours while engaged in the process of loading; or unloading; and any motor home, trailer or recreational vehicle may be parked in a driveway from sunset to sunrise the following morning where such structure or vehicle is then being used for recreational purposes.

8. Temporary Parking for Transients.

Transients through or visitors to the Borough may park trailers in a driveway, side or rear yard of an occupied dwelling for a period of time not to exceed ten (10) cumulative days, provided such transient or visitor makes immediate application to the Construction or Zoning Official for a permit to so park on the premises of the occupied dwelling. Not more than one (1) such permit shall be issued to any one (1) owner or operator in any twelve (12) month period. No permit shall be granted unless the parking is without charge therefor.

9. Emergency Parking or Stopping.

Emergency or temporary parking or stopping of a motor home, trailer or recreational vehicle is permitted on any street or highway within the Borough for not longer than one (1) hour subject, however, to any other and further prohibitions or limitations imposed by the traffic and parking regulations for that street or highway.

10. Exceptions.

Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, a trailer may be temporarily parked or stored in the open in connection with:

(a) A public health program sponsored by the Board of Health of the Borough or other public agency.

(b) A program sponsored by any public board or agency of the Borough or of its Board of Education.

(c) A carnival or other affair or function authorized by the Borough Council.

§30-403.13 Parking of Commercial Vehicles in Residential Districts.

a. No commercial motor vehicle having a rated maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW) in excess of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or having more than two (2) axles, shall be parked or stored overnight on any occupied property which is primarily used for residential purposes or on any vacant property in a residentially zoned area, except for vehicles engaged in construction, parked or stored on an active construction site.

b. Not more than one motor vehicle with commercial motor vehicle registration, having a rated maximum gross vehicle weight (GVW) of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or less shall be parked or stored overnight on any occupied property which is primarily used for residential purposes or on any vacant property in a residentially zoned area, except for vehicles engaged in construction, parked or stored on an active construction site. This provision shall not apply to passenger automobiles with commercial motor vehicle registration.

§30-403.14 Earth Station Antenna.

Earth station antennas are permitted in any zone as an accessory use as this term is defined in this chapter and shall be subject to all regulations set forth herein governing the location and height of accessory buildings as well as those further regulations and conditions set forth in this subsection.

a. The diameter of earth station antennas (parabolic dish) shall not exceed twelve (12) feet.

b. The maximum height of antennas and mounting structures measured vertically from the highest point of the antenna when positioned for operation shall not exceed thirteen (13) feet above the ground (unless an integral part of another structure in which event the height limitation on such structure shall control).

c. No ground level earth station antenna shall be closer to the property lines than the required setback for accessory buildings or a distance equal to the height of the antenna, whichever is greater.

d. Every ground mounted earth station antenna shall be screened by a special planting or fence, as required and approved by the Zoning Officer, or which shall be maintained in good condition, so that the said earth station antenna shall not be readily visible from any adjacent property or public street.

e. Power control and signal cables from or to the earth station antenna snail be installed in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code.

§30-403.15 Public Utilities.

Public utility distribution facilities required for direct local service may be located anywhere within the Borough where reasonably necessary, provided such facilities are placed within the rights-of-way of existing roads and streets or in utility easements. Public utility buildings or structures, other than those provided for in the foregoing sentence, shall not be located in any zone unless approved by the Board as a conditional use under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67 and in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

§30-403.16 Visibility Requirements.

On any corner lot in any zone, no fence, structure, planting or shrubbery over thirty (30) inches in height above the level of the pavement at the center of the street opposite the point in question shall be erected or maintained within fifty (50) feet of the intersection formed by the projections of the two (2) street sidelines at the corner.

§30-403.17 Signs.

a. Permit.

It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, paint, or relocate any signs as defined by this chapter within the Borough of Roseland without first obtaining a sign erection permit from the Zoning Officer. The Zoning Officer shall issue permits only for such signs as are specifically allowed for the particular premises and zone district in which the premises are located.

b. Sign Area Measurement.

The area of a sign shall be computed as the total square foot content of the background upon which the lettering, illustration or display is presented including any wall support or frame. If there is no circumscribed background, the sign area shall be computed as the product of the largest horizontal width and the largest vertical height of the lettering, illustration or display. This shall not be construed to include the supporting members of any sign which are used solely for such purpose. The area for a sign with more than one face is computed by adding together the area of all sign faces visible from one point. For double-sided identical signs, only one side constitutes total sign area. Signs with more than two (2) display faces are prohibited. A sign with two (2) display areas having an included angle of over forty-five (45) degrees is prohibited.

c. General Sign Provisions.

1. Any signs not specifically permitted are hereby prohibited.

2. No sign shall be located in such a manner as to materially impede the view of any street or intersection.

3. Except where otherwise provided, no sign or any part thereof shall be located closer than ten (10) feet to any lot line.

4. All height limitations shall be measured from ground level to the highest part of the sign or its supporting structure, whichever is higher.

5. Signs erected flat against the side of a building shall not extend above the height of the vertical wall or cornice to which they are attached.

6. All illuminated signs shall be lighted or exposed to artificial lighting by lights on or in the sign or directed toward the sign. No sign shall be lighted by means of flashing, revolving, or intermittent illumination. All lights shall be completely shielded from view of vehicular traffic using any public thoroughfare.

7. Temporary construction signs used as accessory to new construction or alteration on the premises are permitted only after a construction permit for said construction and Zoning Permit for the sign has been issued: provided, however, said temporary sign shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area in residential zones and twenty (20) square feet in area in nonresidential zones and must be removed either prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for said construction or within seven (7) days of the completion of the alteration or renovation.

8. Real estate signs are permitted without a permit in all zones provided each complies with all of the following requirements:

(a) It is non-illuminated.

(b) It must pertain only to the lease, rent, future use or sale of the premises upon which it is placed.

(c) It shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area in residential and twenty (20) square feet in area in nonresidential.

(d) It shall be removed within seven (7) days after the consummation of lease, rent or sale transaction.

9. Signs deemed necessary to the public welfare by the Borough, including but not limited to customary "No Trespassing" and traffic or circulation directing signs, are permitted without a permit in all zones. Such signs shall not pertain to any company, individual or business establishment or organization, fraternal or otherwise.

10. A sign not more than eight (8) square feet in area advertising the name of a church on the church premises, its pastor and its coming activities is permitted in all zones.

d. Construction.

1. Freestanding signs shall be supported by posts or pylons of durable materials which may include concrete, steel, treated wood. other suitable materials. or any combination of same. Supports for freestanding signs shall be set securely in the ground or concrete so that the sign will be capable of withstanding high winds. No other bracing or guy wire shall be permitted.

2. Any sign attached flat against the surface of a building shall be constructed of durable material and attached securely to the building with nonrusting metal hardware.

e. Maintenance.

If the Zoning Officer shall find that any sign is in need of repair, or is not maintained in proper painted condition, the Zoning Officer shall give written notice to the permittee thereof. If the permittee fails to repair or remove it within thirty (30) days after such notice, a summons may be issued.

f. Signs in the Residential Districts.

In the residential zones, only the following signs shall be permitted in addition to the signs as permitted in paragraph c. above:

1. For single family dwellings, one (1) nameplate sign or customary sign for permitted uses, not more than two (2) square feet in area; provided, however, that no such sign shall be placed within ten (10) feet from any property line other than a street right-of-way line. Such signs may be either non-illuminated or illuminated non-flashing signs provided that the direct source of light is shielded in such a manner that it is not visible from the street or any adjoining residential property.

2. Signs in connection with each housing or land development as follows:

(a) At the main entrance to the development, two (2) freestanding signs which shall state the name of the development and no other advertising material. Each sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height.

(b) At each entrance other than the main entrance, one freestanding sign not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area and not more than six (6) feet in height.

(c) At the rental or sales office of the development, one (1) freestanding sign advertising the office, not to exceed fifteen (15) square feet in area and not more than five (5) feet in height.

g. Signs in the B-I and B-2 Business Districts.

In the B-1 and B-2 Zone Districts, no signs other than those accessory to the business conducted on the premises are permitted.

1. One (1) facade sign may be placed or inscribed upon the front facade of a building for each permitted use or activity. Said signs shall not exceed an area equal to ten (10%) percent of the front wall area of the building or portion thereof devoted to such use or activity; and the sum of the area of all facade signs shall not exceed ten (10%) percent of the total front wall area.

2. One (1) freestanding sign not exceeding fifteen (15) square feet in area in the B-1 Zone and thirty (30) square feet in area in the B-2 Zone nor ten (10) feet in height; provided, however, where more than one (1) use exists in a building, or where two (2) or more buildings share common site elements or are located on the same lot as indicated on an approved site plan, only one (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted. No freestanding sign shall be located in an area within twenty-five (25) feet of any boundary of a residential zone.

3. Signs are permitted in the window of any business located in the B-1 and B-2 Zone districts. The total sign area for all signs in the window shall not exceed twenty-five (25%) percent of the area of the face of the window upon which said sign is attached.

h. Signs in the OB-1, OB-2, OB-3 and RM Districts.

In addition to signs as permitted in this section, the following signs accessory to the operation or occupancy of the premises shall be permitted in the OB-1, OB-2, OB-3 and RM Zones.

1. Signs attached and parallel to the face of the building. One (1) facade sign for each building may be placed or inscribed upon one facia of the building. The signs shall not exceed an area equal to ten (10) percent of the facade upon which the sign is to be located, but in no case shall the area of the sign exceed ninety (90) square feet.

2. One (1) freestanding sign for each street frontage is permitted only if the premises being advertised have a minimum lot width at the required front yard setback of three hundred (300) feet and no building is closer than seventy (70) feet to the front street property line; provided, however, that no freestanding sign shall be placed within thirty (30) feet to any street or highway right-of-way line nor thirty (30) feet to any other property line.

(a) Said freestanding sign shall identify the principal business or operation conducted on the premises only. Tenants shall not attach their sign to any part of the: permitted freestanding-sign.

(b) Where a freestanding sign as permitted by this subsection is parallel to the front street property line, the length of the sign shall not be over ten (10%) percent of the length of the building in front of which the sign shall be placed, but in no case shall the length of the sign exceed fifteen (15) feet.

(c) Where a freestanding sign as permitted by this subsection is not parallel to the front street property line, the length of the sign shall not be over five (5%) percent of the length of the building in front of which the sign shall be .placed, but in no case shall the length of the sign exceed ten (10) feet

(d) The height of any freestanding sign as permitted by this section shall not exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the length as permitted in paragraph h1. and h,2. above, but in no case shall the height of the sign exceed eight (8) feet above the ground.

(e) For the purpose of administering this section, the height of a freestanding sign shall be the greatest vertical dimension and the length shall be the greatest horizontal dimension of the background upon which the lettering, illustration or display is presented including any base support or frame.

(f) Freestanding signs are subject to Board approval.

i. Sign Regulations for Gasoline Service Stations.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, gasoline service stations, where permitted, may display only the following signs which are deemed customary and necessary to their respective businesses.

1. One (1) freestanding sign advertising the name of the station and the principal products sold on the premises, including any special company or brand name, insignia, or emblem, and price information provided that the total area of such sign shall not exceed ninety (90) square feet in area on each side and that each component of such sign shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet. Such sign shall be placed not less than ten (10) feet within the property line and no portion of said sign other than supporting members shall be less than ten (10) nor more than twenty-five (25) feet above the ground.

2. Freestanding signs are subject to Board approval.

3. Facade signs for each face of the building fronting on a road or street, not in excess of ten (10%) percent of the wall area or fifteen (15) square feet, whichever is the lesser.

4. Directional signs or lettering displayed over individual entrance doors or bays or pumps, consisting only of the words "washing", "lubrication", "repairs", "mechanic on duty", "full", "diesel" or other words closely similar in import, provided that there ,shall be not more than one (1) such sign over each entrance, bay, or pump; the letters thereof shall not exceed twelve (12) inches in height, and the total area of each sign shall not exceed three (3) square feet.

5. Customary lettering on or other insignia which are a structural part of a gasoline pump, consisting only of the brand name of gasoline sold, lead warning sign, a price indicator, and any other sign required by law, and not exceeding a total of two (2) square feet on each pump.

6. One (1) temporary sign located inside the property line and specifically advertising special seasonal servicing of automobiles, provided that such sign does not exceed six (6) square feet in area.

j. Prohibited Signs.

The following signs are prohibited in all zones in the Borough.

1. Signs using red, yellow and green lights which might be confused with the operation of any traffic control signal.

2. Moving or revolving signs and signs using blinking, flashing, vibrating, flickering, tracer or sequential lighting.

3. Signs using neon lights or any material which sparkles or glitters, but nothing herein contained is intended to prohibit the use of reflective paint on signs directing traffic or identifying various locations within a lot or parcel.

4. Any sign which unreasonably tends to distract drivers or otherwise constitutes a traffic hazard.

5. Roof signs.

6. Signs or advertising matter of an indecent or obscene nature.

7. Signs using words such as "stop", "look", "danger", etc. which are placed in a manner or position which constitute a traffic hazard or otherwise interfere with the free flow of traffic.

8. Signs which attempt to imitate or otherwise cause confusion with existing signs erected by any governmental board, body or agency.

9. Except where specifically permitted, signs advertising a product or service not sold on the premises, signs advertising or directing attention to another premises and any other signs unrelated to the premises on which the sign is erected.

10. Signs causing interference with radio or television reception.

11. Signs obstructing doors, fire escapes or stairways or keeping light or air from windows used for living quarters.

12. Flags, banners, strings of banners, pinwheels, A-type signs, sandwich-type signs, curb signs, and similar advertising devices.

13. Signs placed on awnings, trees, fences, utility poles, light poles; signs attached to other signs and signs placed upon motor vehicles which are continuously or repeatedly parked in a conspicuous location to serve as a sign; but nothing herein contained is intended to prohibit the placement of signs directing traffic or identifying various locations within a lot or parcel on light poles and utility poles erected therein.

14. Any series of two (2) or more signs placed along a street or highway carrying an advertising message, part of which is contained on each sign.

15. A sign on a motor vehicle, truck, trailer, whether or not operational and whether or not self-propelled which is used or parked or designated to be parked for advertising purposes. Specifically exempted from this section are those signs, nameplates, or letters affixed to or printed upon commercial vehicles regularly used in the course of business for regular deliveries, pick ups or other such purposes and/or in compliance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-46. Specifically included are signs on vehicles, trailers, and the like which have as their prime purpose the advertising of goods, wares, or services of a business which are maintained in a stationary manner at one (1) or more locations for extended periods of time.

k. Signs Permitted Without a Permit.

The following signs shall be permitted in any zone in the Borough without a permit:

1. Non-illuminated directional signs identifying parking areas, loading zones, entrances, exits, and similar locations. The signs may include a business name or professional name but shall not include any advertising message and shall not exceed three (3) square feet.

2. Temporary and permanent traffic signs and signals installed by the Borough, County or State for the purpose of directing and regulating the flow of traffic.

3. Signs indicating public transportation stops when installed by the Borough or a public transportation utility.

4. Historical tablets, cornerstones, memorial plaques and emblems which do not exceed six (6) square feet in area and which are installed by government agencies or civil or religious organizations.

5. Warning and no-trespassing signs, not exceeding three (3) square feet in area.

6. Flags or emblems, of religious, educational, civic, or governmental organizations flown from supports on the buildings or grounds occupied by the organization and the American flag whenever and wherever flown in accordance with the laws and rules promulgated by the Federal government.

7. Name and number plates identifying residents and affixed to a house, apartment or mailbox, not exceeding seventy-two (72) square inches in area.

8. Lawn signs identifying residents, not exceeding one and one-half (1 1/2) square feet in area for each side. The signs shall not contain any advertising message and shall be nonilluminated except by a light which is an integral part of a lamppost if used as a support.

9. Signs posted by governmental agencies or pursuant to governmental statute, order or regulation.

(Ord. No. 13-2000; Ord. No. 6-2001 § XI; New)