ARTICLE X Parking Spaces and Loading Berths | |||||||
§ 240-45. Schedule of minimum required parking spaces.
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A. No building or premises shall be used nor shall any building be erected nor shall any building be altered so as to expand its usable floor area unless there is provided parking spaces upon the same premises upon which the use or building is located, or as provided for in 240-22.3H in accordance with the following schedule:
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B. In addition to parking requirements for each use specified above, off-street parking in nonresidential zones shall be provided for each service or delivery vehicle used by the occupant of the property (excluding B-3A Zone, none required).
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§ 240-46. Off-premises parking.
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Parking spaces required by this chapter may be provided in certain districts on premises other than those upon which the use is located as a conditional use granted by the Planning Board as provided in | |||||||
§ 240-47. Reduction of required off-street parking spaces.
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Required off-street parking space shall not be reduced or encroached upon in either of the two following circumstances only: | |||||||
A. Such space may be reduced by the amount to which other off-street parking space is provided for the use or uses involved, satisfying the requirements of | |||||||
B. Such space may be reduced by such amount as may be justified by a reduction in the need for such space by reason of a reduction in the size or change in the nature of the use to which such space is appurtenant.
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§240-48. Additional regulations on off-street parking for one-and two-family dwellings.
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A. Notwithstanding any other section of this chapter, no front yard of a lot upon which is located a one- or twofamily dwelling shall be used for the parking of motor vehicles, except that motor vehicles may be parked upon a driveway in the front yard. Similarly, in the case of corner lots, no side yard facing a street on a lot upon which is located a one- or two-family dwelling shall be used for the parking of motor vehicles, except that motor vehicles may be parked upon a driveway in the side yard. The use of a driveway for the parking of motor vehicles shall be subject to the following limitations:
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(1) Front yard. The driveway shall consist of the area directly opposite to an attached garage, detached garage or depressed garage or the extension of the side yard into the front yard. The driveway width shall not exceed 16 feet. However, if there is no garage and no available side yard, a driveway not to exceed 16 feet in width from the side lot line may be constructed.
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(2) Side yard of corner lots. The driveway shall consist of the area directly opposite and adjacent to an attached garage, detached garage or depressed garage or the extension of the rear yard into the side yard which abuts a street. However, if there is no garage and no available rear yard, a driveway not to exceed 16 feet in width from the rear lot line may be constructed.
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(3) Each property shall not have more than one driveway and one curb cut approved by the Township. Curb cuts are subject to the following standards:
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(a) A curb cut for a one-car garage shall not exceed 12 feet in length.
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(b) A curb cut for a two-car garage shall not exceed 16 feet in length.
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(c) In no case shall a curb cut exceed 20 feet in length.
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§240-48.1. Off-street parking accessory to professional dffice or home occupation.
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Off-street parking area accessory to a professional office or home occupation located in a one- or two-family dwelling and off-street parking areas accessory to a multifamily dwelling shall not be located in the front yard or side yard abutting a street. The minimum setback of off-street parking area from any other lot line shall be five feet. | |||||||
§240-48.2. Location of off-street parking for other uses .
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Except for uses specified above in 240-48 and 240-48.1, parking and loading areas located in any front yard or side yard abutting a street shall not be permitted within 10 feet of the right-of-way line of a street. The minimum setback of off-street parking and loading area from any other lot line shall be five feet. The five-foot parking and loading area setback need not be provided between properties which have common access and/or common parking areas. | |||||||
§ 240-48.3. Parking lot landscaping.
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All parking lots of over 20,000 square feet in area shall have at least 5% of the area within the parking lot devoted to landscaping, including shade trees. Such areas shall be not less than five feet in least dimension and shall be located between, within or at the ends of parking rows. | |||||||
§ 240-48.4. Buffer for parking areas.
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Where any parking or loading area adjoins a lot in any R District, a landscaped buffer strip at least six feet in width containing plantings at least three feet high shall be provided. | |||||||
§ 240-48.5. Permitted commercial vehicles.
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No commercial vehicle or truck having lettering exceeding three inches in height, having racks, platforms, ladders or other equipment affixed thereto shall be parked in a residential zone between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. except in a completely enclosed garage. Any lettering on a permitted commercial vehicle shall contain only the information required by state law. | |||||||
§ 240-48.5.1. Prohibited commercial vehicle.
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The following types of commercial vehicles shall not be parked or stored in a residential zone: tractors and/or trailers, step vans, dual-wheel vehicles, tow trucks, trucks, buses, dump trucks, flatbed trucks, backhoes, front-end loaders and construction equipment of any kind. | |||||||
§ 240-48.6. Trailer and boat parking and storage.
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A. Open parking and storage prohibited; storage on private premises. No person shall park or store any camper, trailer or boat in the open or on any street, highway or other public place within the Township of Nutley or on any lot or tract of land therein, except that a camper, trailer or boat may be parked or stored by the owner thereof in a garage or behind his dwelling house in that 1/2 of the rear yard closest to such dwelling, and then only in such fashion that no part of such camper, trailer or boat shall project beyond the walls of the dwelling nor above the highest point of the lowest roof thereof. No camper, trailer or boat while stored or parked as permitted in this section shall be occupied or used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes.
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B. Emergency or temporary parking or storage. Emergency or temporary parking or stopping of a camper, trailer or trailed boat is permitted on any driveway, street or highway within the Township of Nutley for not longer than two hours, subject, however, to any other further prohibitions or limitations imposed by the traffic and parking regulations for that street or highway.
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C. Parking or storage on corner lots; occupancy as dwelling prohibited. In the case of corner lots, a camper, trailer or boat may be parked or stored by the owner thereof behind his dwelling house in that of the rear yard closest to such dwelling, or if the side yard is larger than the rear yard, the camper, trailer or boat shall be parked or stored by the owner thereof adjacent to his dwelling house in that of the side yard closes to such dwelling, and then only in such fashion that no part of said camper, trailer or boat shall project beyond the walls of the dwelling nor above the highest point of the lowest roof thereof. No. camper, trailer or boat while stored or parked as permitted in this section shall be occupied or used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes.
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§ 240-49. Schedule of minimum loading spaces.
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A. No building or premises shall be used nor shall any building be erected or reconstructed, nor shall any building be altered so as to expand its usable floor area unless there is provided off-street loading space in accordance with the following schedule:
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B. Each loading space shall be at least 12 feet wide, 56 feet long and 14 feet high, except that, in the case of establishments which demonstrate to the satisfaction of the approving body or office that no deliveries will be by trailer or semitrailer trucks, each loading space shall be at least 10 feet wide and 25 feet long or of such larger dimension as will accommodate the expected delivery or service vehicles.
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