Note 1: The minimum setback is ten (10') feet and no sign shall be placed closer than fifteen (15') feet from a driveway or street intersection, except for area identification signs not exceeding thirty (30") inches in height located in entranceway traffic islands.

Note 2: Each entranceway for a multiple occupancy structure shall be permitted to have a ground sign no greater than two (2) square feet in area which displays the unit numbers which are served by that entranceway.

Note 3: Wall signs shall not be located higher than fifteen (15') feet from the ground and free-standing signs no more than seven (7') feet.

Note 4: In all nonresidential zones, except the OP200, CEM, and Institutional uses, one (1) sign installed for each occupancy, tenant, or owner of a structure. The sign shall be placed or inscribed upon the front facade of the structure in the immediate area being occupied.

In all nonresidential zones, except the OP200, CEM, and Institutional uses, if the structure faces more than one (1) public street, one (1) additional sign is permitted to be erected or inscribed for that occupant or tenant whose space faces the secondary street. This secondary sign shall be placed or inscribed upon the facade within the area occupied by the tenant or occupant adjoining the secondary street.

If the rear or side of the structure contains a public entranceway adjoining a public or private off-street parking area, one (1) additional sign for each occupancy or tenant of the structure is permitted to be located within the area occupied and immediately over the entranceway. The additional sign shall be attached or inscribed to the facade facing the public or private off-street parking area.

Note 5: The area of each sign located on the front facade of the building shall not exceed two (2) square feet for each foot of front wall width or as indicated above, whichever is less; provided however, that if more than one (1) occupant, tenant or owner of the building is to be identified by an additional sign or signs on the front facade, the total area of all signs on the front facade in the aggregate shall not exceed two (2) square feet for each foot of wall width or as indicated above, whichever is less.

The area of each sign located on the side or rear facade of a building shall not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet or one (1) square foot for each foot of wall width in question, whichever is less. The total area of all signs located on the rear or side facade shall in the aggregate not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet or one (1) square foot of sign for each foot of wall width, whichever is less.

Note 6: The distance from the top of the highest letter or logo on the sign to the bottom of the lowest letter or logo on the sign shall not exceed forty-eight (48") inches; provided, however, that the height of a letter shall not exceed eighteen (18") inches, the height of an initial capital letter shall not exceed twenty-four (24") inches, and the height of a personal logo shall not exceed thirty-six (36") inches.

Each sign shall be installed parallel to the face of the facade, not projecting more than twelve (12") inches therefrom, nor projecting above the top or beyond either side of the facade. The bottom of each sign shall be at least eight (8') feet above the highest point of the finished grade along the applicable facade.

Except as provided herein, pylon signs must be a minimum of ten (10') feet and a maximum of thirty (30') feet from the average grade immediately surrounding the sign.

Except as provided herein, free-standing signs shall not be located higher than seven (T) feet from the ground.

Note 7: Except as provided herein, the minimum setback is fifteen (15') feet and no sign shall be placed closer than fifteen (15') feet from a driveway or street intersection.

Note 8: Identification of membership in a retail or professional organization, or credit card, credit associate or plan or manufacturer's identification, or legally required licenses, or signs announcing business hours, or temporary or permanent business signs, when attached to or painted on a window or windows of any structure, alone or in combination with a permitted business sign placed upon the window or windows, shall not exceed twenty-five (25%) percent or one hundred (100) square feet, whichever is less, of the total ground floor glass or glazing area and shall be permitted on ground floor glass or glazing area.

Note 9: The maximum aggregate area for all wall signs shall be 200 sq. ft. Front and 50 sq. ft. Side/Rear.

(Ord. #1011; Ord. #1169; Ord. #1128, §§I-III; Ord. #1298; Ord. #1324, §II)

**Webmasters Note: The previous 24-11.7 through 24-18.4 is current as per Supplement No. 9.