7. Pedestrian Walkways.

(d) Only one (1) way traffic shall be permitted in aisles serving parking spaces placed at an angle other than ninety (90) degrees.

All residential developments shall provide a system of continuous paved walkways not less than five (5') feet in width linking primary residential entrances to off-site Township, County or State roads. Such walkways need not parallel streets or dedicated roads. The walkway system shall linkup with adjacent public facilities where feasible. Sidewalks shall be provided adjacent to collector streets.

8. Refuse Collection and Storage.

Provision shall be made for the proper storage and collection of refuse and shall be within an enclosed building or structure or appropriately screened and landscaped, and shall be reasonably accessible for vehicular collection.

9. Common Open Space Requirements.

(a) A minimum of twenty (20%) percent of the land area of any development other than single or two (2) family housing and which may include environmentally restricted land, shall be designated for conservation, open space, recreation and/or other common open space.

(b) All property owners and tenants shall have the right to use the common open space.

(c) All common open space deeded to an open space organization, trust, or private organization, shall be owned and maintained as provided for in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-43.

(d) Common open space may include tract setback areas for computation purposes. Such space shall be readily accessible to all residents of the development, and no area designated as open space shall be less than thirty-five (35') feet in width.

10. Drainage.

(a) Storm sewers, open channels, bridges, and culverts shall be designed from minimum flow capacities as follows:

(b) All materials used in the construction to be in accordance with the specifications of the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the New Jersey Highway Department," current edition, and any supplements and modifications thereof unless otherwise specified by the reviewing Municipal agency.

(c) Surface water runoff shall be regulated by §§ 145-25 J and 154-30 C of the Code of the Township.

(d) Where required by the Township and as indicated on an improved development plan, a drainage right-of-way easement shall be provided to the Township where a tract or lot is traversed by a drainage system, channel, or stream. The drainage right-of-way easement shall conform substantially with the lines of such watercourse and, in any event, shall meet any minimum widths and locations as shown on any official map and/or master plan or as recommended by the Township Engineer.

(e) Any catch basin, open grate, manhole, curb and inlet or similar device which drains stormwater into a river, lake, stream, brook or other body of water shall be designed with a permanent identification notifying the public that the facility drains into a body of water.

11. Lighting.

(a) Street lighting shall be provided for all street intersections and along all collector and local streets, parking areas, and anywhere else deemed necessary for safety reasons.

(b) Any outdoor lighting such as building and sidewalk illumination, driveways with no adjacent parking, the lighting of signs, and ornamental lighting, shall be shown on the lighting plan in sufficient detail to allow a determination of the effects upon adjacent properties, roads, and traffic safety from glare, reflection, and overhead sky glow in order to recommend steps needed to minimize these-impacts.

(c) Specific lighting requirements. The maximum intensity of lighting permitted on roadways shall be as follows. Average maintained horizontal illumination for residential areas:

12. Sanitary Sewers. The developer shall design and construct sanitary sewer facilities in accordance with the N.J.D.E.P. permit requirements and in such manner as to make adequate sewage treatment available to each lot and structure within the development. If a public or private treatment and collection system is included as part of a development application, the developer shall install sewers, including connections, to each unit to be constructed.

**Webmasters Note: Sections 22-11(10.) through the previous subsection (12.) have been amended as per Supplement No. 12.

13. Streets.

(a) All developments shall be served by paved streets in accordance with the approved subdivision and/or site plan and all such streets shall have adequate drainage.

(b) Local streets shall be planned so as to discourage through traffic.

(c) The minimum public street right-of-way and cartway and the minimum private street cartway shall be in accordance with the following schedule:

(d) Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as is possible and in no case shall be less than eighty (80) degrees. Approaches to all intersections shall follow a straight line for at least one hundred (100') feet or a curve with a radius of not less than six hundred (600') feet. No more than two (2) streets shall meet or intersect at any point and the centerlines of both intersecting streets shall pass through a common point.

(e) A tangent of at least one hundred (100') feet shall be provided between reverse curves on collector streets.

(f) Cul-de-sacs shall be no more than one thousand (1,000') feet in length and shall provide access to no more than eighty (80) dwelling units. A turnaround shall be provided at the end of the cul-de-sac with a paved turning radius of forty (40') feet and a right-of-way in the case of public streets of one hundred (100') feet.

(g) The pavement standard for all roads shall be as follows:

(1) An unyielding well compacted subgrade.

(2) A four (4") inch thick macadam base course consisting of two and one-half (2-1/2") inch diameter stories bound with dust.

(3) A two (2") inch thick bituminous stabilized base course, NJDOT Mix #I-2.

(4) A one and one-half (1-1/2") inch thick bituminous concrete surface course, NJDOT Mix #1-5.

(5) All materials shall meet the requirements and shall be installed in accordance with "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction of the New Jersey Highway Department," current edition, and any supplements and modifications thereof unless otherwise specified by the reviewing agency.

(h) Street grades.. Grades for collector streets shall not exceed eight (8%) percent and grades for local streets shall not exceed ten (10%) percent. No street shall have a grade less than five-tenths (0.5%) percent.

14. Water Supply. Water mains and connection lines shall be constructed in such a manner as to make adequate water service available to each building or lot within the development. The system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with requirements and standards of the agency or authority having water supply jurisdiction. Fire hydrants shall not be more than five hundred (500') feet apart.

15. Waivers. The approving agency when reviewing applications for ML-1 and ML-2 development shall have the power to grant exceptions to the above design requirements as may be reasonable and within the general purpose and intent of the ML zones if the literal enforcement of one or more of the provisions is impracticable or will exact undue hardships because of peculiar conditions pertaining to the land in question.

e. Miscellaneous Provisions.

1. All ordinances or portions of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

2. This Chapter shall take effect immediately upon final passage as provided for by law and upon entry of a final judgment of compliance by the trial court in the lawsuit URBAN LEAGUE OF ESSEX COUNTY ET AL. V. TOWNSHIP OF MAHWAH, ET AL., Docket No. L 17112-71. However, the Township adopts this ordinance under protest as provided for by the MOUNT LAUREL II decision. If any section, any part of any section, or any phrase or clause is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Chapter.

(Ord. #595; Ord. #851; Ord. #863; 1976 Code §14553; Ord. #1413)

**Webmasters Note: Sections 22-11(13, h) through the previous subsection (2.) have been amended as per Supplement No. 12.